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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Phil, Hi. Are you running 12V or 24V batteries, please? (So I can work out kw per hour into ampere hours!)
  2. If you navigate around this website you'll pick up a lot of useful information! https://www.ventusky.com/?p=48.8;17.2;3&l=wind Try clicking on 14.00!
  3. Some trip, Eric..... I well remember the delights of LHR-SIN-SYD-Brisbane a few years ago.... 27+ hours..........
  4. A warm welcome aboard the goodship NBN from us, James, Ems and Jangles!
  5. Two posts above with reference to bbc news have been hidden while Moderators confer.
  6. And even more graphically at 1 min 38 secs, Neil. There's the underwater pics to show it.
  7. Eric, Good Morning from Sunny Gt Hockham! Friday Girl is an ex BB Alpha 35 and is all electric. Her genny does indeed run at 1500 rpm to give the 50 Hz (or cps) needed at 230V. But she has an underwater exhaust and extensive sound proofing which means you can hardly hear more than a burble a couple of yards away.
  8. And SIX yesterday............................ WELCOME ALL! Dean 02/12/2017 Members Jacktar74 02/12/2017 Members And 02/12/2017 Members irs101 02/12/2017 Members Colvic 02/12/2017 Members nikersh 02/12/2017 Members
  9. You have a truly wonderful way with words, lovely Lady!
  10. Hear! Hear, Alan. We have three experienced Moderators and one new one AND Jonzo. WE AREN'T GOING AWAY, FOLKS!
  11. We must be doing something OK! We had four new members signed up on Friday alone and another five earlier in the week. WELCOME to you all.
  12. Welcome Aboard from us, too, Phil.
  13. A warm "Welcome Aboard" the good ship NBN, guys!
  14. Congratulations! 1000 posts in just a few days over a year is some going (unless you are retired, of course)!
  15. They're not that expensive; so perhaps return it to the manufacturer and buy a new one?
  16. A warm welcome aboard to the 5 new members in the last week!
  17. A warm welcome aboard from us, Jevski84
  18. Please let's keep it friendly, peeps. We all have our own opinions and are entitled to express them; but in the best traditions of respect and courtesy, please.
  19. I thought that I might just give peeps an idea of some of the background working of the NBN. One of the jobs is as Membership Mod where the membership statistics are checked every day basically to see who's approaching/or has just passed the 50 posts mark. To do that we use the Registrations page in AdminCP and that's where we see who has recently joined us. (AdminCP is a separate part of the Forum accessed by those granted permissions by The Skipper). In four consecutive days last week we gained seven new members. Then on to the Members page which shows in sequence exactly who has joined. The Members page is checked by Alan RB (and in his absence Eric RC) every day and new applicants are checked out as genuine (or sometimes not). They have access to lists of spammers and all sorts of other undesirables! If all looks OK these new applicants are then upgraded to Members by Alan and Eric and can start to post on the Forum. Meanwhile turning to another Members page shows who has, say, over 40 posts (or any other number). It is most interesting to see who is rapidly climbing up the ladder towards 50 and then carry on up to 60 or so posts just in case someone has slipped through.... When a Member reaches the 50 posts a request for Proposer & Seconder is posted in the Full Members section. It is here that any Full Member can question the person's suitability. This however literally only occurs once in a blue moon! After a week of further posts the the Member concerned is upgraded to Full Member and is welcomed into the 'other world'. In the meantime we have quite frequent conversations in The Team Area to ensure the smooth running of the Forum. This is not just the province of the Mods as we have sub-sections in which a lot of very hard work is done. This includes the "Events, Fund Raising, Site Advertising and Promotion" area where we have been lucky enough to welcome Griff, Robin and Tim recently. When some of the new projects bear fruition we are looking forward to exciting times ahead! Also the "Site Technical Running" area where Jonzo, Dave DB and Alan JO burn a lot of midnight oil in looking after the technical aspects to keeping the Forum running smoothly. Most of this is far too technical for most of us Mods to really comprehend but absolutely essential for all of us who use the Forum. And finally "The Team Room" where the Mods deliberate anything else which may affect us all. It's an interesting life behind the scenes!
  20. Wonderful, Robin and another Welcome coming up.... three more new members yesterday, to you all!
  21. Golly Gosh, Helen......... they make 'em out of stern stuff in Mam Cymru! I was there at RAF Valley back in '68....... long time before you!
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