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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. You're very lucky that you have the technical ability to do all that, Alan. I suspect that the vast majority of us would have had to just suck air!
  2. Here's one who DOES, Charlie. Brundall to Bramerton is a particularly bad stretch of river of a weekend for the Gin Palace & Small Speedboat Brigade. If they're making a "Titanic" bow wake I even make a point of taking an obvious camera pic as they pass by, instead of my usual wave. What I might then do I do privately because I respect the "No name & shame" culture we try to foster here.
  3. I think that you lot are very cruel to our video main man................ > > > > > > > > >
  4. Tell that to the racing fraternity! I used to crew for the British Champion International 470 helm. He was ruthless and would deliberately hit a competitor when we were in the right, causing them to perform a 720 penalty.
  5. Sorry, Grace, but I have to quote the regs: Sailboats under sail generally have right of way over most recreational powerboats, because sailboats are assumed to have more restricted maneuverability than powerboats (for example, a sailboat cannot turn and sail straight into the wind to avoid a collision). But by the same principle, sailboats must give way to any boat with less maneuverability. Following is the order of increasing maneuverability. Any boat lower on the list must give way to boats higher on the list: A disabled boat A boat that is difficult to maneuver, like a dredge or barge in tow A boat whose maneuverability is restricted by size or draft, like a freighter A boat engaged in commercial fishing, like a trawler A boat being rowed A sailboat A recreational powerboat
  6. What is going on? I switched on (alright, booted up) 45 minutes ago and it's still "working on updates". It keeps restarting and telling me that this will take "a while". It's 75% done or so it says. It took less time to install the b thing in the first place.....
  7. OI! Mrs Trellwynis I'll have you know that that was moderate for that team.......
  8. Just something to celebrate life on The Broads, Alan........... and thanks to Alex & Lorna's generosity!
  9. And if you like pubs (!) then Kerry from Barnes Brinkcraft's post above gives their link to all the pubs with wifi. We haven't been in ANY that don't have it!
  10. Welcome aboard from us Goldeen. I'd say that Vodafone is undoubtedly the best that I've used, both North & South.
  11. Yes, I do, Peter and it would wake you up several boats away! I run the engine for a few minutes after tying up to let its internal temperature stabilise before shutting down. In propellered aeroplanes this is always done to prevent thermal shock. Also the engine oil temperature must be above a certain minimum (say 50 degs C) before take-off. An engine failure in an aeroplane on take-off is inherently more dangerous than in a car...... as would a boat engine failure in a crowded marina with a strong wind blowing.... you don't have brakes!
  12. Just a short reminder of the weekend's wanderings. To Rocklands Staithe and the stuck-in-the-mud departure yesterday morning! Forecast low water was 10.03 and we were hard and fast at 08.45. With Alex and I pushing off we managed to inch her forward about a foot, when she was just floating. Alex and Lorna then moved Braveheart into the middle of the Staithe and I started the engine and immediately engaged forwards gear. I had no idea if my water filter was blocked or not......................
  13. A really lovely tale, Eric. I've been offline for a couple of days and only just read it all! many thanks.
  14. As I sit at home, after another lunchtime (this one in the Hockham Eagle), sipping my half strength G&T, I resemble that remark...... (Apologies to that lovely character in The Rivals by Sheridan)
  15. Iain, it takes more that a gentle hour or two in the pub at lunchtime, followed by my half strength gentle G&T's, followed by A&L's magnum of fizzy, followed by.............................................. now where was I?
  16. Wonderful, Timbo! (Now back in the Land of the Living after yesterday's kidney destruction escapade with Alex & Lorna)...
  17. In mitigation I must point out that the pics were taken about 8 hours apart...................
  18. Safe journey, Eric... did you have to buy that extra suitcase?
  19. I can't help, sorry, but I'd like to welcome you to the NBN, Mark.
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