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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Sounds nasty, is it safer to take them off first?
  2. Always a good time to remind her that the copper content of brass kills off bugs where chrome won't.
  3. Good luck, I don't envy your situation one little bit. Finding the will and named solicitors helps though.
  4. That's how me an MM got away with it.
  5. Smoggy


    If he couldn't see the large metal posts (or as normal folk call them "channel markers", there's a clue there I'm sure) he was lucky it was the mud he hit. ("he" used as a wild sexist assumption)
  6. Yes but the rest of us got away with it, maybe we just make better women... Or had more practice.
  7. On my previous boat there were 4 vents on the roof with grilles on the inside, no problem on the bss as plenty of ventilation, when I had to take down the roof lining (it was toungue and grooved) to run some cables I found the vents didn't line up and the gap was filled with 1" polystyrene for insulation! When the roof lining went back up the joining gaps were left open and the polystyrene fixed so it couldn't slide back and block them, after a particularly bumpy trip from wells to kings lynn with lots of punching through wave peaks there were lots of polystyrene beads in the top roof vents where the air had been sucked out of the cabin as the water roled over the cabin roof. As said don't just assume when it comes to ventilation.
  8. For those drunken bums ordering beer online for the lockdown evenings, WELCOME15 has just worked for a 15% discount from Adnams, over £80 and delivery is free too, gotta share the love.
  9. I know I've arrived when..... I get past the 4 roundabouts at thetford without incident only to hear the sound of the dog throwing up her breakfast in the back seat just as we reach the boatyard gate, she gets motion sick and hates direction changes so griffin lane does the job nicely.
  10. My first glimpse is crossing postwick viaduct on the A47, not only is it the first view of the rivers it's the first view of my boat below.
  11. Best way to make money would be to buy the wrong sort of boat for the task so it would be well priced and find some daft sod to pay way too much to use it, no wait spirit of breydon has already been done....
  12. You could base it in Luton, only cos I don't know of a place called pillagon.
  13. I'm with JM, pesky bloody hirers!
  14. You just have to rename this boat.... "Triggers Broom" has a nice ring to it.
  15. As long as it keeps them north I don't see the issue....
  16. Did your uncle take the shrews back to the pet shop afterwards?
  17. Captains rule no.1 The sun is always over the yard arm somewhere. Captains rule no.2 If rule no.1 does not apply fit a lower yard arm and check again.
  18. If you have the virus but are not ill from it you will spread it far less than someone that is reproducing vastly higher numbers of the virus and coughing all over the place so the R number will fall just from that surely. Dislaimer: Greasemonkey not a virologist.....
  19. There is a very easy solution for that one, take the boat out and relax on the river like they are made for, in a marina I expect to hear the sound of boat maintenance, it's part of boating.
  20. It's ok for small jobs that no-one will notice you doing.... This one was quite noisy and messy!
  21. I've done that a few times via download/itunes and not even bothered downloading them as they were crap, just wanted to stuff the opposition, done the same with the odd charity song even though I hated it just to support it.
  22. Oi! That's sexist! What about when the washing up needs doing.....
  23. Most marinas are fine about diy as long as it's not annoying others or covering everything else in crud, I do a lot of my jobs moored outside a pub as I don't have power at my home mooring, it's usually the ferryhouse and I aim to be at the far end for noisy/messy jobs, always ask the pub first though.
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