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Everything posted by Happy

  1. The next doors grandkids love this! I bought some new decs for this year, they should have come 10 days ago via Royal Mail and still waiting so will probably not bother now, just have another drink. Happy Christmas and stay safe
  2. Well, I made a start! Just have to do the rest now. Not too much this year, just enough to put a smile on next doors grandkids faces. Shame I left it until its -5 c today! All have a good one.
  3. Perhaps he just stopped because he liked the view?
  4. We used to buy our diesel from there - from memory it was about .90p gallon! Happy days.
  5. Absolutely nothing. This is the only time I don't miss having a boat! Have fun
  6. Hi John. We bought ours about two years ago and would not be without it. It has the two lids and tells you if you try to use the wrong one! Use it all the time to try and avoid the main cooker. Just needs a little practice and I have not found anything yet that I would have used the oven for. Cheaper to run and quicker. Probably bought on e bay as I only try to do 'desk top' shopping.
  7. It must have been about 8 years ago. We were in the pub over Christmas and some of the guys were talking about my boat. As drinking progressed we all decided it would be a good idea to go up for New Years Eve (I seem to recall one or two of the wifes were not impressed?!) Five of us set off from Hawkinge in my wifes Discovery, By the time we got to Canterbury on the A2 it was snowing badly and we had to decide whether to continue - well, with beer money in our pockets and the thoughts of a few days away we continued. The boat was a six berth Seamaster 30 fitted with a Norwegian diesel fired heater so I knew we would be warm enough. We arrived at Potter Heigham and the track to the moorings was at least 12 inches deep in snow! The ice in the marina was about 6 inches thick I would guess. Needless to say there was no cruising but the two local pubs were kept busy. The boat was so hot that one of the guys in the front twin cabin opened his window in the night and when he woke up had a snow drift on him! Happy Days.
  8. That wine must have been stronger than you thought?! Cheers.
  9. Pension payment day!!!
  10. Have a brilliant last night, but be careful, - the waters quite cold this time of the year!
  11. Thanks for that. Now makes some sense of the original posting!
  12. Been there, done that, many times. Just a habit we got into!
  13. My son and his partner have a great village pub that also serves food. They won Shepherd and Neames tenented pub of the year this August. They get the very occassional 'odd' customer. I certainly would NOT go behind behind the bar to serve! I sometimes wonder how they put up with it!
  14. When I was young - a long time ago now - my dad had a 32foot open boat that was on a semi floating mooring off of Herne Bay. He had agreed to loan it to one of his 'mates' to go fishing. I was tasked to row said mate, 2 batteries, ten gallons of diesel and other bits out to the now floating boat in a small pram dinghy. I suggested we make two trips but he knew better! About mid way water started to come over the transom. He moved nearer the center of the boat but we started to sink slowly. I will never forget him taking off one of his new suede shoes and trying to bale the boat out. We sunk and he started to panic. Fortunately we were only in about 30 inches of water and walked back to shore! The dinghy was recovered at the next low tide. One of my unforgetable memories in life.
  15. Perhaps they will change it if you ask them?
  16. So, if you hire a boat in France you have to have one of these?
  17. I assume the new engine is somehow connected to Volvo?
  18. Thanks for that. The 'elder' would be me now! Walking too far a problem but I am sure worth the effort if we take it steady. I would probably stop at the first pub and let the 'old girl' explore!
  19. How far is the station from the town centre? We went on it once but had a coffee in the cafe and caught the next train back. Might explore more if not too far.
  20. Just like a car parked on a private drive I assume?
  21. Hi and welcome. My first trip was in 1947, also in a carry cot apparently on a sailing boat. As far as I know despite going to the Broads many, many times - it was the first and only sailing boat hire.
  22. When I was young - seems a long time ago now, in the winter on building sites they used to soak an old cement bag in diesel, lite it and hold over the air filter on dumpers while some poor b....r cranked the engine over! I assume they start better these days.
  23. Maybe I should put in an offer before that happens!?
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