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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. With Swancraft heating you'll be snug as a bug Jean, even if it does turn cold. SR still looking good too. Enjoy and looking forward to more updates!
  2. Alison was getting it all set up when we were there in February. Mrs Nog was very impressed with the chocolates
  3. Looks a bit Bridge Inn ish Superb pub Look forward to your reports Jean!
  4. You won't go wrong with the dog Inn, just a short walk from Ludham Bridge. I think they may close on Monday out of season, probably an idea to give them a bell just to be sure they are open. Snap MM beat me to it. They have a good chef and good beer. As I say best to double check out of season.
  5. One option might be to negotiate with the hire yard to see if there is any chance you could be allowed to go through yourself. As usual small family yards may be more accommodating. I would possibly also try speaking to one of Faircraft Loynes yard staff (not the office) just a chance they may be able to help. Not done it personally but anecdotal evidence suggests it might be possible.
  6. Really sorry to hear about this. The yard doesn't sound up to much, I can't see any reference to who it is although I have my suspicions. Water shouldn't be too much of a problem in winter if you know where to go, I'll try to compile a list sometime. Also heating shouldn't be an issue on a well maintained boat. As regular readers will know we've done December and February for the last 11 years without issues (touch wood)
  7. Ouch, that is expensive, in the Faircraft Loynes bracket methinks. It's probably very nice if you've got the money but not me until the numbers come up tomorrow
  8. They are a bit enthusiastic at Salhouse I do love the winter, never been accosted once and moor side on too!
  9. Sorry, misunderstood - getting mixed up between farm lady (who I've never encountered) and the land lady. Apologies, we always just moor at the pub. I suppose if you moor at Stokesby and you're not on your boat it's a fair assumption you'll be in the pub!
  10. Now she is a star We moored there several times this winter, offered to pay but no, she was quite happy. Mind you me and Mrs Nog are not ones to sit with a shandy and 2 straws all night Her handmade chocolates are not to be missed
  11. Back in the depths of my memory I've an idea that someone once slipped on the quay heading at Loddon and injured themselves. I seem to recall this was taken up with the local council rather than the BA which resulted in the emery paper type stuff being tacked along the top of the quay heading which is still there to this day. Just to play devils advocate (never you say) like the national park bit I wonder if the BA just class any place where you can tie up for 24 hours as 'their' mooring. I don't suppose Joe Public are bothered unduly. Is Thorpe listed as a BA mooring? Just a though!
  12. Ha ha, no I think its just that they don't bother in the winter, most of the time there's no one moored there anyway. as I say, I've never been approached for mooring fees anywhere in winter, another plus for going out of season! I agree, the Chet is not a problem for me, I wish I had a quid for every time I've been down there. I pretty much know every twist and turn by now. But I think Simon's point is it could be a little daunting for folks with limited experience or who have never been before.
  13. Was there some talk about charging at Reedham at one time? Or am I imagining it? Trouble is, as I spend most time cruising in winter I've never been charged anywhere for mooring apart from Oulton Broad Yacht station. I've only just realised that you are supposed to pay at Womack. Who collects the money there? I think Simon (White Horse) could have a point, you have to make a fairly determined effort to navigate the Chet and it is possible that the addition of mooring fees on top of that may put people off. Assuming that you could still moor free at Pyes Mill anyway??
  14. One of the best I think. The penultimate penultimate paragraph is superb
  15. Nah, this is a proper TV Mr Fire Sir For the record 625 started in early 60's (64 I think) with BBC2 405 transmissions were finally switched off around 1980 Dual standard TV's with complicated and unreliable switching systems See we've gone off topic again!
  16. There used to be a small square shaped 'cut out' mooring on the left as you approach the new road bridge. Don't know if it's still there or who owns it. From memory it would accommodate several small day/picnic boats.
  17. That would appear entirely logical JM!
  18. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/acle-bridge-visitor-centre-costs-soar-1-5930029 From the EDP Apologies if it's been posted before
  19. If anything syndicates should have an advantage, firstly the boats are used pretty much all year round and secondly the owners all have a vested interest in making sure everything is OK To be honest we've had very little problem over the years - Swancraft were superb and Woods and Bridgecraft excellent too. Perhaps we've been lucky!
  20. G'day Bridgecraft are certainly more 'can do' than most yards. If you are thinking of solo hire well worth giving them a bell.
  21. Good photo of the rail Bridge particularly, rare to see one in colour and of that quality.
  22. Wouldn't surprise me in the least! Wonder if the prospect of a cuppa made him smile just for a moment
  23. Goody goody! That's a Little Sharpie for me and a double G and T for Mrs N Have a good one Jean and don't forget your report please! BTW - most pubs were serving grub in February - I don't think you'll have a problem. the odd one might just do meal times rather than all day but they all seemed to be as normal. Just avoid the Waters Edge!
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