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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. The boat model alone may not help as it may have been re-engined at some time and had a stern gland changed at the same time. You can't beat a vernier across the shaft, metric and imperial can be very close but not close enough to keep a rope cutter clamped. A stripper should be matched to number of blades too (although mine are not).
  2. So if a duck gets run over by a hovis truck????
  3. I think freedom do use a security deposit rather cdw.
  4. There were stories of excess alcahol and crashing into something, not sure where the initial report came from.
  5. CG came by car at ferryhouse, the pub had a call from freedom not long after to ask if they'd seen it.
  6. The coastguard turned up at ferryhouse last night with blue flashies going looking for the second boat, one of freedoms I believe.
  7. I tried cold turkey but couldnt get a fag paper round the drumstick.
  8. The hard bit would be proving the lost revenue.
  9. kings head is highly likely as it's a sporty pub, close to the river too.
  10. You mean people with degrees then..... There's nowt worse than a 'engineer' that has never picked up a spanner.
  11. I was thinking about a less energy intensive way seeing as there is a river below topped up by a cold north sea twice a day, seems a shame not to use a resource that's there, they don't need freezing just knock the temp down a bit.
  12. Or they could read my earlier post in the other thread about water spraying and give it some serious consideration.
  13. And nothing more technical than half the boats going under are already using.... And no rusty water dripping too. The other option is to use rubber rails and tie a knot in the middle when they expand.....
  14. I'm sure B2P will have a reason why this won't work but here goes anyway....... How about a narrow rectangular tank clamped (like a NB skin tank) to the side of the rails with water flowing through cooled by the river via heat exchanger? The heat exchanger doesn't need to be any more technical that a coil of plastic pipe in the river ( like ground source heat pump), no salt water goes near the bridge as it would be a closed system with anti freeze mix, and it would only take a fairly low power pump to circulate it. Boaters happy Bridge happy Low cost I don't suppose there's any way the inside of the rail could be used like that but why not the outside?
  15. " Kind regards, Tom Tom Waterfall" That name must be a wind up.
  16. Had I read this before leaving I would have given you a tow, left rockland broad 11.30ish heading for thorpe via the downstream cut (as it's deeper that way), didn't see you at all so I assume you were round the corner towards the beuchamps. Could have easily given you a tow to brundle, no use now as back home 100 miles away.
  17. BA put it towards their next pointless vanity project!
  18. Spot on idea ECIPA as long as the info is forthcoming from the bridges, it's an issue we can whinge about as long as we like but in reality it's not going to go away anytime soon so we may as well do what we can to live with the situation as best we can (I await the barrage of "but we shouldn't have to live with it"). I've just done myself a little spreadsheet of times when I think I can get under haven bridge for my next 2 week holiday as I don't expect I'll get any lifts and don't plan on being trapped on the rivers, but I'm lucky and can fold down to 9' when needed, just means I won't always be able to pick my tide as well.
  19. Maybe if they fitted a winter sun it would help.
  20. Be aware that july is the main season for sea monsters and dragons on the southern broads and the tides run at 20 knots at that time of the year and don't follow the tables, sometimes it even runs sideways into the bank. Far better and safer to stay north.......
  21. I wonder what it's like to be inundated by bushiness? I suggest veet for men.
  22. It's ok it's sorted now, they have found a roll of gaffer tape and put it over the 3" gap. Annoyingly for the cars stuck there's probably bigger potholes on the approach to the bridge.
  23. Maybe Robin could mudweight independence under it and salute the bridge crew.
  24. That's terrible! Ha Ha He He Ha Ha He He Ha Ha He He Ha Ha He He Ha Ha He He
  25. BSS doesn't really care if the boat is sinking, as long as it don't explode.
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