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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Good grief! Just suffered the video, assume it's the one staggering around at the end? Grace is a fine lady with poise and sophistiction (come on JF, back me up)
  2. It appears the Ferry has been out of action this afternoon due to a boat being caught in the chains. Anyone heard any more info?
  3. Don't get me started There's a trend round here in flat cap land to call me "bud" or "buddy" Drives me mad (Victor Meldrew I know)
  4. .......just caught up with this on the other thread so apologies for the duplication.
  5. Apparently that boat (not mentioning any names) hit the bank going into the Chet. It can be quite tricky there, the tide runs fast on the main river and its a narrow entrance. Looks as if there was a metal obstruction which must have holed the boat below the water line although the hirers didn't notice at first. Likely to be out of action all season. Just hope the BA can sort out the obstruction and the boat can be repaired of course. This shouldn't breach the TOS but stand corrected if I've misinterpreted them
  6. I've an idea Griff called in recently? I stopped there back in February and it was definitely closed. The owner (see Berney) has had aspirations about turning it into flats previously (allegedly)
  7. Thanks JF, don't do Facebook so that's very helpful. I'll bow to JM's superior knowledge of course but wouldn't Lana Hempsall be a good choice given the way she's been treated in the past?
  8. 'ere, 'ere This debate crops up time and time again and I really wish we wouldn't keep falling out about it. Wise words from Vaughan, Simon and Grace among others.
  9. NorfolkNog

    Electric Boat

    Just too add add Kingline specialise in providing accommodation for limited mobility and run wheelchair friendly dayboats too. Great location too in Horning, worth a thought.
  10. NorfolkNog

    Electric Boat

    Good thinking Vaughan. Also what about these folk? https://www.kingline.co.uk/about-us
  11. Inverter provides limited 240v power Microwave/combi oven Hob LCD television & DVD 240 volt power from invertor or shore Its probably a 1300 watt inverter which will power a microwave. I think ringing Barnes is a very good idea particularly if its an issue.
  12. NorfolkNog

    Electric Boat

    See comment on the other thread. Don't they have generators on board? (Barnes boats that is) A battery bank wouldn't power electric cooking and kettles, they can just about do a microwave but that's about it I would imagine.
  13. I thought Barnes boats had generators to power the electric cookers??
  14. Classic stuff Sidney Grapes to a tee
  15. They are getting very keen. We used to tie up there for a few minutes in winter while I nipped over to Faircraft Loynes yard to see if there was a space. Last couple of times Mrs Nog's feet have barely touched the decking before they are out. They were quite sniffy with us last time. In future I'll just go straight into Faircraft Loynes yard. We've yet to fail to find a space in there, often the bit near the crane is a good bet. I suppose in fairness the section outside the hotel is a prime mooring but they could show a bit of flexibility.
  16. Surprised to see this up here in flat cap land, not bad for Woodfordes, bit like Ghost Ship. Wood be better without the sparkler though (just to upset Trevor)
  17. No it ain't! West, more likely South Yorkshire Eee, Barnslay lad
  18. The great man is back! Yippee!!!
  19. Compare that with the Swancraft experience Jean! As I've said before you shouldn't have to run the engine to start or maintain the heating. Not on a well maintained boat! (based on many years of winter cruising)
  20. I think so, I'm sure that I've seen a video somewhere. They looked like they were strapped to the side decks in some way, not sure how they did it.
  21. Very interesting. They should know what they are talking about. Mrs Nog likes to feed the swans, ducks and geese, particularly in winter. She normally buys a big bag of corn/mixed seed but does feed them bread too. One advantage of the corn is that it spreads out and all the birds get some, with lumps of bread sometimes the bigger or greedy birds can get the lions share. But for a charity to take such a stand they obviously feel very strongly about it. Thanks for posting.
  22. We were shown one of the new boats in February. Very smart. However Mrs Nog says she would still prefer Freedom of Light next year. Vaughan makes a good point about yards building bigger boats. The downside is, I belive, they are more difficult to sell on into private hands as the demand tends to be for smaller boats which seem to command a premium and sell quickly. Swancraft were one of the few yards that built smaller boats.
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