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Ducks in the morning


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The early sun with ducks sharing my breakfast. The smell of diesel mixing with water. Chasing maggots from the floor of the deck!!! Sweet tea and the smell of bacon while your afloat. Waving to strangers. Chatting to strangers while you help them moor. Mooring 1st time in a tricky spot. Attempt no. 4 when mooring is easy. My grandad teaching me the ropes. Teaching my kids the ropes. Drinking beer and playing pool at midday. Playing cards in the boat, late nights , early mornings , 40 winks in the afternoon. Quiet nights on the mud weight at salhouse, the madness of yarmouth.

I could go on and on and on.

What's not to love about the broads? I can't wait to do these things and lots more. What's your broads happy feel goods?

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Hi Wonderwall


Lovely post, for me it's all of the above and then some but I think my most favourite thing of all is wild mooring or mudweighting in the middle of nowhere after a hectic day with the kids cruising (they like to cruise a lot), sitting with a fishing rod in one hand, a glass of wine in the other and chatting with my husband until the early hours, you feel like you are the only people on the planet, priceless


Grace :kiss

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Totally agree with Gracie - mudweight in the middle of a broad, summer eve, the wildlife & sitting in the open air just watching the world go by! What's more doing exactly that tonight! Will just add an early morning or late evening trip across Breydon into the mix! Love it!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Turning out of the boatyard at Wayford onto the Ant, Jon waving 'bonne voyage' from the quay as we head down stream. Gliding through and above a countryside crammed with history, discovery and excitement. Wood water and diesel should be bottled as a fragrance, add a touch of coffee, demerera sugar and rum in homage to Maurice Mynah. The short staccato squeaks, pips and 'pliks' of water fowl and a fishing float hitting the water. People, most of all Broadland is about the people. The quiet patience of friends teaching, the gentle jibes and jokes over a beer or a coffee. Heated debate  and gentle musings. And latest in a long and heady list of the glories of Norfolk...golden, spun sugar strands of gleaming varnish.

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There may be the odd disagreement on this Forum from time to time but as MM so beautifully put it we all respect each other's point of view, one of the things we ALL agree on is our love affair with anything Broadland. I love threads like this where you can read other members favourite things to do whilst afloat, well done Wonderwall for bringing it up.


 I think SteveandDebs post sums it up "JUST BEING THERE" those three words pretty much says it all don't you think?




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There was a "moment" a few years ago which I have never been able to repeat even at the same place with the same ingredients, it was just one of those "moments".


I arrived at Salhouse to find the moorings were full, so I dropped the mudplug.

Sitting in St. Christopher's aft cockpit, I had a selection of cheeses including Stilton and a blue soft cheese, some oatcakes and a really good bottle of white Chateauneuf  du Pape   and a pretty reasonable desert wine, Samos I think.


I had been told by a winey friend of mine that the white Chateau NDP as he called it, was a fat wine and was good with biscuits and a strong cheese. He was right !


I sat in the cockpit and made a really greedy pig of myself, a decadence I'd never reached before.

The weather was perfect, and the noise of excited dogs and children was far enough away to be enjoyable.


God was in his heaven and I was in mine.

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Turning out of the boatyard at Wayford onto the Ant, Jon waving 'bonne voyage' from the quay as we head down stream. Gliding through and above a countryside crammed with history, discovery and excitement. Wood water and diesel should be bottled as a fragrance, add a touch of coffee, demerera sugar and rum in homage to Maurice Mynah. The short staccato squeaks, pips and 'pliks' of water fowl and a fishing float hitting the water. People, most of all Broadland is about the people. The quiet patience of friends teaching, the gentle jibes and jokes over a beer or a coffee. Heated debate  and gentle musings. And latest in a long and heady list of the glories of Norfolk...golden, spun sugar strands of gleaming varnish.


Just beautiful, Tim, thanks.   :wave

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There was a "moment" a few years ago which I have never been able to repeat even at the same place with the same ingredients, it was just one of those "moments".


I arrived at Salhouse to find the moorings were full, so I dropped the mudplug.

Sitting in St. Christopher's aft cockpit, I had a selection of cheeses including Stilton and a blue soft cheese, some oatcakes and a really good bottle of white Chateauneuf  du Pape   and a pretty reasonable desert wine, Samos I think.


I had been told by a winey friend of mine that the white Chateau NDP as he called it, was a fat wine and was good with biscuits and a strong cheese. He was right !


I sat in the cockpit and made a really greedy pig of myself, a decadence I'd never reached before.

The weather was perfect, and the noise of excited dogs and children was far enough away to be enjoyable.


God was in his heaven and I was in mine.

I did something similar many years ago with  Red NDP ,,,,MM but with Applewood Smoked, Arran Red onion Chutney Mature, and Arran fine oatcakes, sadly not on the Broads, Boxing Day! :dance


Oh how I can relate though to you being in heaven. :angel:



cheers Iain.

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