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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Quick Midweek update.. I've only managed to get over this evening (I'm having a 4 hour commute at the moment due to most of surrey and sussex being covered in roadworks (Or people trying to avoid them).. Dave managed to get some more varnish on the bulkheads and they are looking very pretty.. We decided to replace the polystyrene insulation with celotex.. main reasons being because I now have lighting recessed and although they are LED it's just a bit safer to use celotex as it's a tad less flammable (we will cut a good recess away from the laps too..) so we spent a couple of hours today and did 2/3rds which is good.. We also have strong winds and at the moment the acros are sinking at a fast rate so tomorrow we will have to make up timber supports coming off the railway sleepers as a backup.. (they really didn't do a good job of compacting the ground under her
  2. Really really nice tale.. keep them coming.. Lovely pics too
  3. Malcolm.. it really is a pleasure to read You should be able to add photos by clicking the "More Reply Options" button down below.. this will then expand to should an upload dialog Keep them coming though
  4. Looking forward to these David! Sounds like you already had a good start with the boat being ready early..! Hoping you have lots of pictures to share.
  5. That's a very true way of looking at things! Although I knew there's a reason why I don't have a dishwasher! Although I am worried that these dehumidifiers on sale are cheap, poor quality and are really only designed for short use not to be left on all winter.. I'm probably just over thinking things though! Hope it calms down and does the job
  6. Please please be careful with these as mentioned before I do know people who have lost a brand new boat due to these things.. I personally would never use one.. Actually here's the link; http://www.pbo.co.uk/news/536300/warning-to-boat-owners-following-spate-of-fires
  7. The flue must be double thickness.. other than that its as easy as cutting a hole in a roof These chaps down the road from you are brilliant.. (we drove up to grab our stove.. as has many of our neighbours).. www.naturalheating.co.uk
  8. Someone from my yacht club put this on our forum.. it's BBC short film (I just quickly put the into on and it looks good)..about boating in the 60's.. It's only available until this thursday though: BBC iplayer link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b036f8nw/britain-on-film-series-2-6-messing-about-in-boats. I found on sky+ searching for "Messing about" Thought you guys may find it interesting..
  9. I must admit I don't know them very well but one or two stand out Black mill I'm sure has a black cap on it
  10. Brillliant write up keep these coming.. I so need theres after my 2 hour commute on the m25.. Neatishead is "fun" but sounds like you have it nailed! I've not been in that pub since it reopened and modernised.. have you got any more pictures to publish?? Enjoy the rest of your holiday!
  11. lol.. I think I probably could have stayed more out the way.. there where some heated discussions (and a few cables in the wrong spot!) but it's not easy as we have about about 4 different lights in each area .. but it's all in the right spots now.. i think lol
  12. Thanks for publishing.. I needed a good read this morning... I think you all done very well with your luggage.. If we go out we somehow fill the astra up including the back seats.. if three of us go we have liase with mum to take certain bits up a few weeks before lol... Keep these coming
  13. Barry, she looks an amazing boat.. everything looks stunning but them windows are soo pretty. Sorry to hear about the BSC although as you say at least its only little bits and bits you expected. Please keep the pictures coming Looking forward to seeing one day on the broads.. , Alan
  14. Thanks David.. I hope you had a good week.. The weather looked perfect It's nice to know people are enjoying following. I know I go on a bit
  15. Neil I asked dave how much work we got done and he said about 10 evenings worth which is good I guess... But I must admit I like the weekends where we put a wall up or paint something and it looks 10 times better.. but I do forget there's these little (annoying) jobs which must be done.. often before we do a big nice job...as you experienced she is feeling really warm and cosy inside though.. she's going to be good
  16. Unfortunately I'm back to feeling like we didn't do to much this weekend (which is a nasty feeling), although that's probably not 100% correct .. We are at a strange stage...Yesterday we, I mean dave (I mainly got in his way) did lots of stuff with electrical cables.. I was hoping to get timber and finish the bulkheads but Dave wanted a spare weekend to do some electrical stuff...Dave actually does all the electrical work, he started working as an apprentice electrician and has studied car electrical stuff at college so it makes sense to just let him do this stuff.. but means I'm feeling like nothings happening as I can't see stuff happening really.. (My skills (if they can be called that) is design, timber, finishing etc etc). We did installed one windscreen wiper though (We need to order the second).. that took a bit of work as we had to trim some battens out.. we also (I think) finished the cabling in the cabin so we really are ready for the lights and sockets to just be screwed on... Yesterday, I sanded the hatch timber surround so it can be varnished.. which will be done in the week. Today we had the morning off as we had a bit of a long day yesterday, we actually went out to get the windscreen wiper motor from the chandlery but they knocked the price up and I can get cheaper online.. so I well.. take that greedy chandlers.. We came back after lunch and spent the afternoon installing a drip stop moulding around the canopy which our canopy maker suggested.. fingers crossed this will stop the odd annoying little leaks so we can panel the wheelhouse walls soon. Last night I also checked my bank balance and was able to do some online retail therapy! and I have basically ordered most of the electrical parts so we can finish the electrical bits. Next weekend (although we have the jumble on the sunday morning) we will grab the works van and collect the last two ply sheets to finish off the bukhead walls.. so weekend after we can make a start on the headlining
  17. Iain, I was posting pictures before my 50 first posts in my project thread?! Unless this has been changed recently? Malc, do you see the "More reply options" button? if you click that it extends out and theres an attach photo option...
  18. Wow.. I scrolled back too.. she looks amazing Clive .. So sorry to see you having further problems with her but she looks like she's in the best hands.. Good luck with the work and hope to see her afloat again one day I too think there should be more timber boats back on hire... imagine have the best fleet of new polished boats plus 3 or 4 "classic fleet"! That would be amazing!... please consider it
  19. You do need to get out more Robin.. (and make more video's - Your gaps between each are far too long)...
  20. The stool with the brown accent strip is the best I think....
  21. Thanks Mark.. we will be there (oh balls means I have to get up early ) Just hope its not busy though.. hate busy jumbles... shopping list is already there. although we don't need much (I need to leave some bits for christmas presents!). I don't think we actually been to the kent ones for a bit.. the last couple of essex ones have been good though.. I think it all depends what you need though.. Iain.. wasn't it was pink fenders?? and no chance.. although if I see one.. I'll get for grace!!
  22. (Thanks Alan) Mum: http://www.marinebedding.co.uk/dryMesh.php
  23. Quick midweek update.. Dave told me to buy lights for the boat... Unfortunately I have a bit of a obsession with Lights and clocks.. if I'm in a store selling either.. I'll likely buy one.. (I'm banned from ikea).. So of course I've spent several evenings looking around (From toplict -> Timage -> to Ikea (online) I couldn't decide.. (I impulsed brought one light lol .. pics coming when its in place the weekend!)... I've probably said before that Richardsons "Far Horizon" is my inspiration for the internal design.. so I went back and looked at the pictures.. So from that I basically redesigned the lighting circuit (after the cables are in of course!) I had planned on having lights mounted on the but I couldnt find one I liked so redesigned to use LED lights in the headlining (just like most modern boats)... Yeah Dave uttered words in French at me... ... it's not too much more work for him... (I guess!).. It will look better though I think... So he's been over working a couple of evenings apparently been doing more stuff with electric cables.. apparently he's installed all the low level LED lights (We have 12 around the boat).. I've also spoken to Alan at Hawke house.. who answered some questions about headling boards so I'll measure up and get the headlining ordered in the next couple of days.. apparently 6mm boards are to be used and PVA glue on the boards instead of contact glue... Hopefully the next couple of weeks we can get the headling up..
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