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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Lulu

    Pastures New

    I think we are moored virtually opposite you. We haven’t had any issues. It’s been lovely and quiet, the facilities are perfectly adequate, the Ferry Inn is very handy! we haven’t had trouble parking so far and the staff are lovely including the staff at NYA who are so helpful. And there’s a resident heron who I’ve named Stanley Looking forward to meeting you!
  2. Warm welcome to the forum BroadsAuthority :)
  3. I love watching their vlogs, also The Narrowboat Experience, Floating Our Boat and Cruising the Cut
  4. Fantastic to see so when does Janet Anne go in
  5. https://www.norfolkboatsales.co.uk/used-boats/aquabell-33-trojan-spirit-of-breydon-862.asp
  6. Warm welcome to the forum and great photos :)
  7. Lulu

    My Day

    That is an awful lot of pressure you have put on your apprentice boat builder lol
  8. Lulu

    My Day

    Please post lots of pics of launch day!
  9. Lulu

    My Day

    I just want to make it very clear that this is a team effort with Selsie! I do the rollering on and he does the flatting off (is that the correct term?) and clearing up the drips I’ve made! This was from a while ago. Janet Anne is a great teacher
  10. Lulu

    My Day

    Our weekend. Got up to the boat mid afternoon on Friday . Decided to relax, have a nice meal at the New Inn and prepare for a day of painting the boat on Saturday after seeing the weather would be nice. Woke up to a dead fridge. It was original to the boat from the 1970’s. Finally admitted defeat with the thing and spent a fortune on a new one although it was in a sale so I suppose it was a ‘bargain’. New fridge installed and a very much lighter wallet, then it rained so no painting. Sunday - woke up to glorious sunshine. Delved around in the dark depths of a storage area and found some canvas door covers. Arghhhh we had just paid out for new ones, then I had a bright idea. They fit across the screen and we want a screen cover. Contacted Polly and had a lovely Facetime conversation as we discussed the possibilities of adapting the covers to a windscreen cover. Looks possible, thank you Polly! X Finally we painted. Still got the sides and decks to go but progress has been made.
  11. It was a mandatory stop for our family (well for me anyway as a kid). I loved that shop and always spent my holiday pocket money in there. Happy memories:)
  12. I have such fond memories of my childhood holidays on the Broads I could also write a book on it and have introduced Selsie to this special place and now he too has the Broads Bug. Special times will always be taking part in the DIY Sos. We were both nervous, we didnt know anyone and we have now made such wonderful lifelong friends and also learning new skills about boat building and maintenance. Whilst sorting out the ropes, up popped an otter literally 2 ft away from my face. I think we were both as shocked as eachother. Id never seen an otter in real life and he had certainly never seen a Lulu! Every time we get to our boat, we have an instant ‘ ah we are home moment’. I don’t t think that feeling will ever go away.
  13. There were definitely camels and also a B&B called Lamas in Pyjamas lol
  14. This was our route to and from Glasgow/Greenock last weekend. My little Aygo struggled in places with the hills but wow what scenery. Fuel cost us £80 round trip. Did you see the camels at the farm going across the pennines? No one believes me! The A1 stretch is the most dull, never ending boring journey and then the last bit is the A14 road works which took forever with the 40mph restrictions for mile after mile. Interesting experience having done this journey twice in the last two months but I hate long car journeys and the endless hours sitting in the car basically wasted two days of my precious annual leave so want to fly up there next time.
  15. Lulu

    My Day

    Recently spent a few days in Scotland visiting our daughter. Went out for dinner at a restaurant overlooking the Clyde. The scenery is stunning up there. Lovely few days then followed the heat back again to England on Saturday leaving torrential rain and thunderstorms behind in Scotland
  16. Lulu

    Mooring Advice

    Ferry Marina have electric, shower facilities, Pedros on site, the Ferry Inn, a very short walk to. Very friendly staff and we like being in Horning as it gives us lots of options on where to go to as we are a bit limited to weekends at the moment.
  17. Three Rivers Race next year then Grendel
  18. Think we may be looking into this. Really like the idea of monitoring the humidity. We have ours on an old fashioned timer at the moment.
  19. I see its made the Daily Mail :( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7158851/Couple-devastated-850-000-Norfolk-Broads-cottage-develops-severe-tilt-overnight.html
  20. Warm welcome to the forum, great history :)
  21. They could go into business together!
  22. Nipper looks stunning. Amazing work Doug
  23. I was totally fascinated by this boat when we were at the DIY SOS so will really look forward to seeing her
  24. Lulu

    My Day

    Saturday - It was a very mixed bag of weather this weekend . Even the solid lump that is Luna was being buffeted around in the strong gusts on Saturday and the rain lashed down but no leaks at all (forever grateful to Janet Anne for discovering the source of the leak when we first bought her) . As much as rain is a nuisance, its so reassuring to be on the boat occasionally at the time so you can see if there are any leaks. Shore power 99% done, windscreen wiper fixed, water pump issue fixed. Sunday - Sunshine, lots of it and we took the opportunity to start varnishing. Never done this before but how satisfying! (almost as fun as puttying Chloe Jane!) The windscreen was in the worst state and will take many coats but at least its slightly more protected. We then took the canopy off and cleaned all the green and detritus from the areas you dont see when the canopy is up. Next job is painting Luna’s tatty areas and on a dry weekend.
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