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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. How very true, I really do find it hard to believe that someone who calls a certain type of boat an 'eyesore' now asks everybody else to 'live and let live'! Yes, let's tolerate the interests of others and try and understand that we all like different things for different reasons. That's how to live and let live.
  2. "A non-boater may well find nose to tail bath tubs a huge eyesore at the few publically accessible riverside facilities so maybe a more diverse view of what we are all about might help to protect the environment we all care about." Conversely, they may not! Having moored at Hoveton Viaduct many, many times over the years, I have watched people strolling the footpath looking at the moored boats. Many, of course, would be of the 'bathtub' variety as higher boats cannot generally get under Wroxham bridge. From what I have seen, these walkers have not been looking at the boats in disgust, more in interest and intrigue. Remember, a non-boater probably has no idea about the various types of boat so wouldn't have the blinkered view of some.
  3. Did I see a GriffTile vehicle at the burger van in the lay-by just outside of Hoveton this morning? Must have been a coffee stop.
  4. Yesterday the electric post at Irstead was absent and the concrete all taped off. There was a notice attached but I couldn't read it from the boat.
  5. Paxman, Packman, Packham - I'm getting very confused! Whatever, it's good to have A.J.B's assurance re the installation costs.
  6. Is this Jeremy Paxman? I have a sign for him too! On the other hand, if we are talking about Dr Packman, Jenny Morgan says all that needs saying (and a lot more!)
  7. I think something I wrote has been somewhat taken out of context!!!
  8. I think once again this identifies all the work that goes on behind the scenes as it were. Stuff that most of us have no idea about and would certainly have no idea how to create. Well done to all of you who beaver away to promote the forum. It is a good thing to air promotional videos etc IMO to get forumite views, after all, one man's meat etc etc.
  9. Are they really advertising this for 2?? Seems a tad OTT to me. Is there stern access?
  10. I have to agree with Vaughan, a couple of pictures would add to the charm of the background music which is just right - just my opinion of course. I like the video nevertheless, it has a certain draw and I think it will appeal.
  11. Many years ago I was late for work one morning, all due to blue tits. (Careful now!....) We had a tit box, still have actually, and I was watching mum and dad go in and out feeding. Suddenly, one by one, the babies came to the box entrance, teetered on the edge and then launched themselves out and onto the nearest branch. By this time mum and dad were on branches nearby calling out instructions to the little ones, I think in total about 6 babies appeared. There was no way I was going to leave for work while all this was happening, it was a magical event. We have had the tit box for years and it is very rare for it not to be used each spring.
  12. The B & D dustbuster shown is a fantastic piece of equipment. We have 2, one at home and the other on the boat. They have terrific 'suck' and get into all corners and the little brush on the end comes in very useful. There is also a crevice tool with the most recent model - that is the one shown in Wildfuzz's picture. They are easy to empty too. Not cheap but well worth every penny.
  13. Serves the owners right for not considering their dog's needs before abandoning him/her to go shopping!
  14. I wish someone would find a way of penalising the wrongdoers rather than everybody in general. Plastic carrier bags was a prime example, those who responsibly recycled and reused had to accept a total ban on free bags from shops because of the selfishness and thoughtless actions of some. Dogs get banned from places because some owners don't clear up. So many more examples where it is the 'innocents' who suffer - it just ain't right! Rant over.
  15. Could wild mooring be classed alongside wild camping?? Could be a slippery slope..........
  16. If we listened to the so-called "experts", we would be changing our eating habits every five minutes! A long time ago my husband and myself decided that moderation in all food and drink would be our mantra, it seems to work as neither of us is overweight despite slowing down as we get older. Walking our two dogs gives us the much needed excercise. My grandmother was told to lose weight many, many years ago. She did something like Gracie's 80/20%. She ate extremely carefully Monday to Friday but at weekends she enjoyed that little bit extra. Well, sometimes it was more than just a little bit! But it worked, she lost a lot of weight over a period of time and I think that's the way to do it rather than these crash diets. everyone!
  17. " We are now on our third ensign staff, first one was broken by a hire boat, second two by our own crew insisting on using it as a hand hold." Maybe a pushpit rail would be useful then (thinking back to a recent thread on the benefits/drawbacks of)!!
  18. With two terriers, I am grateful for this information and warning. Thank you JM.
  19. Told you there would be plenty more advice on its way! Whilst a dinghy is extremely useful, do remember that you will be having to haul the dogs (who look gorgeous by they way) in and out of it. Boats do take a bit of getting used to (getting on and off etc as well as handling) and there could be a bit of scrambling involved! That said, things usually fall into place (hopefully not into the river!) and there will undoubtedly be someone ready to lend a helping hand. As has already been suggested, lifejackets for the dogs are a really good idea and will give you peace of mind. Whatever you end up doing, go with the flow at a gentle pace and enjoy the experience.
  20. Hi and welcome to the forum. Plenty of good advice for you already but I would like to ask how big the dogs are and how long you are on the boat for? Have you had any boating experience previously? I think that information will help provide even more useful suggestions. What a great way to celebrate your anniversary, it's my guess you might even be eager to celebrate your 26th with yet another visit to the Broads. It can be very contagious!
  21. Of course you have! It is still possible to find fairly dark areas of Broadland as you found mudweighted on Hickling. There is something very special about being on a boat away from 'civilisation' and just enjoying the stars and the quiet.
  22. The most magical sky I have ever seen was in a fairly remote part of Australia. We were travelling in a campervan and stayed in a small National Park (a real one!), no lights at night anywhere. It was close to an observatory which we visited at night and were able to use the massive telescopes. Saturn and its moons were incredible and the southern skies are unbelievable.
  23. Just for hire boats or private boats as well?
  24. Babs Beverley married Billy Wright who played for Wolves.
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