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Everything posted by grendel

  1. besides i thought nowadays they werent supposed to chase foxes, they should follow a scent trail.
  2. I dont believe they use beagles, fox hounds maybe, beagles are too lazy
  3. Just to remind everyone on the policy we introduced at the start of Covid, that we will not entertain speculation or political comment over this issue, and would expect that only official announcements would be entertained. we are not a political discussion group so only discussions regarding the effect of covid on the broads or where the new regulations affect boat use on the broads will be entertained. comments that do not conform to this policy may be removed without warning or notification, and in this respect the moderators decisions ( arrived at between a group of the moderation team) are final and no discussion will be forthcoming over this topic. We have noticed that some comments on covid related topics have been straying into the realms of politics, and would like to ask that you refrain from this type of discussion and stick to the verifiable facts and broads related discussions. not media speculation or misinformation.
  4. maybe the vicar can bring it forward a day
  5. Having seen a group (4) of students still celebrating halloween at 6.30am this morning when i headed for (probably the last) boot fair, I can see your point MM. the youngsters dont seem to get as badly affected when they do get it, so are more blase about following the rules, and I guess if they are mixing in lectures they dont see any difference when it comes to parties on campus after lectures.
  6. maybe the winterisation of boats is something @BroadsAuthority could comment on?
  7. looks like the standard filter on a martham boat
  8. get yourself under a low bridge and pray for rain to stop you getting back under - dilham?
  9. As yet we have heard nothing, so until an official announcement is made it is purely speculation, maybe by letting rumour abound when they announce something less than a full lockdown they would expect us to be grateful.
  10. yes, I too was about to impart that advice, keep a forward rope around a post and nose into the bank steering as though to push it hard into the bank and the stern will kick out, once its far enough out to be clear of the boat behind slip the forward rope reverse out into the river, which then gives you plenty of room to turn. this can be done using a crew member on the bank to stop the front moving too far, but they have to get aboard sharpish at the correct time before you reverse out.
  11. the lidl one came with a canister of gas, but the box wasnt as good
  12. we have had similar, one of the neighbours kids friends mugged one of the local russian drug mafias couriers, and they called around mob handed and laid seige to the neighbours, this was just after the youth in question had kicked down our front door (having kicked his mothers down previously, i was looking at the door when this happened and he took off like a rabbit in headlights, meanwhile my other half rang the police - no word of a lie they were there within 30 seconds as they had been at his mothers investigating that incident, they caught him, and later his mother called round and begged us to press charges. he was still in police custody when the drug nmafia called on the neighbours. and all this in peaceful canterbury.
  13. certainly traces at the manor end in the field immediately north
  14. https://www.lidarfinder.com/
  15. looking at the kink shown on Jarrolds and the satellite version of google maps, it appears to tun alongside the dyke, which does a similar turn near the river, the satellite view shows the browning of the grass in thisarea, which may be an indication of a marshalling yard or similar, i would love to see the lidar of this area.
  16. I think the brickworks was a bit further north, by the pub, the track certainly resembles that used to relay ammunition to the front line in WW1, i suspect there would have been a fair amount available after the war, making it an easy transport option.
  17. the old os maps from 1918 seem to show a brickworks at the approx other end of the line, so it may have been built to move bricks to the river for transport
  18. have you tried the oldmaps website - https://www.oldmapsonline.org/
  19. thats similar to the one i use, mine was from lidls and is a gas soldering iron, it has a part with a gauze to give flameless heat, but that device would do the job http://offers.kd2.org/en/gb/lidl/peGRq/ mine has a soldering tip, a flame torch option and heat gun option. i also have a very small soldering iron that runs off 2 aa batteries but thats really only good for small amounts of soldering. lidls parkside cordless range covers most tools you could need, and being cordless are ultimately useable anywhere as long as you have a home base to charge the batteries.
  20. it would depend upon the issues, we successfully dealt with noise issues at 4AM when the neighbour got home from clubbing, a noise monitor was fitted by the council, when they replayed it the neighbours stereo was coming through louder than our tv which was in the same room as the monitor, they got their stereo system confiscated. a lot will depend whether you can convince the council that what you see as an issue is actually an issue, and not an overreaction on your part. of course making spurious complaints to the council may just make you the neighbour from hell on his part.
  21. Would this be it, marked narrow gauge railway on my 1946 jarrolds
  22. to be fair most heat sources will do the job, even one of those gas hob lighters, I use a gas soldering iron that doubles as a small heat gun, and that does the job great, but a match or lighter also works, just apply the heat gently and watch it shrink, it usually forms a water resistant seal over the solder joint.
  23. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Connector-Connectors-Terminals-Electrical-10Yellow/dp/B01J42Z2DY/ref=asc_df_B01J42Z2DY/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309954504712&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8983488200250686949&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006602&hvtargid=pla-422761157028&psc=1 Something like these or https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/373166841289?var=641972678341&chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=641972678341_373166841289&targetid=938486032260&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1006602&poi=&campaignid=10195651586&mkgroupid=107296210212&rlsatarget=pla-938486032260&abcId=1145987&merchantid=6995734&gclid=CjwKCAjw0On8BRAgEiwAincsHFESxZSw8IIFz11bNQs4xCK0lzoTQBcbHR0JayJoZgnODvbjNgk0-RoCLBkQAvD_BwE
  24. OK, then my next suggestion is the heat shrink solder jobbies suggested by Alan, they should take away any lack of skill, not my first preference, but I can make a decent solder joint.
  25. to be fair on the councils, they are inundated, most councils have cut back all the non essential work, which for me doing my job can be frustrating when our legal team ask for public highways extents plans, and the councils have shut down that service for the duration to free up staff for more urgent covid related work. so it doesnt surprise me much that they have not even spared someone to give a thought about extending the agreement a few weeks (and that assumes the BA can keep their staff there for that time too). in my experience it tends to be the highways and recreational teams that are called upon to cover their colleagues and whose normal works are suspended during the emergency.
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