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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Should be a few takers from here, it has a "Grumpy old git on board" badge in the window. Very pretty but not for me.
  2. Cutting the filter open is the easier way to check for shiny bits of doom, we use a can cutter at work after testing rebuilt engines for those sparkly signs of despair.
  3. I've not had any issues at yarmouth haven bridge yet but I only get lifts half the time as I can get under on the lower half of the tide (I can fold to 8'8" if needed) so my view is slightly biased but generally I find good service through there. I do think my 30' is a more useful size for a broads/sea boat though than the big gin palaces, it also means most of the time I get put on a private pontoon at southwold when the biggies have to raft on the old staging.
  4. I think burgh castle have moorings available in an off the river marina, I think it's Jay you need to speak to at the fishermans inn for that. 12' should get under yarmouth and acle at the right tide but close so you can still do some of the northern rivers but better based south. Big engines are ok on the rivers but do need a good run up from time to time.
  5. If it helps I'm off for two weeks as of friday lunchtime, weather depends if it's broads or coastal. Hope you save me plenty of ice cream!
  6. Best post the pictures you took here first so we can help your decision.
  7. My side saloon windows have a slight tint to them and I'd get them done without if I replaced them, not a big fan at all. How are you meant to buy good drugs when you look like a rival dealer?
  8. The flappies have one of those too, normally holding the tiller.....
  9. 40' isn't a narrowboat, it's a stubbyboat! Welcome to the forum, enjoy your new boat, do you have a residential mooring sorted? The BA are more picky than the EA on the Gt.Ouse, I think WRC have some now.
  10. Anyway, back in the rational world of daylight and maybe even sobriety, why the **** did you need a cauliflower?
  11. It sounds like you have vegetated enough. Will this do?
  12. I'm sure you can still have a 3 way if you have diesel engine as long as the ventilation is up to it, petrol engine is another matter.
  13. What size are you looking for? I have an old school 12v/240 compressor fridge in my shed that you can have for £50, it worked ok but not as efficient as the new type 12v compressor fridges (but £600 cheaper), not nearly as bad on 12v than the 3 way fridges mind.
  14. GJW direct have been good for me including when making a claim, as it was only a 2.5K repair I was up and running two weeks later, I would say you get to speak to a real human but they tend to be scousers so not sure that counts.
  15. It's a hoax! We all know there is nothing beyond potter heigham, if there was no-one in their right mind would have put a low bridge in the way. Next you'll be showing area 51 vids.......
  16. As long as enough shaft is exposed (oh or missus) it's easy to wrap the packing round the shaft in a tight spiral and cut along the top leaving a handful of nicely cut rings with slight angle on the ends just the right size for the gland. Most take 3-4 rings.
  17. I found that with my 30ds, lazarette is like having a shed with you but internal storage is lacking, that is the playoff for the vastly better sea keeping than my old rlm31.
  18. It's on fire MM, it's actually painted green......
  19. Mine were like that before I repacked, all tightening did was make them run hot and still pi55ed in, a metre of new packing later and job done with enough to spare to do it again. Don't get the ptfe stuff though as it seems to have a reputation for running hot against stainless shafts, stick to the graphite stuff, you would need to measure the size needed first which is easy enough, pop the cover off the gland and measure the gap between shaft and gland (usually 8mm or 10mm).
  20. Mine don't have a valve, if I disconnect the water pipe from the oil coolers I make sure I cable tie it high up. Mine just have two pipes coming from the top, one is the water feed from the oil cooler, the other is a vent pipe and goes to a breather fitting on the side of the hull.
  21. Chances are it just needs the locknut slackening and a slight nip up and retighten the locknut, if there is a grease cup on the gland itself that will be the bit you fill, just unscrew the top and pack with grease, replace top and give a nip down till you feel a bit of pressure as that will be pushing grease down, as said before don't over grease.
  22. If that is the visable crud in the bilge what is lurking in the fuel tanks, definately not one to take on the sea.
  23. You don't want too much grease in a stern gland or it will clog the packing and overheat, it needs the odd drip when running, the greaser is only really as a seal when sitting still (mine drip when still too but have no greasers), if there is a cutless bearing directly behind the gland it needs water flow to lube it which is why there is often a take off from the raw water pressure side piped to the back of the gland if there's no other way for water to get in. Depending on access they can be repacked in the water as long as you pre-prepare your packing, it will let water in but not a huge amount, it may just need nipping up a touch but enough to stop all drips. There are dripless glands available but need the bellows replacing every 5 years which needs the shaft pulling, dripless need 'burping' when launched or a vent pipe to above waterline or they run dry and burn out, I considered these but once I'd repacked my glands decided to ongoing maintenance of the packed gland was so cheap and easy it wasn't worth it, £10 will get enough packing for about 3 glands.
  24. You can indeed walk along the river from the fishermans inn to burgh castle and along to breydon south bank all the way to GY, there is a playing field shown at the GY end so may be parking there too but won't compare to the view from the fishermans. Let me know when you are likely to get some drone footage as I would love to be on breydon giving it some throttle when you do it, it's not often you get to see your own boat in action especially at speed, the best I have so far is 7 seconds taken from NYA's rib outside southwold.
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