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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Today the Philosophy 4 Children story hit BBC News, the Indy and the Times at last count. It is what I do, train teachers to run P4C in their classes. A big study by Durham Uni has proved that it boosts kids in Maths, Reading and Writing, but better still, in my view, helps them think things through, consider big questions and even sort out their differences more amicably. As one 12 year old once said to me, 'This is great, we can disagree without having a row'.
  2. Polly

    Ratchet blocks

    Well you didn't exactly tell me to, we discussed both and I thought we came down on 12!
  3. I lived in Bedworth, drove past Hawkesbury Junction almost daily, we used the pub at Tusses Bridge for our staff local, but never saw this place!
  4. Polly

    Ratchet blocks

    All good Warp, but you told me to get 12mm new mainsheet and I did!
  5. Horrible job this! Jeckells in Wroxham? They are unlikely to be the cheapest though.
  6. That route would be fine, there is no way I'd use the M25 for the trip. Peter's route would need wellies at high tide in the pub....
  7. Yes I am just reading it at the moment, it's very entertaining. I love his inconsequential attitude to life, the bit I just read involved jumping his bike over the inspection pit in the garage....unsuccessfully! Mad as a box of frogs and living every day to the full.
  8. Our next door mooring neighbour had a medical emergency walking the dog at Horsey Gap. Her friend was bitten by an adder in the dunes. She said she couldn't get a mobile signal and had to run to the pub to alert the emergency services, not an easy thing for a middle aged and not too fit lady.
  9. Hope it wasn't booked out this week.
  10. We went there in the rain, lovely to be in a properly nice coffee shop.
  11. Maybe they were reliving Hullabaloo rescue cf. Coot Club?
  12. The bits that tell me what to believe overall are a. The helicopter crew considered them to be a danger and didn't airlift. b. The awful state of the boat inside and the comment to its owner.
  13. These idiots probably couldn't be left because, in their state, they might have decided to walk out across the mud with disintegrating results.
  14. I agree with Robin, the hasty voiceover on the credits seemed deliberate, and a bit out of place. If it was after that ordeal by mud that Clarkson hit the producer, I think the circumstances of taking him past his limits on the filming should have been considered. No and no I am not condoning what he did, but a suspension would have been fairer.
  15. Great that you are ready to get back aboard!
  16. No, I would have thought the problem was not of your making.
  17. I think the yard has a case to sue for criminal damage, I hope they do so.
  18. There should NEVER be any excuse for altercation, if it's offered then it's a bit of evidence of pig-headedness whether saily or stinky. Phill prefers to motor the rivers so as not to inconvenience motor boats. I want to be sailing all the time, but take great care to indicate where to pass me and give a smile and thanks. We are all supposed to be on the water for pleasure after all. I do think racing can bring out the worst....
  19. I have been cold most of the time lately.
  20. Mike told me you'd had a theft, really upset for you guys. Have any other boats had losses?
  21. Blimey you needed that like a hole in the head, and as for the BA theft from a locked shed, horrible!
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