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Everything posted by OldBerkshireBoy

  1. Plastice pipe has been developed to cope with the pressures involved and it most likely comes on a roll and there would be less joints compared to copper (?). Plus it might be easier to ease round any bend.
  2. Why is this, can lessons not be learned and used on smaller boats.
  3. If so then problems can be overcome. To be clear Im talking new builds not retro fits.
  4. Staying on the subject of upper and lower controls and interlocks then a mechanical/ electrical safety specialist would be a good start. They wouldnt need to know anything about water, tides or wind, finding such a person is a different matter. Explain the problem to a F1 racing engineer and you might get a fly by wire system.
  5. Even Sky news quoted the report in full and did an accurate report on the incident so I tend to agree with Vaughans first paragraph above.
  6. Because the fuel pumps pushes rather than sucks I am thinking fuel is unable to run back past the pump.
  7. Happened to see Noahs Ark close up yesterday and it is indeed a nice looking boat.
  8. That really depends on the wording at the time. Hello, I need a new water pump fitted please - New pump fitted. Hello, Im having problem with water flowing to taps & shower, - Whole different thing.
  9. Does it settle down after this? Im thinking fault with the pressure vessel.
  10. Does that count as an outrage?
  11. The only outrage I`ve seen is from members saying a thread should be closed.
  12. The latest incident may put some off coming however it might sharpen the minds of others so I am saddened to see that some here want the talking to stop.
  13. Tried Basa or Balsa (I forget the name) from a supermarket a few weeks ago and found it quite nice for a change from cod or haddock.
  14. Could the small hovercraft make a crossing or might it need air lifting in Thunderbirds style.
  15. Elbow Grease Ray. Can be found @ £1 a bottle in cheap stores, also good for cleaning under the bonnet of cars. https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiygYHUorT3AhVJgFAGHcLQD4gYABAfGgJkZw&ae=2&sig=AOD64_1DEbRJEeagcL_rXPi6jSumpufYNg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwih_vfTorT3AhWailwKHa9ICk8Q9aACKAB6BQgBEJwC&adurl=
  16. Those onboard will dine out on their tale of near death for years. How many of them have alreay put it on their FB page.
  17. I wont bore you with the details but there came a point in F1 where apart from a mistake being made by the driver ahead it was neigh on impossible for the following car to get close enough to attempt a pass so DRS was invented. With the design of this years cars there are talks of doing away with it but as expected talks have split the teams with some for and others against the idea. Yesterdays race was a damp squid until the track dried out.
  18. To whom do you blame, the owners or the new manager?
  19. Just heard from somebody with inside knowledge that even long standing buyers of red for boats now have to obtain a letter from HMRC stating that they are eligible to receive red and then forward a copy to the fuel supplier before a tanker will be despatched which may have caught some out. Diesel forklifts and building site vehicles now have to have the fuel tanks flushed to remove the dye and use white diesel.
  20. There is one on ebay, £10 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234507377076?hash=item3699ba99b4:g:ZzoAAOSwEHZiLzR5
  21. Even the depots dont get every bottle they order.
  22. Why wont you post a picture of the new boat? Is it having work done on it.
  23. Good idea to post and share it here where first timers or those returning after a few years might see and learn from watching it. I wont comment on all details included within it out of fear of upsetting the more experianced member however being a cartoon it is easy to edit to keep it current and up to date when the time does come where face coverings are not recommended when talking to strangers close up (yep I still wear a mask when shopping).
  24. Thinking it was a couple of weeks back when Broom was around £1.90 and Swancraft was £1.55 at the time.
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