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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. I agree, I know its a difficult one to call but if theres a risk of bad behaviour the only way to protect people from confrontation is to ban fishing from BA moorings completely. With the exception of fishing from your boat. As I have said before the moorings by the bypass bridge in Beccles seem to be used by match fisherman throughout the off season, how can you move up when your fishing a match?
  2. dnks34

    Tv Aerial

    This one looks pretty good for size
  3. Would windage be a problem or an advantage? With the wind in the right direction it might swing faster!
  4. dnks34

    Tv Aerial

    I think Brian wards sell the Touring Aerial kit, thats where I got mine but it was a few years ago. I also went to screwfix and got a 2m lightweight aerial pole and mounted the aerial to that rather than the pole in the kit.
  5. dnks34

    Tv Aerial

    Have you tried it with a signal booster, might be better
  6. dnks34

    Tv Aerial

    The good thing about those maxview touring aerials is they are at least half the size of a house type aerial but work just as well.
  7. dnks34

    Tv Aerial

    This is the booster https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F290753262905 The key to it is mounting the aerial at a decent height without obstructions, possibly difficult to do unless its mounted on a pole.
  8. dnks34

    Tv Aerial

    This sort of thing with a maxview 12v booster has worked everywhere for me, even on the move in some areas. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F222610163567
  9. I remember reading about this at the time but to replace the main bearing wouldnt the bridge have needed to be lifted off it first? Shame the budget didnt stretch to paint!
  10. The Council by the sounds of it! Council Tax will be going up to cover it!
  11. So have I (seen) not actually got in myself but I very much doubt they were paying £70 a pop for it in waves of 30!! I decided sometime ago that I could take care of my safety (and contribute to theirs) by keeping my boat off the Waveney that day and stopped being concerned about it but I do agree with you Grendel a precident has now been set. I wonder what it will be next!
  12. I have just checked, there is an entrance fee but as the boats being used are tolled I dont think trying to draw a comparison between the 2 events is the right way to look at it.
  13. I know but is there an actual entrance fee for the event and if so is that carried out for profitable interest, I am just asking as I wondered if this is the norm.
  14. Who come next years event if numbers flourished may well be making a nice bit of bunce off the back of those who are paying for the upkeep!! Am I wrong in having an issue with this?! Is the Three Rivers Race carried out for profit? (Just out of interest)
  15. A swimming hat with a toll plaque and a reg number! I will go a step further, Tolls for water skis, one for each ski!!
  16. No offence smellyloo but maybe if you did own and had experience of the way boat owners have been nailed to the wall with Toll increases theres the possibility you might feel differently about it. The Toll for my boat has risen 35% in 7 years, why would I not get anoid about people turning up and using the waterway for free!! I am not suggesting as a non Toll payer your view is invalid but there are valid reasons some of us feel this way.
  17. I dont strive to ban anything, 200 swimmers in the water in one go on a waterway predominately used by other interests caused me concerns. 90 people not so much. But what about next year, 300, 400 where is the line? I am glad it went well and there were no casualties but I do not seek to ban anything, I just thought it a bit rich that a commercial venture can pitch up to use a waterway others groups pay to maintain for seemingly no fee (other than use of assetts). I only strive for things to be equal, or at the very least fair.
  18. How many times have 200 people been in the water (broads) at once for problems to occur? I think them only managing 90 participants this time might have made a difference to the amount of disruption that was actually noticeable to others. Where do you draw the line
  19. The activities you mention all having to pay a Toll to carry out their water based activity...........are already paying in.
  20. The point that I still make is the financial one, maybe in certain circumstances the BA ought to impose an “events” fee to make it all seem that bit fairer to those that do pay for it. I dont know for sure that didnt happen but I think if it had of done it would have been said early on.
  21. Do we know the actual numbers taking part? Was it said to be 200 to begin with?
  22. Its reassuring that network rail is at last trying to do something in the hope of alleviating the problem at Somerleyton I just hope using water doesnt eventually cause the bridge other issues, still its a start. If they could just find a way of teleporting trains over the level crossing at OB North I would be a proper happy camper.
  23. I removed and cleaned out our heat exchanger core and oil cooler last year, I found a few furred and slightly blocked tubes and after cleaning them all out it was suprising the difference it made to the normal running temp on the gauge.
  24. Drying up or silting up!!
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