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Everything posted by Cheesey69

  1. Its the cyclist mentality that worries me. I.e. im one up from a pedestrian and pedestrians don’t need to follow rules. I’m not anything to do with an internal combustion engine so naturally I don’t need to follow them. this was actually said on a radio London programme on cyclists jumping red lights
  2. Just to add, a rep once told me that if these additives did anything the big oil companies would add them. to me it’s a bit like headache tablets in a bright silver and red box. You think it must be better than the generic pills sold for a quarter of the price because of the flash package and bold writing. when in fact it’s exactly the same product regulated by law.
  3. Wild fish fingers from the sea of birds eye
  4. Galvanic protection. When plugged in to mains stops your prop shaft disappearing if you or your neighbours have a leaky return and the volts find a return path via your boat . Especially in salty water your underwater metal work turns into a low power battery. I lost my prop to this when i owned a blue water sailor and my boat acted like an anode.
  5. Why add it? My experience with gearboxes that a regular change of quality oil is that all it needs, these are not high stress items unless slammed into opposite directions while still turning and no amount of additives will help that. But im open to arguments. Same with engines really. I've had discussions with our plant fitters and they maintain that oil and filter changes is all that modern engine needs.
  6. Remember visiting it when it first opened. There was a wimpey around the corner but the old man said lets try it. Afterward he said it would never catch on as fish and chips was the only food fit for fingers. From that moment on poor old wimpeys was doomed. I miss the Big Bender {not the old man!} and knickerbockerglory
  7. I am well doom mongered, until the next time. Great news.
  8. who provided helpful suggests for winterization. So I open the door to Forever Autumn filled with trepidation and what did I see? Nothing. A bit of mould on a wooden chopping board, shower curtain a little spotty but nothing I could not handle. I was told to leave all vents open and I did. A bit of aggro because someone had removed the quick connection from the fresh water tap and filled the tank up. On with the water pump and it worked first time and no leaks. Opened the engine hatch, replaced weed filter lid (with a touch of silicon grease on O ring) On with all the thru hulls and on with the diesel tap. A bit of pre heat and the mighty BMC 1.8 burst into life first turn. Nice to see the 150 pound battery charger performed nicely for a 131 days Rush to see the blue marine safe anti freeze flow out of the exhaust. Thanks to freedom boats for how to properly anti freeze the system. The only downer was I forgot the washer so a happy 3 hours with mop to clean the topsides. And the ropes are home for a pillow case wash. right I'm off to untangle 20 meters of rope.
  9. Read minimise not stay local. Been changing the motorway signs to "Minimise Travel"
  10. yup, that's the hand out I mentioned a few weeks ago. Its very clear. Although mentioned, its asking you to minimise travel, its not telling you to stay local. Hopefully it will put that issue to bed.
  11. Service or work on the engine and said security of engine. But set that against the increase of space with an outboard. As always in boating there is a compromise somewhere
  12. For me it seemed that the boating world in particular is geared toward diesel as the fuel of choice and in particular for the Broads. so that ruled out a lot of boats that caught my eye. But the advantages of an inboard Diesel engine far outweigh any advantages of a petrol outboard. From increased power generation to hot water and heating. And don’t forget BSS is less of a headache for diesel power But the compromise was that we had to have a bigger boat and that costs
  13. Day trip for me too and I gladly do it in a day
  14. Once again with the local thing. They would like you to stay local but no one’s going to fine you for not. so I’m doing the 300 mile round trip for a day to get her ready for the 12th.
  15. Overnight from the 12. Travel from the 29 March. Thus is the law and governmental advice we have been provided with by the cabinet office
  16. The bureaucracy is expanding to service the bureaucracy
  17. Yes now but what about a future government? Ive got a government ID anyway but you give a little now but to what end? freedoms listed above are optional but once you agree to carry an id backed by fines. The law of unintended consequences applies. No one saw the pandemic coming so who can call the future?
  18. Do you have curtains or blinds at home? If you have why? You have nothing to hide
  19. So some people hated the idea of Identity cards. Might as well have them now and be required to carry them. One card holds your id barometric details, drive license and vaccination. £100 fine if you cant produce it. Are we a free country or just a controlled country pretending to be one?
  20. I guess it depends on how you see the Broads. By water, special. On foot and car not very impressive.
  21. Happy birthday. I just want to be on my boat.
  22. Two different things happening here, One is protest and the up holding of the common good in times national emergency and does the government have the right to suspend your rights. The other is the extension of the policing and protest bill. The first I agree with as long as there is a need. The government are proposing to extend for another 6 months which makes me wonder. The second is a much more serious thing that could stop you protesting at any time deemed inappropriate by the police or government for something as trivial as being too noisy or an inconvenience to the public. Say, for instance, they decide to weld shut the swing bridges on the Broads and you decided to stand outside network rail holding a placard. Someone inside sees this, decides your being too noisy or possibly causing an obstruction. The police will have every right to move you on. The right to peaceable demonstration has effectively been removed. still you could always write a strongly worded letter
  23. Call me a leftie but how quick do people wont to revoke our rights? Oh yes, until its your rights to do what you want to do then you'll moan! like say, right of navigation. very easy to revoke. rights of access. hmmm I dont agree with them, but I agree to their rights of protests.
  24. Just how far is our concerns up the BA's agenda?
  25. From my small standpoint and my experiences within outposts of government bodies, you have got to dig for the underlaying tendencies of those that lead the executive. Human nature makes people lean toward one opinion or another. Or to the path of least resistance. I have the feeling that the BA seems out of touch with the landowners or with the EA or whomever. We need more wins, mooring and facility solutions because a Broads without free moorings is in a death spiral.
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