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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Polly


    Well I did but without the armament!!! :)
  2. Offer him a bigger fiefdom...... Say Governor of Tasmania, that should do it.
  3. Duck Met Office might remark...'severe snowball warning, avoid travelling on routes populated by humans reclaiming lost youth' :)
  4. I thought that too, but it's the mudweight shackle that is being machine washed....I read it again! :)
  5. Washing machine for me with pillowcases to keep them separate. I believe fenders clean up in the dishwasher....remove before the drying cycle....but I haven't dared try it yet.
  6. I'd be grateful for an idiots guide Peter, I looked at forums and ferreted through the software with no success previously.

    1. JennyMorgan


      Dave is the man to ask, I'm something of an idiot myself!

    2. grendel


      Polly, I'm not sure, I just opened windows live mail and filled in the details in the account and it worked. It does say you cant use rules with IMAP or HTTP accounts, but all of those I have redirecting to my pop account anyway. to use rules its just like outlook, go to the folders tan and click message rules.

    3. Polly


      Yes thanks I will give it to Dave. :)

  7. Sorry to add hassle Arthur!  McAffee has just picked up a potentially malicious threat from your Chat Room. :( I am cleaning my PC and installing McAffee WebSafe.  Could be their sales pitch of course but I know you have had hacking lately.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BroadScot


      No Arthur, it worked fine on Friday in yours. NBN is fine also as far as I know

    3. Arthur


      Think maybe McAffee is detecting Adobe Flash as a potential threat.

      I am not getting any warnings on either pc

    4. BroadScot


      McAffee can be over sensitive Arthur.

  8. Never trust anything from Scunthorpe!
  9. I have two notebooks, both for business use; the new one I bought because the other was slow and wasting my time. 8.1 followed by 10 on the new one is useless for mail. It's app doesn't allow for email sorting and storage, vital for me. Outlook wasn't on the Office version I paid for, (why not?) so i have the new machine under the desk doing nothing and am still on the old one running Windows 7. Money wasted. Eventually, I suppose I will have to fork out for Outlook.
  10. Yes, though I favour perching on the bow and sculling from there, it's a nice way to mess about in boats. Pulling rather than pushing is less effort for me and I can ignore any 'stern waggling'.....would that be 'twerking'?
  11. Zig -Zag: Bank Holidays on the Ant.
  12. What struck me was how much emphasis was placed on owners impressing guests. Why? I mean, isn't that a bit juvenile? If I had that kind of squill ions, I'd get an old square rigger and keep it alive, there would be more sense in that, to me.
  13. Try the Norfolk Wherry Trust, Laura. The Wherry in Royalls wet shed will be Solace, I believe. Mr Royall was telling me about her a couple of months ago. She spends the season out on Wroxham Broad and is a lovely craft.
  14. Xylems as Xylophones, x Ray's reveal musical plant properties.
  15. I have the Afficionado's Almanac
  16. Cleo is a very small cat, so how does she push me to the very edge of our large bed every night?
  17. And the tender, also proper wood, is called 'Nipper's Nipper' :)
  18. That is indeed a proper boat! We were made aware of its wonderfulness on Monday lovely boat. 'Nipper' by name.
  19. Hi Robin, glad you got here at last. :)
  20. We took Brilliant off to her winter berth yesterday. What a choice of day! Rain and very cold winds made the motoring run a bit of a penance, but still very beautiful. Almost the only folk afloat were pike anglers who must have been suffering for their sport. Many of the trees were still in leaf, but Salhouse was a picture, shores carpeted in autumn leaves and no boats at all on the mooring, which was a thing we had never seen before. We met up with Doug at the boatyard, and he kindly gave us a lift back with a very pleasant detour including a coffee at The Swan in Horning. Thanks Doug. I hate laying up for the winter! Not least because of the chore of finding storage at home for the stuff we have brought back, the living room this morning looks like an auction house before the sale. oh well best get stowing..... Now where will I put a complete set of kitchen equipment? ........
  21. Polly


    I recently had a nasty fall on a poorly maintained walkway. The netting had lifted and I tripped on it. I know how to fall safely, (drama training) and turned it into a roll, so no bones broken, which there assuredly would have been otherwise. Just saying, 'watch your step' as budgets are tightening.
  22. Hope they are speedy, it's not a good time of year for this to happen.
  23. My grandad talked to me a lot about WW1 but grandma objected, and he said 'She's got to know Al, so that it never happens again.' Sad that the stupidity of settling that conflict gave rise to the second.
  24. Anthem for Doomed Youth BY WILFRED OWEN What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? — Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons. No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells; Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,— The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; And bugles calling for them from sad shires. What candles may be held to speed them all? Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall; Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds. Source: The Poems of Wilfred Owen, edited by Jon Stallworthy (W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1986)
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