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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Hylander


    In need of a warm up...
  2. Hylander


    Merry Christmas. You have to scroll up to find the card. https://www.jacquielawson.com/sendcard/preview?cont=1&hdn=1&fldCard=3493030&path=83563&pmode=init
  3. Bringing up the rear - I have some Blakes coat hangers. You are going to wish you had not asked.
  4. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!!! It does look a bit of a tip.
  5. I had one telling me the Post Office had tried to deliver that morning (we were in the whole time). Absolute tripe, as our postie said if you were not in , they would leave a card, they dont email people or send texts.
  6. Hylander


    My sister who is 81 and lives in Kent wrote this today... On Radio 5 this morning at 10-10.30 Professor Van Dam was dealing with listeners' virus questions. He is very good at explaining things. At the end of the session, a question from 3 young children - Will Father Christmas get the Jab - Yes most definitely ..
  7. And their fantastic delivery drivers.
  8. Here near to Beccles the Rotary Club always came round with Santa. Even in my 70s I just used to love seeing Santa waiving and the lovely music, albeit, deafening at times, playing Christmas tunes.
  9. You are like my son, so busy , trying to employ extra staff but it is a joke. Just cannot get skilled people. So it is not all doom and gloom.
  10. The Management here thinks that everyone should be lockdown until the vaccine is rolled out. Believe me we have family in Kent in the worst area (Tier 3) and when I mentioned this I was told, oh well nothing has changed really, today said family member has been out running with a friend and tomorrow is going Christmas shopping with someone else. I mean , is it me or are some people just not getting it. As for this daft idea about Christmas and 5 days of Mr Covid not being around, is absolute ruddy nonsense. There will be more people die if it is allowed to happen. Christmas will happen whether people are allowed to mingle with others or not. As for parties someone mentioned, I must be Billy no mates because there has been no parties up here for nearly a year. None of us are allowed to visit our boats or second homes - just watch this space , I bet the Royals will be off to their various palaces as per usual. It is either one rule for everyone and that is it or we just forget the whole thing and just carry on regardless and suffer the consequences.
  11. Hylander


    That would be Grain Road, every house bar a couple were festooned with lights and indeed it was for charity, it later extended to other streets. When the kids were little we always took the short drive up their to see the displays but......... we did it the week before Christmas as not to over hype the kids who were already over excited with the school plays parties etc! We used to live in Sittingbourne, so it was close enough for a short run in the car via The Saver Centre usually, oh the good old days. Do you know if they still decorate for Charity?
  12. If I recall correctly it was me who posted a photo of the life belt that had come adrift from the picnic boat at HW. There was no malice aforethought there at all, Just pointing out that it had come adrift and it would be good if someone rescued it , they are not cheap. I certainly was not spying on people.
  13. Could well be engineers out on one of the cruisers that has an intermittent fault and there is only one way to find it and that is to spend a lot of time trying to find it. May be their tea break. Below is from the other day when the Barnes engineers were running one of their boats out and about.
  14. The only travel mention is below certainly not unlimited.
  15. Yes , I can see it from both sides. For example if illness struck and you could not use your boat, you would not be able to claim a refund of the toll. I'm with Smoggy here with regards to the morons who will be gathering for their Christmas parties etc and spreading this virus even further. At the start of this lockdown I really felt that if everyone pulled together then an end was in sight , albeit , life would still be very different but at least we had our freedom, now thanks to these plebs it is just as bad as at the start. Boris needs to just have the 13 a 11s to stand up and say , for this Christmas, you wont be able to have visitors and that the end of it. Standing there and waffling on and giving no direct rule which has to be obeyed is no help whatsoever, some people have to be told.
  16. Hylander


    The house that is decorated looks like a Garden Centre. At one time in Kent at Wigmore near Gillingham, a street used to decorate every house and it was for charity and it was a joy to visit once a year , I used to take my old Mum when she was alive and did not have Alzheimers , she used to love it, and seeing the kiddies faces light up with it all was wonderful, but now if it is every street has more or less the same decs then it just loses its magic. Christmas is not about people making a quick buck or getting legless or making a pig of oneself overindulging it has a religion meaning to some.
  17. Hylander


    I am tempted to say 'don't tempt me'. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas and the lights etc but just not in November. I just get bored with it all.
  18. Hylander


    Sorry, have to disagree by the time Christmas gets here you will be totally fed up with the Dec's. Dec 1st is bad enough, if I had my way it would be about the 10th Dec.
  19. I decided to write this silly poem just in case you do winterise on Christmas Day. I am no poet. Was the night before Christmas and all through the night Henry was contemplating the early morning flight up to the marina for a treat was in store instead of Roast Turkey it was winterising , such a bore draining, draining , waiting, waiting, in goes the antifreeze , sea cocks all open, dropping off for a nap when he is suddenly awoken thinking of the long journey home of the feast he had missed (yes you know what is coming now) imagining that everyone was now probably inebriated. Who’d own a boat you are thinking but then again just take stock it wont be long and Spring will be here with the turn of the clock and yes the sun will shine your boat will be safe and you will be on cloud nine.
  20. When we sold our Bounty 30 she went to Sussex, Very similar to this one except this one has no bow thruster , solar panels, S.s mud weight which was electric. Bespoke canopies front and back. The woman who bought it got a real bargain , was maintained by Phil at Moonfleet and the inside was a picture with everything updated. Sorry - just reminded me of our boat. - What makes you think I feel bitter. She went for £20,000 , she offered us £16,000 encouraged I might say so by a certain Marina from down South.
  21. Well said Gracie. I think we are all a little bit guilty from time to time of feeling 'poor me' but when you look around you and see genuine folk who are really and I mean really suffering our so called woes pale into insignificance.
  22. I have copied and pasted this because I think the last paragraph is very poignant at this time. Be kind to one another and take time to speak to people , even at a distance. Some old folk do not speak to a soul all day long. The casualty, who was cold shivering and showing mild signs of hypothermia was taken onboard by the rescue team and wrapped up in foil and other blankets to restore heat, while the rescue boat returned to their launch point where the ambulance was waiting. After handing the casualty over to the care of the Ambulance crew, the rescue boat was recovered, and the crew returned to the station to complete the wash-down and prepare the equipment for the next emergency call. Mental health in these difficult times is a constant concern and we should make the effort to look after those who we know to be vulnerable. Sometimes all it takes a kind word or two. Stay safe from all at Hemsby Lifeboat.
  23. Dr Mark Collins, chairman of the Northern Rivers Sailing Club, said this was “fantastic news”, and that the day after the change was announced spent “four or five hours” exercising out in his yacht. He said: “We thought it was unfair that we shouldn’t be able to take our boats out as exercise, and just wanted some consistency from the government. Well I have news for Dr Collins and his yachting mates, us who want to go on motorised boats are no different, nor us, too late now who wanted to go on holiday in a holiday cottage, it was for our mental health as well. It is either a lockdown for all or not at all. You dont think this virus is piccy as to where it lands, it could well land on a yacht as anywhere else.
  24. Thanks for the heads up, I will have a look see. Could do with some light entertainment. Absolutely chucking it down here. We would have been on holiday in a holiday cottage in Potter Heigham at the moment with hubby fishing (?) that's a joke it itself in this weather. Speaking of 'Noflix' We have watched some tripe on there purporting to be films. If anyone has watched any films that they can recommend that are not full of swearing, violence and misery can they let us know. I like a good story with (heaven forbid) a beginning a middle and an end. True films especially I love.
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