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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. Very true, when the RAF cuts came a few years ago I grabbed as many as I could ex Halton and Naphill.
  2. I must make one more point. For a great many people, especially first time boaters Acle Bridge is their first view of the Broads as they travel by car to Herbert Woods and Richardsons, usually with time on their hands. Therefore it is an excellent location for a visitor centre that will add value to their stay prior to picking up their boat.
  3. Sort of. I did the one year off the job training and then a three year sandwich course. Later I went back to full time paid education as institute membership was closed to those having just an HND.
  4. Because people are just assuming what is to be built is wrong before it even gets off the ground. Why the words eyesore? It can only be an eyesore when compared with it's neighbours, hence, reference to those over the other bank. I do not agree with many BA actions but I hope that I do not go into the type of abrasive auto-anti BA that is becoming, regretfully seen here, the other place (most of the time) and even the NSBA. Please sometimes stop and think what the effect of all these negative posts have on their staff, the ones I have met being dedicated employees and often view these sites. I am really concerned that inability of the boating fraternity to even consider the bigger picture for Broadland will be it's demise. Without the Bird Watchers and conservation bodies North Norfolk and The Broads would be a 14 week season. You can not survive 52 weeks on 14. You know there are quite a few folk who live here who get pretty upset about reading how the area should be run by people who actually contribute very little to the bigger picture, live elsewhere, have a very narrow interest in the area, ie one activity and then call them, that most objectionable Americanism NIBYs. Personally I like the Australian way. You have an obligation consider it a privilege to visit their National Parks and other areas of the country. Anyway I shall not contribute any more.
  5. I really can't get the point concerning architecture and eyesore. Is it because Bridgecraft and the old Horizon Craft on the opposing bank have such a rich historical and important place in Lower Bure architectural heritage, I think not. The BA have aquired what is now a right dump, with rotten moorings and abandoned toilets and should be applauded for addressing both the lack of moorings and the state of the site in general.
  6. Whoever Miles is he was not in a private marina. The photograph is taken from Stalham Dyke leading to Stalham Staithe, Moonfleet as was and Richardsons.
  7. It was closed as part of the savings about six years ago when the NP grants were slashed. It was all part of moving Ra, redundances etc. I still think moving Ra to it's gravel pit was stupid, the trip round Barton really gave visitors a proper Broads experience of an area otherwise inaccessable to them. You can walk round Whitlingham so why pay to go on a boat? I would love to actually compare passenger numbers in the two locations.
  8. There used to be, It was empty for ages, pretty sure it is now NWT. Why they need two there not sure. The BAhave only Hoveton, Whittlinham and Toad Hall Cottage. It is very easy to think of The Broads only in terms of Boating. As a visitor attraction without Boating it is pretty dire. Unless you go on a boat trip there is very little you can see, Barton, only from the Boardwalk, Hickling and Horsey, very little, you have to get on the water so maybe a visitor centre is good in that location.
  9. The picture looks like it is taken from the main river (more correctly Stalham Dyke) not IN Broadsedge but OF it.
  10. David Mawby at Nottingham marina is a good source of Vikings, try making an offer. Also have a word with Jones Boat Yard at St Ives on RGO. They get a lot that were sold via Riverside Marine at Needingworth.
  11. I have had a really good day. Beautiful weather but the breeze was a little chilly, however most important it had a lot of West in it so very fair for where we were going. I drove to Ranworth parked at the rear of St Helens Church and walked around the front to wait for the minibus. After introductions the bus arrived and transfered us to Barton House where we boarded Hathor for our 5 hour sail to Ranworth. Great sail in great company. Olive was coming up behind but engaged on crew training. Back home now, feeling lazy, so off to buy Fish & Chips.
  12. The best black pudding I ever tasted came from Macklesfield Market. The best White Pudding from a butcher in Wareham.
  13. In 1985 Londonlad I was already your age ..........Alas.
  14. "Some enchanting Evening" Perry Como" & "Ghost Riders in the Sky" Vaughn Monroe and his Orchestra.
  15. Your little clip took me back 60 years. That is broiling or poaching a chicken. When I was young on our farm we kept a few chickens for our own comsumption. That would be their fate come Autumn when they went off laying. Made into either very thick lumpy chichen soup or all meat removed for chicken pie. I kind of do it now. I cook my chicken in a terracotta pot. I eat the result as normal but you get great stock which I tend to use in Rissotto, though sometimes soup.
  16. I think that should go on the back of a truck, don't fancy having that trailer attached to my car.
  17. What are they going to tow it with? It must go a hell of a weight! John White Boats builds steel canal boats. Even Robin's 1000hp with it's set up will struggle with that on the end of a tow. Two words come to mind "White and Elephant"
  18. The River Bure from Wroxham to Coltishall will be out for you as will The Upper Thurne above Potter Heigham. These are actually the gems of the Northern Rivers in my opinion. Furthermore the River Ant above Ludham Bridge will also be out most of the time, so no Neatishead, Barton Turf, Stalham, Sutton and Dilham. Really it just depends what you are looking for.
  19. I have summer arrivals over the field out back. Bit too far away to see if they are Swallows or House Martins. Must have a look at the cliffs under Bacton Gas Works to see if the Sand Martins have arrived.
  20. Wonder why NO engine. Too big for most canals, even if you fitted propulsion. 74ft and wide beam. Only any good as a house boat. Moving it will not be cheap either.
  21. I had an e-mail from Amazon this morning. (As I do every morning) however I thought that I would post a screen print as the walking guides are interesting.
  22. There is a very old boating saying: "What are the three most useless things on a boat?" ANSWER: A suitcase, an umbrella and a Naval Officer. Alan, (Ranworthbreeze) has it right, use bags.
  23. EEK! that would have covered my mooring.
  24. I would not frown. I never realised the potential of boats that I have owned due to Family, Schooling and the laziness that two fully expensed company cars, a pretty fat salary and generous expense account engendered. "Through France to the Med" was my bible but we never made it and now it is too late.
  25. Robin, May I offer a suggestion for you and Independance? All of which you can google and research which seems one of your strengths. The Staande Mast rougte through Holland so no air draft issues, The Keil Canal, Copenhagen, The Gota Canal across Sweden to enter the Baltic just south of the Stockholm Archipelago and then cruise in an area of almost no tides, of vitually no darkness in summer and a salinity so low the grass and trees grow to the waters edge. Almost like The Broads rather than a sea. You could have a fabulous time on a boat like you are lucky to own, and though in northern latitudes enjoy fantastic summer weather.
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