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Everything posted by WherryNice

  1. My folks hired Countess of Thurne in 74, she was soft top back then though. She turned up at Wayford for sale with the sedan top recently, called Pasedena, Turnoar there are two Seacrete boats next door to my home yard at Wayford, my parents owned one for 15 odd years which is now visible from the inside lane going over Postwick viaduct on the A47 and some family friends still have the one they bought back in the 80's. The hulls are pretty bullet proof but various metal structures inside tend to rot away causing things to sag here n there. Many happy times spent on them though
  2. Hi Turnoar, are the reg numbers visible on the concrete wonders? I cant zoom my screen in with enough clarity to see for myself....ta
  3. I wholehearted agree with the 'use your night vision rather than spotlight' theory right up until the upper reaches of the Ant where the trees really close in, the river narrows with added sticky out bits and make an extra light scource very important. However I try to only use it when really needed, for as short a time as possible and not aimed at other boats...
  4. It's Thunder that is now based in Horning, same sort of boat. I have no connection, just been looking into the various syndicates recently...
  5. The chap who sent the email has an appropriate name.......a good omen perhaps?
  6. It's good to see some different ideas being tried out to solve these issues, shows somebody somewhere has an open mind, hopefully it will be a success
  7. Love that pic of the hollow tree at Salhouse, reminds me of one of me aged about 4. Must be one of the most photographed trees ever I reckon
  8. Hello and welcome from me
  9. Wayford bridge to Paddys Lane moorings with mudweight down a few years ago, in my defence neither myself or my Dad (the only people who would normally do so)had deployed it in the first place!
  10. I spotted LO09NEY on an Audi R8 last night, it was doing bang on 70 up the inside lane....
  11. According to a song I heard recently I compare very nicely with nothing....... No mention of something or anything though she did bang on about fancy resturants n such
  12. No worries David, hope it works out for you
  13. David, just wondered if you had seen the ebay listing for a share in Goosander?
  14. Binge watched them all right up to date over yesterday evening and this morning! All very interesting and a joy to watch! Thank you for sharing Polly
  15. Generally I can spot whether a boat is hire or private and often whether it originated on the Broads or elsewhere but I wouldnt say I could do it 100% of the time...
  16. Anyone recognise this little fella? Made me chuckle
  17. Congrats, I had a nosy at her a few weeks ago, looks a lovely craft:)
  18. One of those sold at Wayford Marine earlier this year so at least one is still about somewhere....
  19. The Sedan is also currently listed on Boatshed Norfolk, looks a nice little boat tbh.
  20. I have always admired those Scorpios for their style but im not too sure about practicality, they seem a bit like sitting in a car in terms of the seating which might become a bit annoying if you want to spend much time in one, on a boat I like to be able to move around a bit more. Also, I'm sure you are already aware but will say it anyway, depending on the weight of the boat n trailer and tow car you may need to do the additional trailer test if you go for hardstanding type storage. With regard to the engine power requirements, where theres a choice I'd usually go for a bit than you need on the better to have n not need principle. Also a speed boat always looks a bit daft with a tiddly motor on it imho
  21. Do they do range extender type things that plug in the electrical sockets like you can get for wifi?
  22. I had been wondering that same thing, perhaps it doesnt actually go to earth as such but goes back to the unit where some kind of electronic trip would cut the supply if necessary? Just an idea? Also isnt the point of bonding the dc neg and the ac earth to prevent current being discharged into the water? I could very well be wrong about most of this, I have been researching this kind of stuff but a lot of the info out there seems to conflict.
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