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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Excellent Aristotle! Kenmure is Brilliant's nearest 'living relative' and I noticed she was for sale. The pics look as though you have got her looking good, more please! Brilliant was built by Press in 1929 and is a bit longer than yours, just by a couple of lockers midships internally. She's ashore having surgery at present but we hope to have her afloat later in the season. I believe your name derives from her first private owner, is that what you have been told? We met her previous owners once, it would be great to meet up with you at some point.
  2. Polly

    My Day

    You did your best, it's all any of us can do.
  3. Polly

    My Day

    Oh what a shocker! But thank goodness it was no worse.Best wishes to all for speedy physical and mechanical recovery.
  4. An odd one. Going down the escalator on most IKEA stores to the Market Hall, you are treated to the waft of their scented candles. I love that, but don't buy because, like Liz, I'd be sneezing before long. See, even IKEA has its compensations!
  5. Sugar beet in Autumn in Kidderminster, for years I thought it was the falling leaves that smelled so sweet.
  6. Oh I get that, I've been part of these exercises, I just think it might have gone a bit further.
  7. Hmmm, OK I am more used to Educational reports, and they can get incisive, but I do think that was pretty bland, though. I saw little evidence of bite, and where recording was advocated, so too was more closed door 'informal consultation'. Yes the team would seem to be staying on the case and that is indeed encouraging.
  8. We never had a bad hire on the Broads, but we had a bad narrowboat once with the world's noisiest diesel. Broad hire, my favourite was the Zoe last August, what a lovely little boat! We had the Lady Harriet from HW when they did sailies, on both it was the combination of sailing qualities and a lovely warm varnished cabin that was the winner.
  9. Nope. That was 'Repair Shop' not 'Ship' btw
  10. Mods, could we possibly rename this thread as Brilliant please?
  11. I thought it would be good to do an update on Brilliant its great that Brilliant has completed her first stage of restoration, being now re ribbed, Doug will be able to address the next stages over the coming months. This operation was never about rushing to get her back afloat, although she is really missed, it's about rightly stewarding our bit of Broads History. Therefore, yes, Griff is right that she won't be at Salhouse in May, but that was never more than a 'warm weather this winter possibility', and it hasn't been! As I understand it, planking comes next, evening out a distribution of seams with lots of lovely larch then there is a repair at the stern end of the hog, on to caulking etc and then Whelptons take on the painting. I plan to strip and revarnish cockpit lockers and cabin sides. Doug will put me right I hope on the above.
  12. It's like 'The Repair Ship' currently re-running on BBC 2, people with so many amazing practical skills that one has no idea about. Love it.
  13. Yes, the wood yards in Wroxham had/have a bag of sawdust outside that you may collect free if needed. It's such a lovely practical thing to do, but far from obvious. I wonder who had the idea first, and when?
  14. All the best for today, Ian.
  15. Mossy nets/blinds on the hatches? i love the name, btw, our dinghy is named after a much loved cat.
  16. Spring is on the way Tim!
  17. I always interrupt, and say, 'Sorry, I don't take these calls, I am hanging up now.' And then do so.
  18. Sory if I missed you got a temperature and brain dropped this arrangement until almost 9
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