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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Me too please JM the suspense is killing me! Lol
  2. Wow thanks for posting this, I am looking forward to your next 'report'.:)
  3. If you do a fly-by at Sywell Air Show, we will be waving.
  4. I agree with MM's list basically. We have a portable induction hob for shore power which hides in the locker otherwise, given that Brilliant was designed for cockpit cooking with a pressure stove, the cockpit is a better location than midships where our gas cooker lives-originally a companionway. We have a Cobb, not sure I would buy one again. If you don't always use the new-style cobblestones they are sluggish. Lakeland now do a gas version which might be better however. They are cool touch but I would never cook aboard because of Carbon Monoxide risks. Whilst on the cooking topic, we have hit a big issue with our SMEV Moonlight 3. It needs opening for repair and the makers have pot riveted most of it together, so a simple job has become very labour intensive indeed.
  5. Apple offered me an appointment a week away to fix my phone, or I could come and wait.......... i finally did the latter, another round trip to MK and a store queue that was populated by os9 casualties like me. The manager said he'd laid on extra staff. They managed a reset, which was not something I had been able to do due to a Catch 22 issue. This was because 'Find my iPhone was installed. There must be some common factor to explain why some folk were ok and others weren't, maybe this is it. All my data was lost, i had some backed up, which was good, but not as much as I thought...bad! i just got a 9.1 notification.....no chance!!
  6. Polly


    Hello and welcome!
  7. That was an awesome weekend of tennis! I think Andy Murray's back is looking worrying though.
  8. No that wasn't my issue.
  9. Apple have released an os9 upgrade. Don't do this on your iPhone 4s!!!! Mine is stalled and has rendered the phone useless. We travelled 15 miles to the nearest Apple Store there was a big queue and I wasn't the only one with this problem. "Can you come back tomorrow? There are no appointments left today. Yes Apple are aware there is a problem and you will need to reset your phone, losing data not backed up.' Just great!
  10. Two mudweights? We carry two. We also have a small grapnel but I doubt it would do much to hold Brilliant.
  11. We were there on Monday, good meal and good service. i would also recommend the Granary for lunchtime food or just a snack.
  12. Great pictures, Drascombes are 'class' boats!
  13. Wet wipes can do great things, but steer a dinghy? Probably not
  14. Ahhh yes, the wooden spoon..... the Whimp's proper tiller got left on the mooring, so I improvised with a pair of wooden spoons lashed together with Duck Tape
  15. I was so happy, to be reunited with my boarding plank, it had suffered not at all for Its hours in the water. Thank you Barry for the MOB rescue.
  16. There could be an Act 4... Brilliant, Windmill Lady and Moonlight Shadow are planning to execute that difficult classic, Mudweight Raindance on Black Horse tomorrow, the weather promises, or threatens, to be perfect for this event.
  17. Odd things have been happening.... Act 1 Firstly, I got up yesterday to see that our valuable gangplank wasn't there. it had left Brilliant, sandwiched as she was between two other boats on a calm night, and vanished entirely. i had spared no expense making this item from an old bookshelf and the remnants of a tin of varnish; indeed, the budgie grit in the last coat has been known to attract the odd seagull, it is a work of art. Act 2 Broad Ambition to the rescue, did I mention that Griff was moored nearby? He kindly offered to check the margins out on his way to Wroxham and later Griff texted to say he had found the item at the end of the broad, sticking out from the reeds and that it was aboard. I think he thought we were headed for Acle, but we weren't... :) Act 3 The plank returns. Moonlight Shadow on her northern progress took the plank aboard at Acle and delivered it it me in the Whimp in the middle of Malthouse Broad, Keith and Lisa then set off in a balletic manner pirouetting up Ranworth Dam. Was it relief at a treasure restored? Is it a new stinky fashion to wreak vengeance on ziggy zaggy sailies? As I said.....odd, very odd.
  18. Mum and Dad had their caravan at Stepaside, the site of the old ironworks. Thanks for taking me there again
  19. JA you are in dry dock...are you expecting a flood?
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