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Everything posted by grendel

  1. RS2021, I dropped a zero, it should be 880kVA total (80x11000) to get 1.5MVA you would be pushing 160A through the cable and it would be glowing like an old fashioned electric fire. Still with 2 pumping stations on line on that circuit a fair proportion of the available output will be used (i bet the light flicker when those pumps start up)
  2. is there any hard evidence yet that having the jab stops you being able to spread the virus, if there is it hasnt reached me yrt.
  3. the big question is will gatherings (informal or formal be allowed, the meet will of necessity bring many people together in self contained accommodation (cant think of a better description of that than a boat) but when we arrive, will we all need to set up a barrier round the stern of our boats?, or will we by the time we are all at salhouse be able to mix?
  4. you are correct, the fault here is my memory, I have just rechecked and the electricity supply is at HV on a single cable for the pub and the mill (and the farm down from the mill, there are various substations en route supplying pumping stations for the most part, plus the pub and surroundings and the last one on the line does the pump at the mill and the farm just down from that. the transformer for the mill is rated at 100kVA so plenty for the pub and cottages, but would need to be uprated for more houses supposing the supply cable could stand the additional load. as its a spur off the network, any fault will cut off supply, so electricity providers will be wary about adding more customers to the end of such a system as their parameters work out in customer minutes lost, and once it hits a certain level fines are automatically levied. so 2 customers off supply for 3 days is not so bad, but raise that to 10 customers, and you get hard pushed to reinstate supply quickly enough. interestingly the substation for the mill (the one for the pub is mounted on a pole next to the supply cable so doesnt count as a substation) is rated by UKPN under the access as "almost impossible!" the HV supply cable is 3c.0225 square inches, for the uninitiated this is around 15mm2, the smallest HV cable in use today is generally is a 95mm square conductor, so a maximum current of around 80A (at HV) this would convert to around 88kW maximum on that cable, minus any losses inherent on such a long run of cable. (the voltage at the far end can be adjusted at the transformer, but the resistance of the cable will drop the maximum supplied at the far end. bear in mind that the LV the cable coming into your house is about twice the size (cross section) of this cable you can imagine the limitations that places on the electricity supply out there in the back of beyond.
  5. yes, even if i had to bring all my food for the week, and avoid everyone else I would be there in a heartbeat.
  6. besides all the points raised above there are the questions - how would they get building materials to site, and the more crucial point, services such as electricity, water etc. I have looked at the plans and the electricity supply is one (small by todays standards)cable fed at LV (240V) from the A47- a 4km run of cable , an install that wouldnt be allowed today due to unaccepatable voltage drop. a new supply would be necessary, at a cost I wouldnt dare to try and calculate, but that could easily reach 6 figures. tthere is impractical and there is just plain daft.
  7. its the government restricting access to the raw materials in case someone collects together 36 barrels of gunpowder.
  8. I felt what is best described as a bit meh, 24 hours after the jab, this lasted a further 24 hours, but i am now back to relatively normal, at first this morning I thought i was running a temperature, but it turned out, that it was just warm outside, my workshop was up to 18 degrees earlier.
  9. mine said that too, but they also said it would take a week to set up if you already had an account, longer if you were setting a new one up, since the people that rely on me for assistance with shopping dont have the internet they cannot register themselves, and I cannot do it for them as for priority slots this would mean obtaining their NHS numbers, by the time I have done all of this and done any shopping necessary before then, we will be half way through march so it seems a little pointless for just 2 weeks. since one of the exceptions to shielding is your support bubble (it assumes that the support bubble is supporting the person shielding, and doesnt allow for the fact that you may be supporting someone else, ie it assumes your support bubble can get you shopping etc, where in fact I am supporting 3 elderly people). as such and having taken stock of the risks involved (no worse than they were last week when I went shopping) I will continue to do things as I have been for the last 11 months, ie not go out unnecessarily, work from home, take care when shopping to maintain social distancing and wear a face covering. then thoroughly wash my hands when i get home, sanitising them between shops.. The email specifically said that this was advice to shield not an order to shield and that the information was provided to allow us to assess the risks and make a choice, I have given careful thought to this, assessed the risk and chosen to support my 3 elderly relatives. this is being done carefully with 2 weeks between the two support bubbles to ensure maximum protection to all. I dont go anywhere else other than shopping for myself and my support bubbles, I have little contact outside other than by zoom meetings or ms teams at work. the postman puts the letters by the door and retreats to the end of the path. if matters changed drastically- eg they suddenly announced that you didnt need to wear masks when shopping, then i would reassess the risks, and maybe avoid some of the shops. generally the shops i have visited locally have been very compliant with the regulations, and the customers and staff are all following guidelines, if i do see someone without a mask, I will either wait or take steps to avoid them. for the government to suddenly decide after 11 months that I am now at a higher risk than i have been during that 11 months, when nothing else has changed, ie i have not suddenly developed a new medical condition. I have managed to avoid contracting this virus (to my knowledge) so far, so i am unlikely to be any more vulnerable now than I have been to date, especially now the local rates are dropping back down to previous low levels.
