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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. That was my take on it, I'm all for making something myself if I can save a few quid but not a bubble tester or any other gas fitting. A manometer on the other hand, no problem......
  2. The only good thing about cricket was way back in time when the commentator announced " the bowler's holding, the batsman's willy", must be 70's at a guess. Can't stay, I have paint to watch dry......
  3. Ah the home made bubble tester diagram! Anyone here fancy a homemade bubble tester on their gas system in their boat with sealed hull and a heavier than air fuel? Would go really well with a gas fridge..........
  4. At least you've still got your elf!
  5. Copper has the advantage of killing bugs where stainless doesn't, the victorians didn't use bronze door fittings in hospitals for fun....(now we use stainless and have mrsa problems) The one with the thermostatic link sounds like the sure-cal one I had on my last boat (I think they are the same as asap call hot-pot) which was a good well insulated calorifier, had a blue skin over the insulation with stainless mounting bands if that sounds familiar, I'd go for another if I need one (I will sometime as mine has flipped the base inside out due to heftier pump).
  6. We'll let you away with the apostrophes, now about that missing space!!!!! Get yer english rite like innit!
  7. I had an old Norman 25 years ago that was painted in a hideous beige that had matted off and festered, I would have loved it to look as good as Nyx! Scraped it off in the end and did a season with streaks still over the top where it wouldn't shift, still looked better, it turned out that the huge discoloured splat of filler on the roof under the paint that I was dreading to find was only covering 4 tiny little screw holes, I was expecting a huge hole!
  8. What boat and do you take it out to sea? I use aluminium anodes and they seem to do an ok job, I take mine out coastal as often as time and weather permits, with antifoul speed will make a difference to your choice too, I use this stuff https://premiermarinepaints.co.uk/antifouling/semi-hard-antifouling-paint it seems ok up to 22knots without falling off.
  9. Nice one MM you've made me feel less guilty about my boat engines, as I cycle to work (a whole 1.5 minutes) and swmbo takes the train at the moment we rarely use the car locally, it's biggest mileage is to norwich and back so 90 well thrashed miles each way, we have solar panels on the roof and try and use hot water as storage so use less gas (our FIT payments are over our combined gas/electric bills over the year). We either walk the dog to the pub or cycle, that can be most entertaining on the way home, our bins are never full except the green garden waste, and we throw away very little food so I recon we are doing pretty well. But don't get me started on those flappy boat things going around making that terrible flappy noise and riuning the peace of the environment!
  10. I seem to recall the japanese were producing hydrogen using hydro electric produced at night when there was little demand for it at one point.
  11. Are they digging the top half or the bottom half? It would be much less disruptive if they dug up the bottom half and slipped the gas pipes under the top half surely!
  12. There is a lot of sense in that statement, burning diesel for fun is not going to get more popular in these times and the car manufacturers are having to pour lots of money into new tech to come up with the next best seller so nursing an old engine that will probably always start and run as long as it has clean oil/air/fuel for the next 5 years will probably give more options, for rivers only I would love to go electric but I can't see it being viable for sea use. Watch this space as things are going to change so may as well see which way they change first before spending, you can store the nearly new nanni with the mini-disk, the betamax, the walkman, and all the other stuff we loved for a very short period.
  13. When I did my old RLM31 I wanted rid of the old 2.5bmc's as they were noisy smelly old things and the engine bearers were rotten too, so for the princely sum of about £2500 I rebuilt and marinised a pair of 1.9 peugeot diesels, rebuilt the enfield outdrives and glassed in 3x5" iroko bearers to stop them moving about, obviously it looked like a real bodge job when finished..... Unfortunately the long welds would keep cracking on the heat exchanger/manifolds so in the end I went for bowman bits but they did some serious miles before I did that, just needed a weld up once a season. By rebuilt I mean bores honed, new rings, mains,ends,swirl chambers,water pumps, cambelts and tensioners,impellors, valves recut and lapped, then again I work in an engine shop.... No I don't fancy doing it again before you ask!
  14. Arrrghhh there's a storm a brewing...
  15. Nice one Tom, it'll be good to know if we can outrun it.....
  16. Did they supply a full turbo or repair kit? I think the kit is a hub assembly with the turbine blades attached that you fit into your existing housings and much cheaper than a full turbo., there's not much to go wrong with the housings after all.
  17. Ouch, but the sort of figure I imagined, I just hope mine stay good. I had a leaking oil cooler that was considered scrap by the volvo expert on the ybw forums with replacement costs at £850 (just for the cooler) so I took it off, cleaned it up at work and resoldered around the end cap of the tubestack, it still works fine and it's done two seasons since. I'll always try and fix before replacing but turbo hubs need someone that can balance them properly.
  18. For the turbo, I know the pain of fuel all too well as I probably got through the best part of 1500+ litres last year.
  19. It was a job to tell at 24mph.... 21 knots is about what I get flat out with normal holiday loading (lots of weight), I have twin TMD41a's on shafts, I guess that means my turbos are fine. Can I ask how much it cost you or is it too painful to think about?
  20. Well spotted that man, you have better eyes than me (or a better optician), I'll try that and see what happens.
  21. The bookmark thing has to be a total red herring, I checked the details of mine and it's exactly what I'd expect to see. Earlier it logged me in fine several times and now it's back to square one again, if a website can't work with different pc's and browsers it's not really an upgrade is it, it's a major downgrade.
  22. I do use a bookmark so will check what the target contains when I get home, in the meantime I will keep on taking the pee out of guvnors time and pc...... Well it beats doing proper work!
  23. No I lied, back to square one on the home pc getting logged out and the error message logging in.
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