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Hi everyone new to forum but not to broads


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Hi everyone my name is Ian and my wife is Pauline.

We got the bug for boating and the broads in 1991, we had our own boat at one point which we used to put on the Broads and are looking at getting another.

We used to hire with Swancraft at Brundell but know hire from Norfolk Broads Direct brilliant company, just come back from a 10 day holiday there, met two great guys there you might know JawOrca while we where moored at Ranworth.

Great people on the Broads.

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Hi John and Mary-Jane

A little run down on recent holiday on Fair Diplomat 2, Picked boat up on the 18th july 2015 for 10 nights .Myself ,Wife and father in law

Day 1 moved down to ranworth for night meet two pleasant guys who owned jawsorca.

Day 2  Set of for stalham but boat was to tall at time to pass under ludham bridge boat height 8' 9"!!,so went to potter instead but called in at Womack staith for some lunch very pleasant and quiet place. Fishing time

Day 3 moved down river to stokesby ready for earlier morning start to cross breydon next day.

Day 4 up at 5A.M to set of for breydon ,Great boat morse control is jammed and wont go into gear NBD engineer called , He replaced full morse control after ordering spares. day over stopping at stokesby for another night. so its meal out tonight.

Day 5 Up at 5A.M again (hold on this is a holiday) Off we go steady to Yarmouth for crossing over breydon. Perfect timeing hit Yarmouth on slack 30mins before flood another very hot day crossing beautifull, Turn up Yare for Norwich " Lovely city" , Now on my favourite side love the south rivers quieter and the river from brundell to Norwich is allways nice to view kingfishers arrive Norwich Yacht Station approx. 1600 hrs after a short stop at Coldham Hall brundell.Trip into Norwich City bit of shopping time

Day 6 Steady cruise to Beccles for the a couple of nights " We love Beccles, Arrived around 1700 Hrs  another hot day , Nice and quiet fishing time . Forecast tomorrow not good storm heading are way.

Day 7 Trip into Beccles bit of shopping and a bite to eat in wither-spoons kings head hotel rain started 1600 hrs approx. as forecasted high winds during night.

Day 8 A little cooler today moved up to Waveney river center moored up for night, Time for a swim and then fishing again, Heading back over to north side tomorrow.

Day 9 Rain due again to day mid afternoon set of for Breydon at 0800 Hrs lovely and quiet while floating down to somerlayton watching marsh harrier working reeds beautifull. Moored up at Berney arms for short while waiting for tide to drop  before crossing breydon. Midday time to set off slight wind today bit choppy on breydon rain in distance, 1330 hrs across Breydon and rain started forecast for next 24 hours making for stalham again hoprfully,Can not get under ludham bridge again tide to high  so moved on to Horning weather dreadfull non stop rain,Hopeing to moor up at Ferry inn ended up going back to NBD yard no room at horning.Car out and returned back to ferry inn for a lovely carvery" Recommended " .

Day 10 Weather ok at present into wroxham shopping time.Rain started again in for rest of day, So decided to go home, Nice surprise from NBD when we handed keys back they refunded full fuel deposit due to fault with boat as a good will gesture, Arrived back home in Doncaster about tea time another excellent holiday on the broads, till next year .


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