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Road Signs


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This read very much like a story lifted from the Suffolk Gazette and not checked out by the EDPs highly trained investigative reporters. The Mirror has already done similar with the yarn about the guy jailed for fornicating with tractors. Tee hee.


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Quote.         "  When asked if they had considered installing Chinese signs in the national park, Bruce Hanson, tourism officer for the Broads Authority, said: “It is something we are thinking of doing, we haven’t done as yet but we very much intend to do it.   "               


            This bit caught my eye !  What budget would they come from ?  And in the National Park ?   Roy

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45 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

I really think all road signs should also feature Braille ...... a major oversight for the visually impaired driver. :)

Well "spotted" Lou :naughty: Errrr are you one of those dotty drivers?


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