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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. We're planning on being at ferryhouse this weekend, it don't rain inside the pub does it..... I have vetus water strainers and have some floating plastic balls in them so it's easier to see if water is flowing ok.
  2. I've heard there's dragons above those bridges!
  3. There's probably a few on here that have done that.... The trick is to sneak away and pretend someone else did it!
  4. How about a squirt of expanding foam into a bin bag in the bottom of the locker then put the bottles in as it expands, I think it is only to minimise the amount of gas that can sit in the bottom, I would spray wd40 or similar first just in case the bag split or you would have a hell of a job getting it out again.
  5. Shouldn't "once" be underlined or at least in bold?
  6. Had we not left surlingham ferryhouse when we did yesterday to head back to thorpe marina I don't think we would have made it out of griffin lane as the road under the railway was filling up rapidly and the manholes were erupting just up the lane so the sump pumps were not coping at all, griffin lane was running like a small river, on the way out back to postwick viaduct the stone walls beside yarmouth road had waterfalls running over the top and there was quite a lake to get through on the road which was pouring down into boundry lane big time. By the time we got back past thetford we were heading into blazing sunshine, which was good as we had to stop to clean dog chunder from the back seat..... Nice!
  7. Can I offer some assistance.... You may need it after all that beer.
  8. Put it at Acle bridge then, that place is just crying out for a monstrosity! Oh yes jp has already that in hand....
  9. Before or after your trip? If you are not convinced you will get under take a tape measure to the bridge, you can walk under easily and the gauge board lied big time last time I went through, 8'2" on board 8'8" boat went under with clearance. Measure all corners as it tilts both ways and I can't remember which is lowest corner (think it was SW corner).
  10. So weight of ice is the reason then. That is why I sort of mentioned scotland rising and weight of ice. I was being PC and not mentioning heroin addicts in glasgow getting thinner......
  11. I think the wobble is called precession (or similar) and takes about 15,500 years to do a full cycle (or was it 21,500 years?). Don't forget that scotland is supposed to rising and south of england sinking due to the number of jocks coming down here to find proper jobs (or was it weight of ice? same sort of thing).
  12. For a smaller boat it may be worth seeing if wroxham marine (don't get confused, they are now at thorpe st.andrews) have space, very basic mooring but in a closed yard with good edge and a good price as they are a boat builder (sheerline) rather than a marina.
  13. The auto fire extinguisher thing usually only relates to higher speed boats so that is worth checking on, if you had a swinging mooring on tidal water you would want to know yourself when it was laid and when last inspected. It sounds like they are standard questions for a coastal policy.
  14. No one would have cared, dogs are another matter...
  15. No facilities other than electric but surlingham ferryhouse is usually fine with campers if you call them first, you won't get much closer to the river. The reedcutters at cantley is another option.
  16. This is Tina, the new crew member to Snowbird. She is 2.5 years old and nowhere near as big as she looks (she fits a westie sized harness), theres obviously shepard in there somewhere but otherwise random mut. Rescue of course, I'm not about to pay a fortune to feed the puppy farm industry. She's not been to the boat yet so that will be next weekends adventure, so far she has done really well at pub training (oh it's a hard life training a dog) and gone from a very timid dog a week ago to saying hello to people in the pub so is gaining confidence rapidly, just got to learn her name now......
  17. If you get tempted tell Peter (HM) that snowbird has a new doggie and we'll see him next spring. With a 30ish foot boat you can often get put on a private pontoon at southwold which as long as you don't need to plug in is great (and cheaper).
  18. Southwold is always a good destination for a weekend shakedown run, about 18NM from the mouth at GY, 1:15h at a gentle cruise speed of 16knots, full tide access and plenty of pubs (as long as you like adnams). Follow the buoyed channels as coast hugging can catch you out of water.
  19. A good start to it's life would be a darn good thrashing across breydon or better a run down to lowestoft and back via the outside, it'd do the engines a power of good.
  20. I would imagine a third of that hp would be lost in heat to the hydraulic oil.
  21. How about this for a much cheaper option? Cheap marine toilet.
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