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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. And don't forget the NBN Members' discount on B&B or DB&B!
  2. Let's keep it friendly, please, Peeps. We all have our own ways of expressing things, after all.
  3. Oh Dear, Keith! I rang last Friday afternoon, got through straight away, and it was all dusted within 2 minutes with me unaware of the section that you mention. Easy for me to say but at my old age it's frequently easier to just say"Yes" and let them get on with it...... I get enough aggravation other places!
  4. Friday Girl, our Alpha 35 FD, was charted as "Not to pass under Wroxham Bridge with less than 6ft 10ins on the height gauge". Over the years I've gradually brought that down and accept 6ft 6ins every day. When we were once stuck the other side, after a night in Coltishall, I came back to find 6ft 3ins on the gauge at LW. I was about to tie up when another Alpha 35 charged through the bridge towards us. The pilot told me that he was only going to bring one more through but if I got it exactly right at high revs "she should go through"! I shalln't be doing it again! (Oh yes, as per Robin's method I'd measured our air height as exactly 2m)
  5. Stumpy, Paul and Ian. I print off the first page from http://www.norfolk-broads.org/tides/tide_report.asp?StartDate=02/04/2017 11:16:09 to cover a few days either side of our holiday. Never had a problem!
  6. Welcome Aboard from us too, Londonlad.
  7. The Summer meet will hopefully be at Beccles this year, Frank. July 14-16.
  8. KE=mv²/2 Whatever units you use at 20mph the v² part is 400 whereas at 30 mph it's 900..... speed does kill.
  9. Are you allowed to sit in your back garden with a jug of Pimms (or G&T)?
  10. Do you know any more about that, please, John? Has it affected the other moorings?
  11. until
    Twenty Boats already!
  12. I've just emailed him via the NBN Gmail account.
  13. Here's his last post: SUMMER MEET - Oulton Broad Yacht Station, July 23/24, 2016 HakunaMatata replied to Hockham Admiral's topic in Norfolk Broads Events Hi Boaters, We made it safe to Stacey Arms. All of the Hakuna Matata crew enjoyed it very much. You made us feel to be very welcome and we found some new friends. Special thanks to John, it was perfectly organised good mooring, good foot and some really nice conversations. I hope we can be a part of it the next time. Thank you all Frank + Crew
  14. You're talking about Frank and Hakuna Matata, Bill. He and his family came to last Summer's Meet at OBYS and had a thoroughly good time............. since when, nothing, I'm afraid. I'll take a look in AdminCP and see if he's been around.
  15. A warm "Welcome Aboard" from us too, Jayfire. Perhaps you might tell us a bit about yourself?
  16. A warm welcome aboard to the five new members since Tuesday. Please let's hear from you soon!
  17. It was December, 2009, when we bought the now named Friday Girl from Barnes Brinkcraft. Over the years they have been most helpful When I last went to her I noticed the forward fender missing and its attachment broken off. I've been trying for some months to source one and as a last chance I emailed Matthew Thwaites (co-owner, BB) to ask for help. And here is what arrived by return of post (alongside the old one): Now that's service!
  18. A warm "Welcome Aboard" from us too, Christie!
  19. Bread to Ducks/Swans?????
  20. In this case I think you're being a bit protective. I've no objection to my vids or pics being used and in fact after the vid on FB one of my vids appears... rounding GH. I very much doubt if anyone would object and it only needs a new topic "May we use your pics/vids" to see.
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