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warning boat theft and tresspassing


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Will be keeping an eye open for any suspicious activity


If you feel that your boat maybe in danger and you see my boat around, moor up by it, I will keep an eye on it.


cheers, I am a liveaboard so will be safe, we need a boat watch....

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I do think having live aboards in your marina really helps with security - it's easier for the scum to go and rob easier targets then (sorry for those of you who don't have live aboards near you, i'm not wishing them on you).


I know people get all bothered about "nosey parkers" (not suggestion Captn Dread is one of course), but years ago it used to be called being neighborly - all of us looking out for each other and helping each other. 


Old fashioned values are hard to beat in some instances. :angel:


Unless we can shoot them :naughty:  :naughty:

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who are u capt dreed i like to meet you....

if yer near my yard pop in or which boat is yours

i may reconize it

have we met befor...????

would like to have u watch my boats if offer stands

i spotted him going past our yard the other day.nice little live aboard tidy,like the extra bit on the back bet it gives him more space,nice to see more live on boaters.
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Captain Dread! a bit off topic but we passed your boat a few times over the last few days at Stalham Staithe, we are moored in Broadsedge, I have to say your boat looks well looked after, perhaps some people should take a look at yours before they comment on liveaboards, if they were all like yours I think they may change their minds, I won't comment on the other one that was moored near you as they may be friends of yours, lets just say chalk and cheese, if I see you there again I'll stop and say hi,



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Captain Dread! a bit off topic but we passed your boat a few times over the last few days at Stalham Staithe, we are moored in Broadsedge, I have to say your boat looks well looked after, perhaps some people should take a look at yours before they comment on liveaboards, if they were all like yours I think they may change their minds, I won't comment on the other one that was moored near you as they may be friends of yours, lets just say chalk and cheese, if I see you there again I'll stop and say hi,




thank you, I assume the scabby little blue cruiser you're talking about, I have actually said he should clean it up a bit, his response was "it'll only get dirty again"


what can ya do....He is the same person that had his last boat go up in flames, He showed me the newspaper clipping.

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I had an Idea it was them! they have been a bit of a sore topic on most forums, I think the man in the BA van had a word with them while we were at the bin and feeding the ducks, unfortunately it's these type of liveaboards that get the rest of you a bad name, most of the ones I've met over the years have been nice people, some live aboard by choice others due to circumstances so I find it unfair that people judge them all by the few dodgy ones,



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Maybe I should move back to the southern broads and keep an eye out....


The suspects I have been watching over the last week don't seem to be doing it, very interesting....


come on people....lets catch these perps.

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And this one, it is outside the Broads, but only just - slightly more brazen and obvious!! How do you hide that?


Where is Captn Dread when you need him :swordpir:  :swordpir:   I'm liking the idea of you as a super hero protecting all our boats and valuables, running around in a cape and budgie smugglers - OK maybe that is a bit too far!!




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I know what It's like, I had my flat ransacked last year by a lying thief, known to me aswell as many other people.

The police basically gave him excuses for his behaviour and made my observations and points irrelevant while he made allegations and purjured himself in court while causing criminal damage and tampering with my vehicles and got away scott free.


that why I moved and am now living on a boat.

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Sorry to hear that Cptn Dread.


I have 2 friends who are plod and they have both been burgled. If it makes you feel any better they didn't get the swines that did it either.


My wife's cousin got done over a few years back when they were on holiday - house was alarmed and well locked even the interior doors. They got through the back door after setting the alarm off a few times and must have spent at least a day going through it removed flat screen TVs and surround sound including all the wall brackets, kicked through the panel doors which were locked and removed a gun safe in tact which had been bolted/bricked into a cupboard under the stairs. It took 2 big guys to put the safe in when it was empty, the thieves took it out the back and over a 6ft fence so god knows how many of them there were. And how does no one see anything (OK it was a dodgy area). These guys have never been caught either.


Makes you wonder how many crimes they really dont catch people for! 

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Maybe I should move back to the southern broads and keep an eye out....


The suspects I have been watching over the last week don't seem to be doing it, very interesting....


come on people....lets catch these perps.


Aha.. methinks the Cap'n maybe a bit of a 2000AD fan?! Me too!

We come up from London to holiday on boats and one of the nicest things about it is how safe you feel and how friendly everyone is..

Let's hope these perps meet the Broads version of Judge Dredd.. Soon!

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Loool, 2000AD, I'm not one for futuristic comics or films, I like the more realistic approach like ****** or that other one lock stock & 2 smoking barrels.


give me a break filter, its a movie name for crying out load.... S N A T C H!

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Loool, 2000AD, I'm not one for futuristic comics or films, I like the more realistic approach like ****** or that other one lock stock & 2 smoking barrels.


give me a break filter, its a movie name for crying out load.... S N A T C H!

Sorry Jasper, its the American software wat does it! :)



cheers Iain.

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The theft of an outboard. What it can really mean.

A local gentleman's pride an joy. One of his greatest pleasures was to take his grandchildren on the river.

Sadly no more. Not content with stealing they also trashed the boat.

It is difficult to put into words the contempt one has for these people.





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Wussername's post above really puts the true costs into perspective.


Is it possible for those on here with a more technical mind to come up with something 12v that includes a camera, pressure pads, an alarm and the ability to magic up a phone signal and  ring my owner to say help I'm being broken into?


Ideally if it could operate a catapult full of duck doings at the same time I'm sure my owner would be happy to clear up any that missed  :twisted:


And if it could cost less than the boat it would be good...  :)


Seriously now, anyone have any experience of decent alarms and systems that are worth fitting? Preferably without compromising your own set up!



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