  10. I could, but then the chances of the deliveries ending at the wrong address, plus i doubt i would get 3 delivery slots a week, plus I dont have any online accounts with any supermarkets and the primary one I use doesnt do online shopping. added to that the secondary reason I visit them is to make sure they are coping and keep an eye on them. my mother is 91 now and my dad only a couple of years younger, they are of the generation that doesnt call anyone to help, they just soldier on, so I need to know they are safe and secure.
  11. yes i believe they have widened the criteria to make the list for those who are now considered high risk, i too got an email saying the same, giving no detail about the added risk, I also noticed that the email said that the isolation was only advisory, and not compulsory. as the main support of 3 elderly people (my mother in law and my parents), I consider that continuing to support them is more crucial considering I have been exposed to the same risk for nearly a year already, it does however give me grounds to refuse a call from my employer to come back into the office should this lockdown be relaxed prior to march 31st. I will still be taking all of the precautions that I have been to this point. after the influx of cases with the kent variant the numbers in kent are once again falling with just 13 new cases in my location and 5 in the adjacent voting area which I now fall under, its silly that the voting areas have been updated but the boundary map showing them still falls in the old boundary, so I can fall within an area on the map,yet for the purpose of number of cases I actually fall in a different area. If I isolate and dont go shopping then 4 people need to get online shopping, 3 of which dont have the facility to actually order online.
  12. agreed, thats what Paul is saying, the use of centimetres or decimetres (100mm) is just something thats avoided, all measurements are in metres or millimetres, so a typical measurement would be 2.45m or 2450mm, not 245cm, or 24.5dm, why are the schools teaching cm and dm when they are generally avoided. I know they are theoretically part of the decimal system, but its as bad as someone using the imperial measurements and quoting things in us survey feet, its fine over short distances, but over the longer distances the errors creep up:- 3.28083333333 US survey feet per meter 3.28083989501 International feet per meter worse still is measuring by GPS, which gives the correct measure only at sea level. I once saw the result of a site laying out the bolt pattern for a new pre built units building that arrived on site and were basically plugged together to form the finished building, the finished building was 100m long, yet as the bolts had been carefully laid out by gps, the site were telling the manufacturer that the prefabricated units were incorrect as they ended up 50mm short of the bolts installed at the far end of the structure, in fact due to the height above sea level, the carefully laid out gps coordinates had left the bolts 50mm further apart than a direct measure by tape made it, as you rise above sea level the curve of the earth increases the distance between gps points and a correction factor has to be allowed to enable correct measurements. similarly measurements taken up a steep hill will be longer than the same distance on the flat.
  13. I have a good tale from the days when I used to do viking re-enactment about pubs, we had a show at a castle somewhere in the nether regions of north wales, it may well have been denbigh. the first night we went out to the pubs, and most of the local pubs by the next morning had signs outside - no vikings, except for the bikers pub, so all of the vikings went there, the local bikers took one look at this hairy bunch armed to the teeth with swords and gave us absolutely no trouble, that night we drank the pub dry (it helped that a lot of the vikings were also bikers or ex bikers). the following day the landlord was going round all the other pubs scrounging barrels of beer, they all asked him was there any trouble, to which he replied that there was no hassle the only trouble was that he ran out of beer. the other crafty welsh publicans thought about it and sold him more beer at a price he was happy to pay over the odds as he had seen us all drinking. the other publicans then ordered extra beer and put out signs saying vikings welcome. this backfired on them because word had passed round the vikings so they all went back the following night to the one pub that had welcomed them, and proceeded to drink it dry again, Vikings have long memories too, as the following year we went back, and once again went to the welcoming biker pub, he had been warned and doubled his stock just for us- yes we drank him dry again, and didnt visit the other pubs.
