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Good nosh guide!


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I wonder if Richardson's issue this free to those who have booked a holiday with them, or will hirers have to buy it?

Hi Geoff,


These things are often/usually in a skippers manual on board your hire cruiser. A proper answer may come along from the boss himself if he reads the thread.



cheers Iain

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Its free to everyone not just our customers or boating, its about what the whole area has to offer when the

visitors are here.


An very useful guide Clive, useful information for holidaymakers and local residents.


99.9% of its readers won't give a damn about the missing prefix "a member of" and suffix "family".


...and rightly so....  :)

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Its a real pity that everyone does not take this in the spirit it was intended.


Well done Clive for supporting this initiative - its very important that visitors to National Parks are encouraged to stay here and eat here and spend their money to benefit the whole area although I understand Clive will shortly be getting a photocopied 24 page addendum to include, to explain to all those individuals that what is called a National Park is not really one, but just something that is like one, but in fact only a member of the National Parks Family. It will also include a "Spot the Difference" puzzle for the under 10's !!!!!

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If that is the case, what was the point of the renaming?


As Marshman said, "Its a real pity that everyone does not take this in the spirit it was intended."


The main focus of this thread is the positive aspects of people providing a useful free guide of Norfolk eateries.


Hasn't the "renaming" had enough exposure on other threads on the forums at the moment ?

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99.9% of its readers won't give a damn about the missing prefix "a member of" and suffix "family".


...and rightly so....  :)



If that is the case, what was the point of the renaming?



Hasn't the "renaming" had enough exposure on other threads on the forums at the moment ?

So you haven't got an answer then.

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99.9% of its readers won't give a damn about the missing prefix "a member of" and suffix "family".


...and rightly so....  :)



You've missed the point again Paladine....

...and you've failed to answer my question again, Strowager.


We were told that the renaming of the Broads was to get the idea of the Broads being a national park (and we all know it isn't a national park) into the public consciousness, with the intention of attracting more tourists to the area.


The eating out brochure refers to the Broads National Park (which we all know does not exist) and you say that 99.9% of its readers won't give a damn about the missing prefix "a member of" and suffix "family"


If all those people (and the brochure is aimed mainly at tourists) won't give a damn about the name, why the hell has so much time, effort and money been spent on the renaming?

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I'll take another angle! On the southern side at least there are too may significant eateries missing! New Inn at Rockland, Ferry Inn at Surlingham and The Beauchamp Arms! No Coldham Hall either!

At least one or two are a wee bi more than a mere "cockstride" from the moorings! Its a fair old hike to the Lavender place in Brundall!

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If all those people (and the brochure is aimed mainly at tourists) won't give a damn about the name, why the hell has so much time, effort and money been spent on the renaming?


Exactly and precisely. Just leaves us wondering why, and pondering a few probable answers.

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...and you've failed to answer my question again, Strowager.


We were told that the renaming of the Broads was to get the idea of the Broads being a national park (and we all know it isn't a national park) into the public consciousness, with the intention of attracting more tourists to the area.


The eating out brochure refers to the Broads National Park (which we all know does not exist) and you say that 99.9% of its readers won't give a damn about the missing prefix "a member of" and suffix "family"


If all those people (and the brochure is aimed mainly at tourists) won't give a damn about the name, why the hell has so much time, effort and money been spent on the renaming?


This is like swimming through custard ! :rolleyes:


The point that you've missed (again) Paladine, is not about your crusade regarding the unauthorised NP name change, it's about decrying a useful free new Broads guidebook purely on the basis of the "National Park" reference.


That has very little to do with the actual content, (which thankfully has been partially discussed and acknowledged on here.)


This Forum attempts to attract the whole spectrum of Broads visitors and residents, so perhaps not all threads should be used to beat the same drum, it could easily discourage many people from looking in....

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Strowager, if you read back through my posts, my first one simply provided a link to an on-line copy of the brochure, so that people couild read it for themselves. No decrying there, was there? More like publicising it, I would say.


I said nothing further until you, probably accurately, pointed out that:


"99.9% of its readers won't give a damn about the missing prefix "a member of" and suffix "family"."


I then asked a very simple and genuine question, based on your prediction:


"If that is the case, what was the point of the renaming?"


You have responded to me three times, and three times you have avoided giving me your take on what the answer is.

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Any guide or information that helps visitors to the Broads find their way around has got to be good for the visitors, companies providing services and jobs.


When providing listings of services, be they pubs, restaurants, café/tearooms the information provided is only as good as the research at the time, places close, reopen or even change of use.


On our own listings of pubs we even have errors:-

The main thing is with the Richardson's Guide is that it is available to all.



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......You have responded to me three times, and three times you have avoided giving me your take on what the answer is.


Ok, one last try.....  :roll:


I've "avoided" giving you my take on the NP renaming because I was trying to focus on the primary subject of this thread, the guide itself, and expressing my thanks to those that published it.


If I wanted to comment on the NP renaming, then I would do it on one of the numerous threads that have been running specifically on that subject.

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I have to say I agree completely with Strow on this, the post is about the guide not NP status. I look forwards to reading the guide and hope it gets widely distributed.


My view is...,Either start a new thread about the guide or another one about NP status!

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