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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I would imagine it would be very similar build to my 30DS in which case the row of screws around the outside of the windows thread into the separate aluminium strip around the frame inside to clamp so you should be able to leave the main frames in place (but I've only had my screen out not side windows). Wear a mask and have a good vacuum cleaner handy as the powdery mess that once disguised itself as foam backing on the vinyl will go everywhere.
  2. Are you really going to have a morning dip or will you just be going through the motions?
  3. I suppose the main question is how far do you live from the boat and how much free time do you have?
  4. We use the boat all winter leaving it 3-4 weeks in between and most of the time I look at the forecast ahead and judge it from that, there's not many really cold snaps that are not seen coming and worst case is a quick dash to the boat to sort it (180 mile round trip), my main regime for most of winter is shut off water pump power and let the pressure out by opening a hot and cold tap and leaving them open, run a couple of litres of 50/50 mix anti freeze through each raw water filter till gone, pump the bog empty and shut off all sea cocks, takes maybe 10 minutes when mooring up and leaving and about 5 minutes making sure raw water filters are re-primed when arriving next time and not too much anti-freeze (use the non toxic stuff BTW). If a real cold snap is due then drain the water tank and pipes as best as I can and chuck a splash of anti-freeze down there as well, not had an issue yet including during the beast from the east. My deck shower is isolated and drained over winter anyway and I have a convenient tee and valve between water tank and pump which makes it easy to drain tank and push air through the water system to clear more water. We don't get the winters we used to.
  5. Unless the credit is via a commercially available card, they can be reloaded with the amount of your choice for some meters, I know of one pub whose own meters will accept a ba card so they do the card bit for you to make sure they get the money not the ba when they supply the leccy, I believe the beccles YS meters (different from ba meters) are the same as another pubs own meters too although beccles have to program them for the specific meter used. So there is possibly ways without actually tampering with the posts, I spotted the remarks attached to the video about use of angle grinders to turn boxes back on though (although not linked to this particular issue I must add) which is just plain wrong and dangerous if shut off due to a fault, the mentality of stealing the leccy (at all our costs) is out there amongst certain people.
  6. As long as they have a b&b room free they often have a shower available too if you ask, I can't see Tolly closing the bar while people are drinking....
  7. Some video evidence of life...... (about 90Mb) It Lives! Hopefully a river trial later.
  8. I wouldn't mind a peek at that too to make up my own mind.
  9. The big difference between wild moorings and ba moorings is that we have already paid for the ba moorings and they are charging again.
  10. Smoggy

    Bed Bugs

    There's always greyhound looking to be rehomed and they have the advantage of being very lazy once they've had a short burst of exercise.
  11. Here you go, from the butchers.
  12. There's a similar sign in the butchers arms in beccles.
  13. An emergency holding tank maybe?
  14. Mounting rubbers arrived, £23 industrial price not honda's idea of £135 I must add. A quick fettle this evening and it lives only tried briefly as the rubber grease around the impellor will only go so far and it's raining and geting dark so I'm not getting a water tub sorted tonight, the main bit is it runs and oil pressure light does as it should, had to re-check the book as a lit oil light says problems to me but on the honda it has to be lit to be ok. If the weather plays fair at the weekend I may wrestle my rib and trailer out of the garden for a test run on the local river, or I may just have a hangover..... I am a happy bunny!
  15. Happy's right that outdrive will put a lot of folk off but in all fairness it's an enfield 130 and they're not that maintenance intensive as they're pretty basic and will last forever on a 1.5bmc, every 2-3 years change the gaiter and 8 1/2 pints of ep90 and they're happy, it's not a massive job but does need to be out of water, the gaiters will probably do 5+ years with no problem whatsoever but the change is recommended more often (I'd go for the 5 year option). I've rebuilt a couple myself and they are very simple, a bit of sneaky roping and they lift straight up and allow the boat to take the ground quite safely, and they steer is reverse, props are >£200 so that is a bonus and the setup allows the engine to be right at the back so frees up space in the hull. Bob knowles plant had all the rights to the castings and was getting them made (not had one for a few years now so old info) so everything was available, it wouldn't put me off but makes stern on harder, a bathing platform sorts that. Nice little boat for the money.
  16. If you just use the model in crap weather you'll never have to fold the canopy, a Yorke should be used to crap weather.
  17. Yes it is, different posts from the standard ba posts. At least in kwh you can work out what you need, we've done it at beccles wanting to zap a chinky the next evening so turned off the immersion heater so we could run the microwave for 10 minutes, the chinky was lovely by the way, left overs from the pearl garden in loddon a couple of days earlier.
  18. Ferryhouse posts read Kwh not £ so that would explain it, I seem to recall when first installed your £3 got 23.08 Kwh which is plenty for a full weekend.(for me anyway)
  19. Getting closer, just got to wait for the new mounting rubbers to arrive now, impellor checked and all good, gear oil full and clean, prop dressed.
  20. One of the units just up the road from where I work has a macmillan charity morning on the go today so I've been up there and done my bit, I think the bacon butties may have helped.....
  21. Have a scout around on the link below and you'll likely find the info on how to get error codes on that controller. https://www.letonkinoisvarnish.co.uk/eberspacher_intro_1.html Looks like if the timer has a white logo it doesn't have diagnostics but if it has a blue eber logo it does.
  22. Air getting into the fuel supply needing re-priming or the fuel pump at the wrong angle (they are quite picky), mine once had a issue cutting out and it was the air return ducting restricted so it was cutting out due to overtemp error, what control do you have as some give error codes with the right button presses.
  23. No, that's a propane fitting, the bottle Griff has looks like it's the same fitting as mine, a butane 20mm clip-on but not the same as the more up to date versions, most now use 21mm clip-on fitting for anything other than the 4.5kg bottles.
  24. What fitting is it? Butane I assume, I have a half full 13 bottle of similar age but can't find a fitting for it as it's 20mm not the usual 21mm and I think the depth is different from any 20mm fittings around. If I could find the right fitting I could decant the gas into 4.5kg bottles.
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