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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. I have one of these on my domestic battery bank - https://www.victronenergy.com/upload/documents/Datasheet-BMV-700-series-EN.pdf There are a couple of versions available and I've not seen less than 80% and that was after a cold night in March. My batteries were brand new then, 4 x 135ah.
  2. It’s very narrow up here so maybe they are waiting for winter when there’s less traffic
  3. NeilB


    If anyone spots a badly behaved all female crew please inform me immediately of their location. I’m happy to investigate on behalf of the forum….
  4. Glad I’m working away this week as I’m not sure my nerves could handle the dredger narrowing the channel and boats squeezing past mine! In the office for 3 days and then at Fairline starting the engines on their new model for the first time - I hope!
  5. NeilB

    Day Boat Time

    Out of interest does anyone know what the drive set up is? Wondering if they have just plonked a Torqeedo outboard in the back hence the steering in reverse.
  6. Moored on the free moorings at Acle, boats either side are staying the night so felt safe enough to escape to the Bridge for a couple. Garden is breezy but with warm sunshine! Couple of moorings available at the pub and plenty on the old horizon site.
  7. I’ve decided to stay on my home mooring, at least for this evening and see what tomorrow s like. Nice warming curry tonight I think!
  8. I'll be heading down the Ant after work today. Keep an eye on the weather for Saturday night, looks to be a tad windy!
  9. @JanetAnne Appreciate a YouTube blog may take some work but this is a very unique build.
  10. I’d also like a sunrise cruise or 2, just waiting for the clocks to change…….
  11. Apparently my mum was 6 months pregnant with me on my first trip - I don't remember much about it!!! My uncle and Aunt made our family's first trip in, I think, 1948. By 1951 they were all coming with 8 or 9 squeezing onto one boat. Although my parents started taking their own holidays in the 60's the total family holiday continued until the mid 90's. My first actual trip was Easter 1973 aged 9 months or so on a boat called Beaune from South Walsham. Apparently it snowed !! First trip without parents was at 18 around 1990 with a few friends from Horning Pleasurecraft, don't remember much about that one either but for different reasons! Had a few gaps but often popped up for a few days when my parents stayed somewhere for their annual 2 weeks. Not sure when I first introduced my wife and kids but we had a few shore based visits followed by a last minute week on Emerald Light 2 while it slowly disintegrated around us. Next year we hired from NBD which was much, much better and then entered the world of Syndicate boats, 1st with Moonlight Shadow and then with Lightening. In early 2022 after my divorce I was faced with either renting or spending what I had left on a crumbling 2 up, 2 down in a not so nice area. So I thought **** it, I'm going to live on a boat and here I am. After a full year on board I don't regret 1 second.
  12. I'd like the same 3mph on entering Stalham, often being bounced around and often by local private boats. Whether it would work or not I don't know!
  13. Pretty sure the one at Thorpe had been mostly refitted, it's a shame it went down after all the work.
  14. 28 degrees outside in Southampton, I’m stuck inside a giant tent at SeaWorks gradually melting with a couple thousand other people!
  15. While I’m sure they still have a good reputation they did change hands last year.
  16. Just dropped the weight on Barton to catch as much breeze as possible! Normally try and find a sheltered spot but doing the opposite today! Probably stay until it cools off in the evening.
  17. I stopped there last week, the signs are still there asking for payment stating collection would be after 5pm, I was on board until 7pm and no one knocked on my boat. The moorings were pretty full but are not in the best condition, I had to pick my spot to avoid some nasty bits of metal. I do wonder what the long term outlook is for these moorings as they will need significant work soon.
  18. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to copy and paste from Facebook so I won't unless a mod gives the ok. The owner was not amused by the BA press release and their response can be seen on the Broads Authority Facebook page for those of you with access. The latest info suggests the BA may have re-started negotiations with the owner......
  19. Nothing to do with Facebook but I've asked him directly, I'll let you know. I suspect he reads this forum anyway, just no longer posts.
  20. My Grandad joined the navy at 16, he couldn't swim either and it was at the advice of his 3 older brothers who said if you go into the army you will probably die, 2 of whom never returned from the trenches of WW1. He served from 1917 through to, I think, 1930 and then went into the reserves so was called up in 1939. He was on board HMS Whitely which was sunk by a dive bomber 19th May 1940 off the coast of Belgium. As his hearing was damaged he wasn't much good on the gun crew anymore - "sorry, did you shout fire?" !! He then became a storeman on HMS Formidable which also became a target for dive bombers somewhere off the coast of Greece in May 1941. She went for repairs in the USA and then headed for the Indian Ocean, along with his service record I also have his crossing the Equator certificate, issued by King Neptune! He finished his time based on Hayling Island training the landing craft crews for Sicily, Italy, D-day etc. Due to his age and length of service I'm pretty sure he was de-mobbed by July 45.
  21. While I was down south over half term week, despite not all boats being on hire most moorings were pretty full. I would say this indicates the loss of any mooring will be an issue.
  22. Exactly, which is why I stated the BA may have a valid reason. I understand they have been contacted by several people so let’s hope they release a statement soon.
  23. According to Facebook a well known ex contributor to this forum has spoken to the landowner at Langley Dyke, while not from the horses mouth it's sounds pretty close! The rent was peppercorn at £1 per year and although the length was not mentioned it was stated as a long lease. For some unknown reason the BA turned this offer down. The reason maybe a perfectly valid one so I hope the BA issues a statement ASAP, over to you @BroadsAuthority
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