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Everything posted by grendel

  1. my biggest concern over lithium batteries is the possibility of failure and water ingress, lithium is very reactive to water, and lithium batteries have been known to catch fire (thinks phones laptops and batteries in planes all catching fire.)
  2. the worst one round our way is the guide leader who charges down the road in her invalid chair at about twice normal walking speed, scything her white stick across the path in front of her (as if she could stop in time is she felt anything), the trouble is I have seen her (when picking up my daughter from guides) carrying two of the large church hall type tables, one under each arm
  3. no but we can stuff blankets around it to muffle the noise so you cannot hear it.
  4. I have modified the title of the post for you - thats what us techies are here for
  5. no, that is a raft skilfully crafted from string and twigs.
  6. I can remember i n the late 70's when I was filling my moped up it cost less than £1 - and that was the standard and the additional tank - 2 gallons
  7. I even have my big pillar drill on wheels, though I dont really plan on moving it a lot.
  8. the bottom of the bracket is just a push fit into the slot in the skeg.
  9. tonight the block was soft soldered into place and the skeg replaced, motor tests done, no noticeable increase in current draw - still at 1.7A as before I fitted the support, when installing the prop shaft and associated parts, keeping the current draw low means everything is well aligned. You can see the skeg has been slightly angled down to accommodate the 35mm prop, this is 5mm bigger than model #1. I actually have 40.5mm clearance now - not quite enough to go up to a 40mm prop. next the rudder will need to be fitted.
  10. if it was opened up to boat access, how many boats would have sufficient length of rope for the mudweight.
  11. banks where all of the tellers positions are now automated, with just the foreign currency exchange with a human, especially when the problem is a bank card where the chip has died. at the one human till I waited for 30 minutes while they sorted out students and parents accounts that had both been locked after trying to transfer funds from one to the other. This was a saturday morning, by the time I had finished the queue of shopkeepers coming in to get their change was about 30 people long - the first thing the teller tried after I told her the chip had failed - was the chip and pin machine, she then said - ooh your right the chip has stopped working, and then we got on with the paperwork to get me some cash to use until the new card arrived.
  12. it wouldnt have been 'the old dark house' with Joyce Grenfell would it?
  13. http://lionandcompass.com/
  14. this restaurant in sunnyvale california is sporting a sign that sounds like you are describing,
  15. this evening the fitting of the prop shaft support started, I didnt want to fix it solidly into the skeg end, as I wanted to be able to remove this, so I devised a method that would allow the bracket to sit in a slot in the skeg, the solid lump will be soldered into the skeg.
  16. I have just waded through all the forum settings to try and find a setting, but no dice there either, images submitted are reduced to 2000 x 2000 pixels max, but no mention of max size to try and upload.
  17. because artisan Craftsman is tautology and master Baker sounds a bit like.......................
  18. Last night the cradle was unclamped, tidied up and replaced under model #1. model #2 has moved into the workshop in preparation for the installation of the prop shaft support and rudder.
  19. sunset in my rear view mirror on the way home was stunning.
  20. very different from normal here in Brentwood.
  21. shoppers who meet their friends in the doorway as one enters and the other leaves, then spend 10 minutes chatting while everyone else is waiting to either get in or get out, then complain bitterly when someone barges through.
  22. everything is a lot smaller, and you have to make a decision where to stop faithfully reproducing every tiny detail.
  23. I had to find somewhere out of the way to store them.
  24. not after we sold them london bridge and they realised it wasnt tower bridge
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