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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I am using the diskdigger at the moment and it is finding all of my snaps on the memory stick. Taking a while but I thought they were lost forever. So pleased. Have ordered a new memory stick, where do I find all these that have been downloaded please on my laptop. Thank you.
  2. Oh dear I fear the worst Grendel. No I have not formulated it. It is such a shame as so many memories on it.
  3. I have a data traveller which has worked perfectly and has loads of stuff on it. All of a sudden I am now getting a message to format disk in drive G. When I attempt to do this a message arrives saying if you continue it will wipe the memory stick clean. Any suggestions apart from the 'stick the darn thing in the nearest bin' which is what I am tempted to do please.
  4. Read this yesterday. https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/luxury-cruises-added-to-offering-norfolk-broads-1-5896649
  5. Just watched this on 'catch up'. So they are creating this wonderful new reed bed. Hum hey hum!!! what have you got surrounding the whole of the Broad but a reed bed that filters the water. Who is kidding who here. They need to dump the silt somewhere and some bright spark thought , oh we will at some cost employ people to make a false reed bed. Do they think we all came down with the last shower.
  6. Vanessan - 'looked down on' was exactly how my sister and I felt that day. You would have thought we had done something really bad. Smokers are banished to an outside shed in most places. So yes I did mean what I said , having been on the end of being bellowed at.
  7. I tend to agree with you in a way MM but if it were me and it was my family I would not like it one bit. These days it is expected that people do not smoke and those that do are very much looked down on. I will tell you a tale. My elderly sister and I (when Mum was still alive) were at the hospital visiting. Sis was dying for a fag and we decided to go outside and so my sister could have her cigarette. We walked away from the front doors and she lit up. All of a sudden this loud speaker (the whole of Kent could hear I am sure) bellowed "This is a non smoking area put that cigarette out". Well we looked at each other startled and ran up the road like two naughty school children. We did laugh and had to walk a long way for this blessed cigarette.
  8. Having read the comments below the post on You Tube , one of those referred to smoking on board. I noticed that the reply stated that on certain cheaper boats Richardsons still allow smoking. So anyone who cannot afford a boat other than a cheap boat is going to get that disgusting smell throughout the boat. What is wrong with smokers smoking outside, my hubby used to smoke and he would never dream of smoking in bed (dangerous for a start) and also the smell, let alone the health implications for kiddies if they were the next family on board.
  9. Looked this morning and I guess this gale has been having fun with the camera.
  10. At the end of the day I don't hire any more and will only hire from non smoking Establishments. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  11. Like others I thought it was the Law of the Land now that smoking was banned from public places.
  12. I also lost my dear Dad through lung cancer. They say (whoever they are) that second hand smoke is even worse. The thought that someone had been smoking in bed is beyond bad. Smoke permeates the upholstery and just makes the whole place stink and go a yellow colour. uggh!! I can remember as a child my parents each smoked 40 cigarettes a day. I have never smoked after witnessing all that.
  13. Very good video but and a big but I do not agree with smoking on board. Very unpleasant for other users.
  14. Living locally I found that Norwich Market was geared to the American tourist. Their prices are beyond expensive on the items I have purchased in the past. Fresh salmon which I can pick up for £4 a piece was £8 and £9 each on the market. Yes I felt I was being had.
  15. We lost £3,000 over 10 years on what we paid but spent £15,000 on her. You have to look at the holidays and use you got from the boat , otherwise you would not be very happy.
  16. So pleased for you Mike. In the end I know how you feel just to get it sold.
  17. Cables off to a new home. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  18. Need to sell these cables if anyone is interested. £30 the lot. Can you pm me please? I will make a contribution to the Forum which goes without saying really.
  19. That is handy stuck up at Dilham and no phone connection. Hope there is a public phone box in the area.
  20. If you felt like I do about the programme you would be grateful for no signal. You are supposed to be on holiday on The Broads. Quite frankly I would rather stick pins in my eyes than watch it, all that screeching. Supposed to be singing!!! Just my opinion.
  21. Yes and a totally different set up now from when Jimmy Hoseason ran it.
  22. Surely Robin you know the Law. If something is not 'fit for purpose' which this is obviously not you can get your money back or have it repaired. It is under a year old. This firm is having a laugh and leaving themselves wide open, probably why the change of heart.
  23. Don't forget the Suffu.ians. Expecting a big slap. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  24. How about a pressure cooker. I have this one and it cooks everything in half the time and on one ring. https://www.lakeland.co.uk/18435/Lakeland-3L-Pressure-Cooker-
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