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Everything posted by grendel

  1. does anyone know of the terms that the bridges run under with regard to restricting the navigation, I seem to recall there is a requirement to open for vessels navigating the rivers, but is there a penalty for the railway for failing to do so?
  2. well I guess that will stop you driving for a while, best recuperate on the boat for a few weeks until its healed
  3. well according to that chart there should be 6 ft 10" at low water today, woo hoo, at that level I would even try taking Water Rail through without a pilot. (we reckon she need 6 ft 1" but that needs to be checked at the bridge)
  4. maybe, maybe not, will be having a look when i am up in a few weeks.
  5. Since the land concerned is apparently owned by a local parish council, then i would assume that they too would have a say in the location of a shed on their property, That local council would seem to own the land that the footpath along that section of bank, and points inland runs on.
  6. A good question, and one I m sure the local planning authority would have no problem answering, though it might be dependant upon owning the land in question, or obtaining permission from the landowner, and even then might be rejected.
  7. can I remind people that while this is an important issue, Griff has done the correct thing by putting the matter in the hands of the correct Authorities. We are not here to condemn peoples lifestyle choices, if someone chooses to live on board a boat, that is their free choice, but the moderator team wont allow this discussion to degenerate into a discussion of anyone's personal habits or problems, firstly we have absolutely no idea why they have ended up in the situation they are in, and secondly we are in no position to be judgemental about them, (and thirdly, such judgements will invariably fall foul of the TOS of this forum). the moderation team would like to thank you for remembering to check whether your comments are really suitable for a family oriented forum in future posts, before posting. Thank You
  8. it woul, but also introduces another non start component into the ignition system to fail.
  9. actually one for Doug, thats Nipper, with the varnish looking as shiny as ever
  10. plenty of wooden boats going through, all no doubt no more than 10 foot wide, similar to Marthams fleet that still have less difficulty getting through nowadays, not the 12 foot wide behemouths that are common these days.
  11. while the situation is still being resolved, it would probably be best to restrict the scope of this discussion to the cause of the engine failure, which I think is what most of those still following this thread are interested in, as that might have some bearing on peoples future mainenance regime.
  12. a friend of mine had a rottweiller/ doberman cross, he fitted a cage inside the door, well that worked ubtil the dog head butted it and flattened it to the door, after that it was an outside letter box, the funniest incident was when he returned home to find the dog stuck on the curved windowsill in the bay window, it had apparently got up then followed the newspaper boy to the door, then got stuck not being able to reverse, my friend had to pick up 11stone of dog and put it back on the floor.
  13. how about a large real cat
  14. the way I see it, you are on holiday, away for a break, so in my book, i dont mind paying a tenner to get a mooring spot. you pay that at the yacht stations after all.
  15. yes, I moored at the nelson moorings a couple of weeks back, and they did charge me a tenner, i did ask if that was deducted off the price of a meal, but its not, so be aware, for me it was within the reach of an electric post on the BA moorings so worth it, I did have a drink and a meal, and they kindly delivered my meal direct to the boat.
  16. do note it says the centre height is just 7 foot, in 1955, nowadays of course the height is quoted at a set width (at least thats what the height for the bridge markers shows), so how much to allow for that section, looking elsewhere i see the dimension to the top of the centre arch is approximately 5" above the bridge marker height, so lets subtract that from the 7 foot in 1955, and we get 6'7" this means we now have a direct measure of the bridge from 1955 to compare modern clearances to. maybe we have lost a few inches clearance, but it doesnt seem as bad as some people make out.
  17. grendel

    Next Please..

    do the yards not have reciprocal arrangements, as such they might just take it to the nearest yard for a quick lift and clear.
  18. I agree, its my firm opinion that the media only survive because every day the news they turn out has to be more sensational than the previous day, and only bad news at that, good news doesnt sell, every day they need another sensational headline to sell their wares, if there is no news of import then they have to sensationalise a mundane story to give them a good headline.
  19. only to be expected from the edp, sensational headline- no facts
  20. working in a company that installs gas and electric supplies, we have been told that new installations of mains gas are being phased out, this is due to the carbon footprint targets. I do know that some trials are in place to replace current natural gas with straight hydrogen gas, its just a case of making the system proof against misuse and thus explosions. but in essence gas is being phased out as a household fuel.
  21. I would like to advise members that when a thread disappears it may return later there are several reasons threads get hidden, some are due to the moderator team wishing to discuss whether the thread or post has broken any terms of service, generally if we temporarily take a thread down, its to discuss some aspect of it. we generally pm a member when this happens to let them know. it can also get taken down through automatic moderation when it has been reported, in this case we dont usually know straight away that it has been taken down, so it may be some time before a moderator team member can assess the reason and pm the member. please remember that the moderator team members are all volunteers, and though it sometimes might appear to the contrary we dont spend every waking hour on the forum (and some sleeping ones too) some of us also have to fit the forum around work (while also fitting work around the forum) so response times can vary, its unlikely that you will get instant notification that a post has been removed or hidden for discussion. we then have to give the moderators time to actually discuss the post and decide on the best course of action, bearing in mind we have to protect vulnerable individuals, children and the forum itself as part of our discussions, we will never act on just one moderators opinion (unless the matter is clear cut and urgent, ie someone posts spam links etc) so we need to have time for many of the team to input their thoughts and come to an agreement over a course of action. in the jokes area of the forum, if we take down a joke, it may be that it has crossed the line of decency, or some other reason, in the joke area unless we feel you need reminding what isnt acceptable, we generally wont pm you with a reason or notification
  22. at work i believe everyone except senior management was furloughed for some time, I was off 3 weeks and came back to a 4 week backlog of work, but some were off a lot longer, dependent on workload. the managers who did continue working covering their teams voluntarily took a pay cut to 80% of their normal wage- all the way up to the CEO, as our work is loosly based on new construction, parts of our business dropped to 10% of pre covid work levels initially.
  23. Marthams last year had 2 encapsulated manuals for each boat, when it came in the old manual was wiped over and put in the cupboard, and the new that had been sitting in the cupboard a week was put in its place, thus, helping keep them clean for the next hirers. it doesnt take a lot of forethought, they also have the manual linked on your booking page on the website.
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