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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I'm not buying a year till I've seen the weather forecast for it!
  2. I sorted a few ouse-about Christmas do's in january, seemed the perfect time as just before Christmas everywhere is booked up and lots of people are busy with other do's, come january the pubs are all quiet and glad for the custom and everyone is available, turkey and crackers are dead cheap too.
  3. I have an eberspacher outlet either side of the V berth in the bow and a couple of spare lengths of ducting that can be connected and snaked through the berth under the duvet, when the last beer is bought simply phone the heating system and it will come on and leave a toasty boat and bed to return too, once you get into a warm bed you stay warm all night. Even the dog is happy as the ducting passes behind and under the dinette where her bed is. Simples.....
  4. That is pretty much how the canal network got where it is today from the abandoned ditches they once were after the railways scuppered them.
  5. 20 knots through horning then......
  6. Not a slight hold up on the road then?
  7. That was no wise man, that was a stupid man, it's the same as saying "If something is wrong just keep quiet about it and hope it goes away".
  8. W3W, 'kin, green, innit. As rumour would have it......
  9. Looks like you do get away with it that easily after all, due to weather I got my screens moving before rain and decided to head back to the marina to take them out and tarp up while it was dry, got them delivered to Trevor Preece and the car loaded just as it started raining, nice timing!
  10. 3 words often gives away my exact position very accurately! in,the,pub
  11. The words don't have to make any sense, they just show the person on the other end which 3m x 3m square of the country you are in, I guess it is easier to get numbers wrong when in a panic especially if you don't understand the position format shown. The next challenge will be to find the funniest sounding square in the UK, there must be some rudes out there.....
  12. If I needed emergency services for me or anyone nearby while on the boat I would certainly use the VHF and use DSC distress button (followed up with voice call obviously) and let the CG deal with it as they will know straight away where I am, what boat I am calling from, and what the type of problem is and can probably get the best type of response from the most appropriate bunch compared to a 999 call centre as they are dedicated to water bourne issues, I'm not saying there's any issues with 999 call centres as they are generally very good just better to go straight to the specialists. If away from the boat it's another matter.
  13. I don't do that either, just followed a link from the YBW forums.
  14. https://m.facebook.com/groups/220839505475704?view=permalink&id=328025608090426&_rdr
  15. Depends on who you insure with.
  16. So may as use lat/long or OS ref then.
  17. Sounds like a huge advantage over eberspacher that seem to have a 4 degree tolerance which is quite a big range for something that is supposed to be able to maintain a stable temperature, open source is an interesting twist too as it means it will only get better, downside of that is it can get overly complicated as too many nerds get involved. With ebers a lot of folk say to run flat out and open windows accordingly to avoid coking of the burner, with the chinese ones it's probably cheaper to replace when coked anyway, that said I run my eber to the temp controller letting it idle and it's been fine for the last 4 years.
  18. Nice try matey but I'll still be there, you don't get away with it that easily...... My screens should be coming out this weekend and getting dropped of to Trevor Preece on the sunday, outside a pub seems the best place to do all the prep work.
  19. As Terry in the new inn at rockland says, "dogs are welcome, owners are tolerated".
  20. There definately IS water at the ferryhouse, there is a red fire hose at the car park extension end (it's not right beside the river but the hose is long), and another green hose by the river at the pub end beside Lazy Breeze and plenty of electric posts, the leccy cards normally go up to a fiver in winter but will last you a weekend easily if you get comfy and decide to stay (which they do allow as long as you are using the pub). Take your own hose for reedham.
  21. Yes, me after a night on egyptian cream stout! My last dog was part husky and had a very thick fluffy undercoat that could leave tumbleweed like balls of fluff rolling across the floor but barely smelt any different when wet (no he wasn't smelly dry either), my current mut hasn't got wet enough yet for me to find out but I have a suspicion she will have a pretty good pong going by the minor dampings so far.
  22. Yes, sheerline do! Wroxham marine who are not in wroxham, they are now in thorpe st.andrews (also called thorpe marina) down griffin lane and build the sheerline range, Gary and James are nice guys so give them a call.
  23. Is that not how all the other broads came to be along with most of the linking cuts??
  24. This time of the year you may as well make the most of the northern rivers being quieter and do the southern rivers in mid summer next year when the northern rivers are in full silly season.
  25. You appear to have mis-spelt fantasy.
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