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Everything posted by Polly

  1. I can’t see why not. I don’t generally run any gas whilst on the move, but then we sail quite a bit.
  2. Polly


    Oh sad news. We moored next to him in the Joshie, Table 22 days, and had many a laugh together. I remember the birth of the NBF Grass Monster, he fell over (after a few) and said the grass had ' just come up to meet him'. A real character as has been said. Sincere condolences to Gill and family.
  3. Headed for Dieppe on Saturday’s race.
  4. Shirts are ready, now all they have to do is the race. August 3rd weekend.
  5. My thoughts: that bracket, the 'u' shaped one, will most likely break very soon. Have a look on Nearest and Dearest's Website for goose necks. We have one of these on The Whimp, and it fits into a hole drilled into the core of the boom.
  6. As a child I watched a narrowboat on the Severn at Stourport, I wouldn’t like to be there in similar river conditions to that day.
  7. I know Timbo does perfume, but MM has kept this quiet.
  8. No he skimped that. Great work Doug!
  9. We all joined her!
  10. Thanks all, as you see from JM’s pic, 30 again?
  11. My birthday today. I am 30 again lol
  12. We do. They are hiding in the flood alleviation schemes. Ok, welcome! You can expect people will help when needed. You can have fun following the Coot Club, lots of locations are recognisable, although it took me awhile to realise that 'The Outlaw in the Reeds' location is now Ranworth Island which was built after Ransome's time. I doubt you need these suggestions for happy boating; 1. Take it slowly 2. Keep radios down 3 Don't run you engine on moorings
  13. The whole photo/car park thing is highly questionable and basically the big companies that run them are pretty fierce.
  14. Welcome! Get a traditional sailing cruiser as Q suggests. :)
  15. Vaughan is right, they are dangerous:the mast hit me hard as I ducked then stopped at the pushpit rail, that probably saved me serious injury. NB this was before I rigged an A Frame so that wasn't the cause.The design shown above seems a bit scary in relying on a foot not moving from the base, all sorts of things might happen to make you move.
  16. He said ‘I will take this bolt out ,” I said, ‘Don’t its holding the mast.’ He did, it was.
  17. Sorry I don't have photos. The base of the mast wasn't a tabernacle either. Try the A frame first. I will try to draw it a bit later.
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