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Everything posted by FairTmiddlin

  1. Obnoxious waste of good wine. Good glass of 8 or 9 year old Rioja yes please.
  2. St Mary,s Bay by the looks of it I used to work for Fords delivering those (plus other things but that in official secrets)things all over the UK. Why oh Why were the diesels (and governed to 55) always destined for Scotland. Made it hard to earn your good crust in a day, as usually had a Ford Fleet car back and we were paid on mileage. Plate driving in those days was worth a fortune.
  3. Watch it you ! I'll come round and retune your motor
  4. So One foot of dredging from Thurne mouth to GYYS Is 14 times 5000M3 70.000 cubic metres of spoil
  5. 5000 cubic Metres is equal to 500 metres( half a kilometer) (or 550 yds) By 10 metres (33.25 Feet) By 1 Metre (3 feet 3 inches) So just under a third of a mile of normal norfolk river to a depth of 39 inches, or 17 inches for 2/3rds of a mile say
  6. You mean one of these nothing to it Pure Math
  7. Beccles wooden boat show is in Classic Boat on there Page 56 onwards
  8. The Volts make you Jolt But the mills that Kills As little as 30Mah across your heart can be enough to kill you Those little clear screwdrivers with a resistor and a Neon bulb should be outlawed. Don't put it back in the box throw it in the bin and buy a multimeter and watch You tube as to how to use one. One of the best ways to learn about Electronics is to watch Bigclivedotcom on YT
  9. What made me put sea senile old brain cannot do three things at once now. I meant to put Estuary.
  10. Hi pumpmedic and welcome to the forum. Not a stupid question at all. The northern and southern broads meet at Breydon water. Which is the inland sea just to the north east of Great Yarmouth.
  11. OK 20 minutes to the quiz on the chatroom http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/ sign in no password click login
  12. Oh go on Hazelgirl you know you want to.
  13. In my idiocy I managed to win this blessed thing last week So it befits me to write this weeks missive to the disciples of the Chat room. This weeks sermon is on a festive note! And that's as far as the story goes until Friday at around 20:30 hours, so no one can cram up on any answers you're not getting the topics. except of course the last one is General Mullock (google it I did) So Chat room http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/ Enter a name and hit login (No password required) and come see if you can type faster than the bunch of ________ (insert appropriate here). That nefariously inhabit that place on friday eves
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum may it be a fountain of knowledge. A source of wit, but watch some of the members, they bite.
  15. HG have a bit of good news https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/medicines/can-i-drink-alcohol-while-taking-antibiotics/ In Moderation of course whatever the upper threshold is for moderation
  16. Surely the large glass towers that is Yare house doesn't need a solicitor? I thought all the Commandments came from on high, that they were the epitome of law in the land. Like the non photographing of Rangers in public places I think Pacman has been at the pills and ghosts again
  17. And most of them had tolerances you could drive a bus through. Possibly some of the worst engines I have ever worked on. How most of them actually ran is a miracle.
  18. Didn't do an 1100 Would have been a1200 Super
  19. " it was a two hour tussle to swap the old alternator from my old car into the new one" If I just leave this here you can use the sentence again and again, just edit the name of the part replaced. It's not a new car you have there it's just becoming a clone of the old one.
  20. Almost correct Steve the Rivaz engine was the first Hydrogen/Oxygen internal combustion engine in 1806. Samuel Brown trialed his hydrogen vehicle up Shooters hill in 1826. Heinkel built a hydrogen jet in 1936 Erren patented the Errin engine in the US in 1939 (but that got quickly forgotten. (purportedly bought up by the standard fuel company/Ford motor company) whichever conspiracy theorist you listen to. An unlikely runner in the hydrogen market was Allis Chalmers of the tractor and combine company who between 1958 and 1965 made a fuel cell tractor, Forklift and a Golf cart Production vehicles, as opposed to concept that never made the production line are: 2007 Honda clarity - hydrogen fuel cell , 2010 Mercedes F cell , 2014 Hyundaia Tuscon FCEV 2015 Toyota Miria production version of the FCV concept car , 2016 Riversimple Rasa 2016 Honda Clarity , 2018 Hyundia Nexo
  21. "we are having to go further and further afield to get the electricity to supply them" And I hope the infrastructure is in place to power all the Electric car chargers for each and every home on each new estate. All four of the chargers in each home for growing families of Eco techs.
  22. Eeeee Batley Variety Club the epitome of culture in'T North of England Soup in a basket (you had to eat quick) Chicken chips and (god forbid) salad, about the only thing a man in Yorkshire has seen that's green is the grass on the rec. Trifle for pudding where's me proper pudding.
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