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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Best not to use road diesel in your boat unless all the fuel lines have been modified to use it.
  2. Welcome aboard from us, Trapper. I used to crew a 950 racing across the North Sea.
  3. Do you mean Looses, Ian? Eric, if he does it's where we get all our kitchen ware. http://www.loosescookshop.co.uk/store/
  4. Graham, Hi and Welcome Aboard! Will you tell us a little bit about yourself, please?
  5. And you can't beat a good TV signal!
  6. The only problem with throwing your mud weight overboard is that you may well then present your rear end to any obstruction or grounding. The stern gear is far more vulnerable to damage than the bows.
  7. The two 4.5L ones are in stock. Or were at 05.00 this morning!
  8. Mine fell off in Lowestoft harbour mny years ago. When I'd recovered it I hung it upside down for a few days and then off it went again! But the noise, oh Dear!
  9. Do they make 12V slow cookers? Yes they do but they do draw a fairly hefty current. A 180W one needs 16A. Here's a similar idea which you can use anywhere if you can bring it to the boil first. http://mrdscookware.com
  10. A lovely write-up, Simon. It would be nice if you could meet up with the rest of us next year!
  11. Thanks for those words, Keith. Do we really have to go over all this again, peeps? Back in 2013 this topic (Spirit of Breydon) was quite literally flogged to death. Let's please, perhaps in this case , keep off BA bashing.
  12. I am really amazed at what you can pack into a week's holiday, Simon, and looking forward to the rest!
  13. Sounds an exciting day, Charlie! What time are you leaving on Friday, please?
  14. When I said it was a PC I thought that entailed that it was a desktop? John, err, was it John?
  15. Do you mean that my beloved rusty old British Seagull isn't allowed anymore, Peter?
  16. So sorry, John but I've looked up SATA and SSD and can't work out how or whether they'll fit my PC.... Do you plug them into a USB port? Mine is an HP TouchSmart 310..... When I had it tuned up a couple of months ago the guy did say that he could easily double the RAM. At present it's got 2.8GHz AMD Athlon™ 1333 processor, 4GB and a 2.5" SATA 7200rpm with 8MB Cache hard drive. I like it and would be happy if I could just improve its speed.
  17. Woodsafloat, hi and a warm welcome aboard the good ship NBN! Northern Broads, 0.99 is about right in Horning. Southern Broads £1.03 in Brundall. I think there aren't enough buyers on the Broads to justify a waterborne website as you suggest.
  18. Great blog, guys... you certainly packed a lot into your holiday!
  19. We have exactly the same on Friday Girl's pulpit. If the RAFSA Burgee goes through then so will the boat...
  20. 6ft 6ins if you're exactly lined up; that's the most important thing. Our Alpha 35 has a stated airdraft of 6ft 6ins but we've been under at 6ft 3ins when we had no other choice, not that I'd like to do it again!
  21. You do like these hand-grenades, don't you Peter?
  22. Sounds good, Jon & Jo. We also take a frozen, home-made, chilli and two large spuds to accompany it... a quick, clean and easy meal!
  23. Absolutely, Bill.. who knows what happened on Saturday night?
  24. I was going to say "Not this old chestnut again"......................
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