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Everything posted by stumpy

  1. Timbo re. lamps: I've found the trick when you go into a proper hardware shop (not a DIY barn) is tell the guy in a brown warehouse coat they're for lighting a garage/workshop pit. Still legal to use incandescents apparently!
  2. Cracking tale, many thanks for sharing with us. You've really captured that 'last day feeling'. Of course there is a cure.......start reading the boats for sale ads!
  3. They sometimes appear on EBay _ I've 'Norfolk broads' as a saved search _ sad innit?
  4. PMR radios were put to good use at the NBF meet at Ranworth this summer. Those with one checked in with the berthing guys on arrival then mudweighted off until called in to our spot. Somewhere on YouTube there's a Lord Paul video of the evolution. Ours is usually on CH.4 just in case there's someone about for a chat.
  5. We've always called Wayford and beyond "Duelling banjos country" - we were right!!
  6. Congratulations Laura and George! Will you be training her up on the crane?
  7. Good idea MM - as well as using my blue badge number to get reduced maggot drowning licence perhaps a bus pass number for reduced tolls? Luvvit!
  8. Jon - re. Woods display engines I remember Dad telling me all about one (6cyl ex bus engine I think) when an old boy in a warehouse coat heard him. Turned out he was also ex grey funnel line ERA. Two hours later Mum and I had loaded the boat, had the handover and had to prise him out of one of the sheds "but they've just made tea, boy! I int a-coming yet!"
  9. Lovely boat (but them I'm biased!) Bounty 27 AC unless I'm mistaken.
  10. MM I'd need to put a sock in her gob first!!
  11. I used to board ships and pleasure boats for a living - it was drummed into me in training to always ask permission to board ( never been refused tho' not even by Ruskies with an AK47 gangway watch lol)
  12. I used to visit Cantley and Bury for work and British Sugar are quite rightly paranoid about fire - sugar dust is explosive! No naked lights anywhere, check your boot soles for drawing pins, smoking shelter so far away I didn't bother! I reckon as soon as the alarm went off it was quite exciting!
  13. A mate of mine had a Panther 600 single with a single seat Watsonian sidecar (before the compulsory helmet laws) now that was aural Viagra lol
  14. Hi and welcome guys - good to see you again.
  15. stumpy

    Wroxham Bridge

    Spring tide is 26Th (big rise/big fall) so time it right and you should be OK. Agree about the chug up to Coltishall being one of the best stretches and heaving with kingfishers!
  16. Excellent choice Frank. We climbed over a few Seamasters when boat hunting and were very impressed with the f'glass thickness ( built like a brick Backus was one comment!) Looking forward to seeing her around Broadsedge.
  17. Now off the Crouch and angling into the estuary.
  18. Thanks for the welcome guys. Alan - not bovine encephalitis but Suffolk speak for Bury St. Edmund's lol - Kathy's dad been in & out of hospital since late June. He crossed the bar early hours of Sat 30th then the fun part really started!
  19. Hi all! I've resurrected myself on here from years ago for the same reasons as the other absent friends. Only downside I can see is more folk to wave to when we finally get back on the water. Its been a bad summer as we've had to stay within striking distance of BSE but all over now. So let's hope for an Indian summer!
  20. Timbo - I couldn't agree more about bodgery! One of the previous owners of No Worries must have had a large reel of domestic earth cable, the back of her dashboard was a symphony in green and yellow! It made fault finding a real voyage of discovery - I'm so glad I already had an AVOmeter with long leads lol
  21. Hockham Admiral - couldn't agree more (we were moored astern of you). The following year we did get clobbered by a hire boat when up by the boat dyke - no joy from the hiring yard tho' of course.
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