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Everything posted by grendel

  1. when I went to Bournmouth airport while on holiday down that way we were lucky enough to view the red arrows on the runway from the museum tea garden, at the same time they had the red arrow gnat out in front of the hangers doing an engine test - Bonus.
  2. So the fourth layer of the bow toe rail is added, heres a close up, these will be glued into shape, and the joins with the side toe rail will be staggered. once I get this dried out and out of the way I can move the model (#2) round and put the forward ribs in, as positioned at the moment this is rather difficult to accurately position them.
  3. well I got to that point, I could see a need for at least 3 different projects, so I splurged this years annual bonus and got myself one. I wanted to see how this one came out, but eventually aborted the print due to the errors, I have found a website and now fixed the model, there were gaps in this that the software had added spacers. this would be cleaned up to remove the lines from the layering etc. you can see the internal structure where I stopped mid slice, and also the gaps where info was missing.
  4. here it is, its a big thing, picture of inside while working, and picture of the screen showing the video preview (i sat a webcam in the door to monitor what was happening from downstairs) I set this up upstairs on the windows 10 laptop, but can now monitor from the comfort of my chair via a vnc link between computers
  5. this morning to make up for the lack of progress last night, the last rib in place on one side, and a third layer on the bow toe rail. the 3d printer is half way through a 7 hour print, this has nearly gone wrong once and a quick intervention with extra glue to restick a section of supports to the printer bed was necessary (the plastic is fixed to a heated glass plate with an application of a pritt stick glue stops the plastic moving).
  6. Nothing to report this evening - I am busy setting up a new toy, I have got myself a 3d printer, you will be happy to know that I have already created some 3d models to be printed on it, a light fitting, plus the grill on the side of Broad Ambition, as soon as I have a successful test print I will be trying out some of these parts, but this evening has been spent setting up and getting it working
  7. one point I like about French roads, is that the speed limit is lowered if it is wet or raining.
  8. I think you will find that if they tripped on the mooring rope running away, you would be ok, but if you are seen holding their head under with the mop then you might get in trouble. If you use the mop - remember to shout 'here grab onto this ' loudly so passers by can hear
  9. if the website has changed, maybe the email will too
  10. my dad carries a magnifying glass and gets it out and reads labels on tins etc, no matter how long it takes (a good job he is retired and not in a hurry) as for 100g of 300g means that 1/3 of it is probably bad for you. you should be able to take some sugar, its just a matter of balancing the extra sugar with extra insulin, if you ajust your sugar intake to a certain level try and keep it the same, then you can compensate with extra insulin, I have a similar juggling act with my warfarin and greens.
  11. Well the ribs one side are nearly done, and that toe rail has progressed to strip 2 (I have found a way to try and stop it splitting out)
  12. not as much done as I wish as I need to finish the ribs on model #2 before I can shape up the toe rails for model #1, as it is I have made a start and steamed the bow section with the first layer, after 15 minutes steaming the wood still started cracking out on the really tight curve, thats ok on this first one, but I will find a way of stopping this for the rest.
  13. my aunt used to jump the hoop of fire with my mum on the back as pillion on an old BSA
  14. I was getting quite intimate with all the fitments on the sides of Broad Ambition while I was sanding and painting t'other week thanks, but if I do need more details, you can be sure I will yell.
  15. so 3 more ribs on one side, and more work on the decks, the templates trimmed and foredeck cut out. I will need to move model #2 to be able to lay the decks out and steam up the top rails (I just know Griff is going to come in and give me the correct term for these in a minute) - now do I use one wider section and form the cant rail as I go?
  16. dont tell us your head has got bigger too.......
  17. hmm I have had a look, I only have 3 months (5400) emails on the bt server so it does delete after 3 months, but I cant find anywhere to change it. that said on my windows live mail there is a setting where you can change when it deletes the mails from the server - mine is set to delete them when I delete them in live mail - but ou can set it to delete after they have downloaded to live mail - or after 5 days, maybe I have set one of my other devices I recieve mail through to delete after 3 months, who knows.
  18. I set this up while it was still on yahoo, so I wont know until I have a look.
  19. my bt mail is set to keep messages for about 6 months, you set it up by logging into the bt mail through your BT account, it is possible to set it up to delete the mails as they are transferred in to outlook / other mail reader, but I had to turn this off as I recieve my mail on up to 4 different machines, I have never had my mail try and download everything, that may be a setting in your mail service on the recieving device, on mine they will only download about 3 months worth, anything older is ignored. I have also had to disable the junk filters at my service providers end (bt mail) as I was losing too many important emails, its now filtered when it gets to my mailbox.
  20. started fitting those front ribs, 3 done on one side, templates marked up ready for cutting down, then transferring to plywood.
  21. on my drive home last thursday 3 lanes of the M25 were covered by what looked like the complete side or roof of a lorry, or maybe a building, the part was nearly 30 foot long by maybe 20 foot, with some attendant debris, everyone was just driving round it, while a highways england landrover was just sitting there with the driver looking at it as though wondering how on earth to remove it, next day when I came through it was mostly sitting in the field next to the motorway, I reckon he lifted one edge high enough to let the wind get under it and move it off the road.
  22. Haha ha ha ha - I havent laughed more all day - Virgin on the ridiculous you mean....
  23. Ah yes, actually that's just holding the various cardboard templates together. As fordetail, I have some blind cords on blue, that are going to be just the thing for the various ropes, though I think the cheesed ropes may get permanently cheesed to keep them cheesed.
  24. tonight I steamed the last of the ribs that require steaming for the front shape, the last 3 up to the bow will go in without steam, or certainly they dont require formers. the deck supports are in, and a cardboard template is being made for the side and front deck, this will be transferred to plywood with about 5 or 6mm removed as this gap will be the top rail, which will be laminated up around the curve, using the deck itself as the former before its fitted, obviously there will be a join somewhere, though in theory I can stagger the joins in the laminations. once laminated this will need shaping as per BA's top Rail, ie chamfered on the bottom edge. I was originally going to laminate 2 sections at 1/4" square, but now I am thinking 4 thinner sections, which will steam around the bow a lot easier. Its good to be starting a new task, as it stops the build getting 'stale' and boring. after the deck will be the cabin sides, on model #2 we will be finishing the ribs, and after making sure they are all flat to each other, the planking will start.
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