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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. I've been told the non drill transducers are generally OK for depth sounders but if you upgrade to a fish finder they may not work and will require a trough hull fitting.
  2. Sounds like my boat!! I have fuse boxes in 3 different areas, the last of which I only discovered as I wondered what was behind a small panel in a random area! Naturally they use 2 completely different types of fuse....
  3. NeilB

    Herring Bridge

    The minutes are now available on Duncan Bakers website. FLOODING MEETING UPDATE - PLEASE SHARE Thank you again to everyone who attended my public meeting on flooding on Friday 2nd February. This was a fantastic meeting and we have lots to take away from it. The full minutes from this meeting are now published and available to read on my website please follow the link below: https://www.duncanbaker.org.uk/news/flooding-public-meeting-minutes?fbclid=IwAR2oob-ZZibmnR67OVdwy8Qz0jkl7fDohFo-xmpgfmSIaOChfMFa7oLRskY I would like to give a special thanks to Michelle from my office for taking such detailed minutes. Given the technical nature and comprehensiveness of the minutes, can I ask for your understanding if any nuances may have been missed. However, we hope to have captured most pertinent points over the 16 pages! I am anticipating reconvening this meeting again with all of the stakeholders in the late summer as I am keen to ensure continuity and progress on the issues. I want those accountable to ensure they have started to deliver on their promises. Thank you once again to everyone involved. I look forward to continuing to work closely with the panelists and local communities moving forward.
  4. NeilB

    Herring Bridge

    If you are struggling to read the EDP because of the firewall then just delete your cookies in the browser settings menu. It then becomes free again for a few weeks!
  5. Just saw you going past near Stalham Staithe, sorry about the bacon fumes!!
  6. Fairline had a checkered re start but they are on the up and on a recruitment drive, give them a year or so. They have 2 new boat models selling really well, one of which is an addition to the range and there's probably more to come.
  7. Their smallest boat is the new Targa 40, the site would require flattening and redeveloping to be of any use, plus lorry access is poor and they already have a test / commissioning facility in Ipswich. They also have a large site in Hythe right on the waterfront.
  8. NeilB

    Herring Bridge

    I was going to attend but thought it would be a tad busy so watched on Facebook with a takeaway and couple of beers! Towards the end someone did point out the lower Bure used to be dredged regularly and there was never an issue so what's changed with dredging now? Sadly it was overlooked and no one responded. Someone did mention the amount of water flowing through Horstead Mill as apparently it is measured, some on the top table seemed a little surprised by this. There was lots of waffle and not much action promised, Duncan Baker was pushing for the planned modeling to be carried out as soon as possible. Not sure who's carrying this out but I hope they are truly independent and not leaning towards giving the EA the answer they want..... Henry Cator was quite impressive and a big advocate for dredging. There will be minutes available at some point, meeting was over 3 hours and a lot was discussed so may take a while to compile.
  9. I suppose it's good the moorings are not completely lost but not for me I'm afraid, especially as I'm 42ft so there's no space!
  10. NeilB

    Herring Bridge

    Looks like a member of the Broads Society took his own vessel to investigate the new de-masting pontoons by the Herring Bridge. Modern sonar systems are very good and I'm sure the author is very experienced but this does not appear to be an official report by a commercial operation? Haven Bridge has been there for a long time, we've not had much rain the past week or so yet water levels are still high over 2 months after the original floods. We've had wet periods before but I cannot remember it taking so long to drain away.
  11. NeilB

    Herring Bridge

    I've had a quick look at some of the local Facebook sites but couldn't find it, do you have a link please or the name of the group?
  12. Why would they disappear?? It's not my cup of tea but there are several places you can hire sailing yachts from plus several dinghy clubs. Sorry the hear you are in hospital, hope your better and back home soon.
  13. There's a stretch of bank about 15 mins past the Waveney River Centre on the starboard bank which is safe. There's also a couple above Beccles bridge, not sure about the Yare though.
  14. Think you just see me standing at my back door watching!! It was about an inch thick this morning, need at least 4 inches of clear ice for an adult to safely walk on.
  15. BK were the third company I called requesting a quote, the 1st was honest and said unless I took the windows to him he wasn't really interested as too busy - quite a character although I won't repeat his advice on life after divorce!! The 2nd was hard to get hold of, tried to arrange a couple of dates but never returned calls so I gave up. Paul from BK replied pretty much straightaway, visited the boat and gave a reasonable quote. My boat is actually the first one in the our work section where he rebuilt my 2 skylights, currently waiting for the saloon windows to be replaced with new as they are in a sorry state. They have been in regular contact throughout and so far the work and advice has been excellent so I can recommend them.
  16. This made me chuckle as I can remember giving MM a bowl of ice for his libations at the meet last year!
  17. Looking towards Stalham Staithe
  18. Sorry to hear this sad news, my condolences to Marina, Alan and all of the family.
  19. I'm lucky in that mines a company car so I don't have to worry about insurance, however, the boat is due late February so it will be interesting to see if this goes up!
  20. I changed the controller on my Eberspacher to one that shows the error codes, main reason was it's also a 7 day timer so I don't have to get out of bed to turn the heater on - luxury! Oddly enough I have a fault on mine where it will not start unless the batteries are virtually fully charged or on shore power / engine running. The Webasto seems to fire up at virtually any state of change and I've checked all battery connections etc so I'll strip mine down when the warmer weather arrives. I only really use it as a back up and booster when the boats really cold to the Webasto wet system.
  21. Mine was supplied with a hand crank to use if the motor fails although I've not actually tried it yet, have to find it first as I've put it in a "safe" place!!
  22. NeilB


    I think Clive took most of the boat building team with him to Horning. The smaller sheds on Swan quay never seem to be opened much and one has the half finished sedan boat sat inside gathering dust, what looks like a day cruiser hull in the other. I guess with less painted boats in the fleet now the newer ones just require a few gel repairs and a polish which could be done outside, the shed space reserved for the painted boats.
  23. NeilB


    As a Richardson's berth holder my main concern so far is, will I get a discounted massage in the spa??
  24. Sorry to hear this update, your dad appears to be a fighter so lets hope this is just a temporary bump in the road to recovery.
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