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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Simple just take some of your own knives. Knives on hire boats are never any good.
  2. Not only Yorkshire, I've been out with some London boys for a drink.Deep pockets and short arms,and boomerang pound notes!
  3. We've had Sweetkingfisher ,a Alpha 29 since 2013,not heard of a club sadly.
  4. Love all of the broads, so much so I live here now in Martham. As Malanka said many broads boats are centre cockpit and will go under most bridges.Southern broads are not as busy as Northern broads.However tides are stronger ,there's probably as many pubs on the south, many of which are very nice,so too very nice Restaurants. Plus Norwich always worth a visit.If you've not been boating before don't go for a very a boat that's too large.
  5. Just got home from a round trip to Kent. To met up with Marina's Brother and Sister in law. Then onto Bluewater, brought chocolate and visited a new shop,Kent all things made in Kent.Nice to see family after some time.
  6. The water at Potter was starting to overlap at 13.30.
  7. Not for me the only fishing I do is with chips .
  8. Don't know where got that idea from.Boats are out all year,
  9. We're here 2022,what will it bring? Hopefully better then last year. Covid reduces its grip.We can move freely, respect others no matter colour ,believes or religion. So Happy New Year.
  10. Agree its out and out vandalism. I also agree there needs to be stricter control of fishing and moorings. On more then one occasion, I've heard fisherman tell boats about to moor that they can't moor there.I hope who ever did this are caught.
  11. 2021 for me at times was worrying to say the least ,a stay in hospital with pneumonia, pulling out of one house,but then things greatly improved. Our house in Martham, even now still getting used to living here. We hope to get the garden in a better shape by spring. The house is almost how we like it.Hopefully mine and Marina's health will be stable.Perhaps a trip overseas(Depending on Covid).Maybe a new boat. Let's hope after two years, all of us affected by Covid 2022 things will get better,we all get a chance to enjoy the broads.Good health to all and a peaceful New Year. Best wishes Ian.
  12. I've never had a boat,hire or our own with a thruster.Thats not to say I wouldn't use one if I had one.I agree often there misused,often seen boats in the middle of the river using it yet not about to moor.As Griff and others have said.Use it as an aid only
  13. Not had a mealnyhere for a few years, what's the food like?
  14. I too have read Hemsby Lifeboat Facebook page.I will try to speak with Dan tomorrow, mainly to see how the crew are.
  15. As another Ian,we had lots in common ,going back in time my family were Scottish, we both loved cricket and if course the broads. RIP Iain from Ian.
  16. There's lots of Voluntary work,charities are always looking for help.With your wife's nursing training, I'm sure she could help,because I think covid will be with us for a few years. PS are you sure you don't want to support a good time,Chelsea!. Ian.
  17. There's no doubt food frozen for a year plus is okay to eat, but will loose flavour. Bread is okay up to six months, but I won't keep any longer.
  18. We retired in March me Marina in June.The chap I used to do the Poppy appeal told me don't worry when you retire you will wounder how you had time for work.Sure enough that's true your days soon fill up.With covid and retirement which is almost two years now time flys.Just work out what you want to do.Enjoy your retirement and Christmas. Ian.
  19. I saw Santa yesterday in Stalham Tescos.I asked him if he got my list,Yes he said too long.Then he said I was a bit naughty, bit harsh that.Anyway I will try to be good now Santa. One more sleep happy Christmas.
  20. I can't remember if it was late 2014 or early 15 that I broke a metatarsal in my right foot.I was off work for about a week,but then was able to work with a boot.I had problems at work,not health related. However when we could we went up to the boat which helped things.Then late November I had problems with my breathing, saw my GP and another Doctor, they both said I had a virus.It got worse so Marina took me to A&E at Dartford.They quickly admitted me,put me on oxygen and found out I had pneumonia. I was in for six days I think.Saw the consultant he said I had also COPD.Sent home with oxygen, a nurse came to see me at home once a day checked my stats and asked me to reduce my dependence on oxygen. After a week I came off it.I worked one day before Christmas which funny enough was 23 December 2015.It took some time to regain my health.At that time my COPD was slight. So into 2016,things start to improve. Tips:What to do with all that Turkey. Even though you may be tried.Strip off any remaining meat and store in the fridge.Make stock with the bones,adding onions,carrots,leek and celery. Turkey curry.When I make curry I'm not mean with onions so for about 500g meat,about 2 to 3 hundred grams onions. Cut into small dice,important to get a good colour on the onions,the browner the better,but not burnt. Add a fews chopped cloves of garlic,then add one dessert spoon of ground coriander, chilli power to taste,Marina doesn't like hot curry so I add about half a teaspoon,one dessert spoon cumin,add a good spoon of tomato puree add chicken or Turkey stock.Cook for about half and hour add fairly large pieces of Turkey ensure its served hot through. Also good pies.Adding cooked onions,mushrooms, Reduce white wine,add some stock,thicken with cornflour adding a little cream.Top with a short crust pastry lid,half fat to flour .I Often use trex. Also good is stir fry. When freezing I label items when frozen and I give two months. In my job,high risk such as meat,fish,dairy one month,low risk bakery items six months.This is a good time to check what's in the freezer,so it's nice a tidy for the New Year.
  21. I will continue if I have time tomorrow. Just to add 2015 was not a good year for me.I will also give some ideas what to do with all that Turkey after Christmas.
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