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Everything posted by grendel

  1. ooh is that what a football looks like, I always wondered.
  2. dont worry, in london we are always hitting BT cables laid directly under the paving slabs, you push your shovel in the crack to lift the slab, whoops you went through the BT cable with the shovel.
  3. swallows and amazons (the original 1975 version), and swallows and amazons forever - the bbc production
  4. just watch out for the traffic on the roundabout above the M25 as it enters the tunnels , that can be snarled up nearly as badly as the tunnel, even when the tunnel is flowing smoothly, I would suggest checking the traffic before you set off to see which way is least congested. Actually it looks like Northbound could be clear as the proposed works are on the southbound side, so will catch me on the way home
  5. my laugh was for the comment in brackets. over the last few weekends the slip road from the M2 to the M25 has been shut for roadworks (of course they also shut the south end of the M20 so the M2 was the diversion route, so the two main roads through kent both had shutdowns and the other was being used as a diversion for the first, which led to all sorts of chaos)
  6. the BMC barely fits under the floorboards as it is.
  7. https://i.imgur.com/lfFDjAV.mp4
  8. my my, google translate is getting a workout on this thread. Now all I want to know is how is the patient, can we throw the switch and yell 'She's alive, she's Alive' or are we waiting upon the thunderstorms arrival first?
  9. perhaps she couldnt find the brake?
  10. I believe that the last person to see the Pulsons formulator Mk3 was CPO Pertwee, Just before sub Lt Phillips changed course with a bit of the old left hand down a bit.
  11. thats where all the oil went, it was absorbed by all the cake Doug was feeding the engine. Gateauxcharge
  12. Tim, are you trying to fool me that its a turboencabulator, we all know its not, and its the normally aspirated version. you are trying to explain that barescent skor motion is required, but not being achieved, are you not.
  13. the other big question was did you get to the scotty from star trek moment "if I give her any more she'll blow"
  14. or ... the crankshafts connected to the con rod, the con rods connected to the piston, and this here tray is there to contain all of the oil that keeps it working, its supposed to be at least half full to keep on working. .... but the important question is - did you find what went wrong, theres not a lot to go wrong in one of those unless something breaks and falls into something else. it does look like all of the bits and pieces hanging around the outside have been transferred over to the donor engine
  15. molehills are fine, as long as nobody tries to make mountains from them
  16. I once got a telling off at work, I needed to do some work on the car, so threw an extension out of the window, out with the grinder and a few minutes later the work was done. I then got hauled up before the MD, and was told that I could not do that as I had been using the companies electricity (we were and electricity supply company). at this point I completely upset the MD in his telling off by fishing in my pocket, hauling out a 50p piece, slapping it on his desk, and saying , I am sorry I used the electric without firstly asking, will this cover the cost. all i got told was dont do it again as the MD hadnt prepared an argument to cover that eventuality.
  17. there is a good half hours work turning each of those handrail supports and tapping them to m4
  18. well handrails made, and test fitted, also thousands of BA nuts and bolts sorted into sizes
  19. how about loosing at them?
  20. this mornings task is making the handrails, i have some 4mm dowel, but its a little too short, so far this morning i have sanded a shallow splice onto the ends of the dowels, and one is gluing up in a set of v blocks.
  21. well a bit more work, after the trial runs there were a couple of drops of water in the bottom of the boat, now not sure where this came from but i suspect a pinhole in the epoxy sheath over the timber, this will more than likely get sealed when i paint the hull, but just in case i have epoxied the area inside too. after that it was time to add the strips across the roof, and then the handrails, unfortunately one mounting point happened to end up where the support underneath was, but right on the edge, so a couple of blocks have been added to allow the threaded portion to sit through a timber with space behind for the nut.
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