  14. well I suppose that being a university city some 1/3 of our population are students, since they are all learning remotely at the moment, I guess that means the local practices are getting through their patient lists quite quickly, obviously in age priority. I had mine yesterday, and though I felt fine this morning with just a sore arm, felt a little listless at the 24 hour point after the jab, nothing I can put my finger on, just a slight muzziness, not quite a headache, but I guess that means the vaccine is at work doing its thing. if that is all the price I have to pay for getting the vaccine i cant grumble.
  15. that is not the only thing you can print, basically if you can draw it in 3d, then you can prin it, I printed some neat bearings that can only be assembled on a 3d printer as they contain herringbone gears, so the inner gears are printed at the same time as the outers, but once printed cannot be separated. they can also make that little plastic clip you broke thats essential for making xyz work, in fact i would say 99% of the stuff I print is stuff i have drawn up
  16. I can work with both measurement systems simultaneously, a great deal of the time doing the conversion in my head. This came about due to the 10 years of my career drawing up new cable record drawings from the old sketches, we would send out the os 1:2500 map sheets to our head office, here each kilometer square would be cut into 6 sheets, and photographed on a special rig, this produced at the end of the day 6 large film sheets (about A0 size) scaled at 1:500, upon which we would hand ink the cable routes, the photographic image was on the back of the sheets, so any new buildings had to be added to the back, and a special solution was used to remove the photographic image from the back when needed. So my job was to accurately plot all of the cables from the old records onto these new sheets, some of these old records dated back into the 1890's and were works of art almost, hand coloured in sketch books. we had everything from that to back of fag packet sketches to deal with. all of the pre decimalisation records were of course using the old imperial measurements, so for 10 years my job was literally to convert these to metric and plot them onto the drawing. the most common way to find the route was to plot the service joints (each seperately recorded on a work sheet) along a road and join them up (think dot to dot on a massive scale) and a process that hasnt really changed in all of the years i have been working, we still do the same process, except we are now doing it in CAD, the measurements provided are still as laughably innacurate as back then (I swear I can tell you how tall the person recording the measurements was, just by how inaccurate his pacing of the measurements is). the only accurate measures I have ever seen are the ones i have personally taken on site, with very few exceptions. After my years drawing up the old cable records (I moved between 3 offices at this time, as we finished each area) I progressed up the ladder to site recorder, where every morning i would visit the sites in my patch - measure all the new cables that had been laid since my previous visit, then come back in the afternoon to add those new cables to the existing records.
  17. JM wants his next boat to be measured in cubits - maybe if it keeps raining as it has been JM, maybe
  18. my experience similar was heading into horning just approaching the corner by the swan in a convoy of 30 boats when there was a yacht overtaking a cruiser right on the corner, and round the corner appeared another cruiser intent on overtaking both of them, this left me with about 10 foot width of river, in a 9'6" wide boat at 4mph passing the moored cruisers at the staithe and on the green in front of the swan, I was just 6" from them and the river curved inward from starboard, as i got to a gap, I was tweaking the stern over to miss the next cruiser ahead,the boat behind me actually made fender to fender contact with this errant overtaker, and then slowed down to have a word with broads beat who were just a few hundred yards around the corner, they then shot off to have a word with this skipper. slow down, not a chance I was too busy trying not to hit the moored boats.
  19. no, it was when 1/2d chews suddenly cost 1/2p, I was scandalised as a 11 year old to find such a price hike, suddenly a 6d of 1/2d chews (12) was 1/2p each or 5 for your 6d, thats one of my overriding memories of decimalisation,the price of sweets doubling.
  20. there are more than one type of test centre, if you are non symptomatic there is the quick test with results in 30 minutes, where if you are symptomatic you have to have the full test that takes about a day to get the results back to you, so if it was a quick test centre it was totally correct signage
  21. well that was an unexpected call, seems they must be flying ahead with the vaccinations locally, just recieved the call for wednesday for my jab, I do fall into 2 risk categories.
  22. so instead of passing it on to 4.5 others, you now only pass it on to two, it still is no excuse to break lockdown.
  23. you will be wanting some small pieces in case of damage for patching (one of those lap dancers you have aboard may put a high heel through a cushion).
  24. if there is structural damage it should be categorised as such, and then the repair should have to be taken to a dvla centre and inspected to make sure the work leaves the car safe to use, I have had one car where minor damage was wrongly categorised as structural and had to experience this process,I have also purchased cars written off under a lessor category, and the reason can be a simple as a small dent in a non replaceable panel (such as an integral rear wing on an estate car) where the repair would entail re- skinning a complete side of he car.
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