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Everything posted by unclemike

  1. 50 sensible posts, think I'm in the wrong place,don't do sensible or normal, dunno how i ever got voted in, maybe admin had an offday,you should be ok JA
  2. seen this before, they are ships for scrap, run them up on the beach and then dismantle them
  3. last thursday was working at hackthorn on the farm with the landing lights for scampton in their field, tremendous noise and the vulcan flew over, by the time i had the phone ready it was some acrobatics and then landed, manged to get a few snaps
  4. few years ago spitfire got stuck under beccles old bridge
  5. "lorne sausage" iain you are a heathen the only sausage is "LINCOLNSHIRE SAUSAGE "MADE BY A GOO LINCOLNSHIRE BUTCHER!
  6. have to laugh at people who say "i wont buy anything french",if you live in britain chances are you are part french anyway,do not forget we were overrun by william 1(the conqueror) and his army who settled here.the norman influence is readily visible in the number of churches they built and were obviously settled near
  7. escape from warwick davis would be better,didnt like him when afloat on herby woods boat
  8. about time too, welcome ray
  9. might not be iain, he wanted a pontoon mooring for ease of getting on and off
  10. saw 2 police cars and a paramedic car at phoenix yard as we passed at 445 pm
  11. got your dates wrong iain, we are afloat tomorrow for 9 days must have been a bang on the heed.
  12. when i bought chameleon she was moored at landamores wroxham, these 2 were in the same shed possibly fitted out by the same company,only difference is, these 2 are still listed as patrol type boats on craigs site
  13. have to agree might as well have a meal at motorway services. been sat there too long
  14. only on sundays after chapel
  15. PETER, wong again, this is the true flag,you lot are all incomers from various raids ,viking, romans,and for those who hate the french many of you are descended from the normans after william beat harold in 1066 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-World-of-Flags-3m-10-flag-Welsh-Dragon-Bunting-Wales-/231485930873?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item35e5a2fd79
  16. simple answer, take the A148 at kings lynn then follow follow A 149 from cromer to stalham, actually 7 miles shorter but admittedly not quite the norwich bypass,will save all the stress tho.
  17. no worries bonzo you enjoy, do not see why macd have started putting cheese on tho, used to enjoy better without, and yes i eat plenty of cheese
  18. bonzo ,you make the same mistake as mcD. no way do i want cheese with a breakfast muffin, spoils brekkie completely
  19. gary, zacthedog has given a list of old pennants to'- flying colours tel 01423 860007 they do printed and woven very good service, got a NBYCo one from them
  20. just seen on Facebook, looks like clive has bought geo. smiths yard and is moving fineway dayboats to there
  21. the other way iain is buy and use a roofbox, then put it on ebay when back home, saves storing and cheaper than hiring
  22. got similar last night , said the server had reached its resource limit
  23. after all that stella, no wonder you slept lol
  24. Iain buy a roofbox for the motor then bring your own
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