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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. You could wear gloves and carry a tin of ipa solvent (contact cleaner) and spray your gloves down after you've put them on and before you take them off, it won't hurt your skin as you only spray the gloves but it will hurt any nasties on the gloves. I got change from a garage yesterday while I was wearing gloves so I took the glove off in the van and flipped inside out with the change still inside it then washed it when I got home while I washed my hands, a lot of this stuff is easy if you think it out before hand, and with the right spray you don't even use many gloves.
  2. My steering system is very simple, just bumble along the river and the boat just finds pubs.
  3. Smoggy

    Post Covid...

    I hope they've got some smaller stuff, I've gone the other way.
  4. Copper does not kill viruses in the same way it does with bacteria, maybe your risk assessment is flawed.
  5. I did exactly that when I last visited my boat, was in works van and had gloves with me so used them to do the gate and gave them a squirt of brake cleaner afterwards before taking them off, I defy any lipid enveloped virus to survive brake cleaner.(don't use it on your skin!) I will do what I can to minimise risk of me catching or spreading but we do have to carry on at some stage and I probably put my life at far bigger risk everytime I take my motorbike out and I never wear a lifejacket inland and rarely wear it at sea unless going out on deck for any reason.
  6. If someone has navlights they have a valid excuse to out till 11.59pm under the present rules. As long as folk are keeping their social distancing I don't see the problem, yes it's against the rules but it's not likely to spread anything. Before anyone jumps down my throat I have not seen my boat since may 12th and that was for 10 minutes as I was in the area for work, it has not been moved or slept on since march 20th.
  7. You won't be able to join the canal system there as the northampton arm is narrowbeam.
  8. I know a few folk that must come from here... https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bell+End,+Stourbridge/@52.3916428,-2.0951209,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4870939b3dd44a55:0x54244a0b4b609660!8m2!3d52.3925649!4d-2.0899722
  9. But they have bird flu, they should keep their greedy mits off our flu!
  10. "You would think the Ferry at Surlingham would be ideally placed for some sort of takeaway." I think that is planned as soon as admiralty's legal bunch say yes, till then the moorings and garden are out of bounds.
  11. At home relining a pond, like what we're told to.
  12. I didn't think crew numbers had been specified (poor memory, beer since, cba reading back), no scoffing was intended just pointing out. Now the central column ladder idea with smaller diameter steps on one side could slide in to make stowage even easier and kinder to your deck, probably need a locking mechanism of some kind to keep the sliding steps out, would need beer and mind altering drugs to design though.(or just someone with a better imagination)
  13. Ladders are no good for single handing, no point bobbing around in the water looking longingly at the ladder on the roof.
  14. Wd40 do lots of different lubes now, I use their dry ptfe spray a lot and that would be fine but leaves a white dust (the ptfe particles) easily wiped off though. If you have pootled your diesel around town shopping for 2 months take it for a thrash or the dpf will clog.
  15. I'm pretty sure that is a requirment unless it's just a single kidney.
  16. His own words when he got the promotion was that his army mates would still think of him as Captain so maybe just personal choice to stick with his service earned rank.
  17. A man asks about safety equipment and you tell him to take a molotov cocktail.
  18. That is a very good point, greenhouse glass is usually the worst.
  19. They are welcome to anything still working but the brains a lost cause and I'm working on ruling the liver out, eyes don't work that well without glasses, ears have battery powered assistance and lungs are well bu55ered, I can't donate blood due to ms but organs are still allowed as the recipient can make an informed choice on the risks whereas blood tends to be less tracked. I don't get shot of anything till I've well and truly worn it out.
  20. In that situation I would just use regular petrol, the advantage to me is because I'm a lazy git and just put it down and leave it when I'm done then curse the next time when it's all gummed up.
  21. Old petrol usually goes through my bike mixed with plenty of fresh, it has had 2 stroke mix through it with no probs as well as avgas, mind you it's 20 year old with no catalytic converter and will run on most things. I tend to run my chainsaw on aspen these days, it's 4 times the price but a 5 litre tub lasts 5 years and it always starts and runs fine where with a regular 2 stroke mix it was always a nightmare when the old fuel had gone off and far more dangerous when cutting out and spluttering all the time, an opened tub of aspen will still be good after 5 years but unleaded forget it.
  22. If you are having any problems with mmtracker someone has started developing it again, I have the latest apk and it's cured a lot of problems, let me know if you want it.
  23. That's any coldplay fans self isolating then.
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