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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Seeing as it's Friday ....... I'll be taking a blue pill tonight
  2. Also a LIE is the claim that toll payment is due on 1st April. Only if your boat is in the water it is, not day before!
  3. Mine gets paid when the boat goes back in the water - not before!
  4. Those of you who are really upset about having to stick to speed limits should perhaps switch from a MoBo to a saily :naughty:
  5. The current average wage in the UK is in the order of £26,500 pa, so I would hardly call that excessive - and remember , £24000 is the TOP of the scale. I wonder what the trouser polishers at Yare House are paid?
  6. Look - the petition is out there. Have a look, sign it if you agree don't if not. All this 'debate' was not what I intended when I put it up - I consider it to be more appropriate on the other Broads thread. Thanks.
  7. Strow, You will find that both of these fine craft date from an earlier period - when dredging WAS considered important.
  8. Although the topic of 'The Broads National Park' is discussed on another thread, I felt that this petition required one of its own. The issue of the democratic deficit in the Authority is important - Please sign. https://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/74305
  9. The premium 'sould' depend on the insured value - so much/£1000. I've been with 'Yachtmaster' for two years now. They know the Broads and the type of boats and the risks found here. http://www.yachtmasterinsurance.co.uk/
  10. Their own target for 'self completes ' (on line responses) was around 500, 147 out of the number of private boat owners alone is p*** poor, given that there are almost 13000 boats registered on the Broads It was publicised here http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/499363/Broad-Sheet-Sept-2014.pdfas well as elsewhere, and was discussed at length on the various fora..
  11. Remember this, and how we were, as boat owners, hirers etc all encouraged to respond to the questionnaire on line? There was even a thread on it, if I recall. Well, the results have now been published. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/525292/Stakeholder-Surveys-Analysis-Appendix-1.pdf Two points ( amongst many) STAGGER me. 1. Only 147 private boat owners took part in the 'on line' survey. 2. " Walking" is the "key" leisure activity undertaken on the Broads. Really ? 147 on line responses!! With such a poor input from us, who put our hard earned cash into the Norfolk Broads in a variety of ways, is it any surprise that we aren't listened to? Further words fail me! ( Well, they don't, but I have no wish to fall foul of the mods.)
  12. It's a long time since I last referred to a Haynes Manual 'in anger' so to speak, however, this did strike a chord Is there a Haynes Manual for that? Haynes: Rotate anticlockwise. Translation: Clamp with molegrips then beat repeatedly with hammer anticlockwise. Haynes: This is a snug fit. Translation: You will skin your knuckles! Haynes: This is a tight fit. Translation: Not a hope in hell matey! Haynes: As described in Chapter 7... Translation: That'll teach you not to read through before you start, now you are looking at scarey photos of the inside of a gearbox. Haynes: Pry... Translation: Hammer a screwdriver into... Haynes: Undo... Translation: Go buy a tin of WD40 (catering size). Haynes: Retain tiny spring... Translation: "Jeez what was that, it nearly had my eye out"! Haynes: Press and rotate to remove bulb... Translation: OK - that's the glass bit off, now fetch some good pliers to dig out the bayonet part. Haynes: Lightly... Translation: Start off lightly and build up till the veins on your forehead are throbbing then re-check the manual because what you are doing now cannot be considered "lightly". Haynes: Weekly checks... Translation: If it isn't broken don't fix it! Haynes: Routine maintenance... Translation: If it isn't broken... it's about to be! Haynes: One spanner rating. Translation: Your Mum could do this... so how did you manage to botch it up? Haynes: Two spanner rating. Translation: Now you may think that you can do this because two is a low, tiny, ikkle number... but you also thought that the wiring diagram was a map of the Tokyo underground (in fact that would have been more use to you). Haynes: Four spanner rating. Translation: You are seriously considering this aren't you, you pleb! Haynes: Five spanner rating. Translation: OK - but don't expect us to ride it afterwards!!! Haynes: If not, you can fabricate your own special tool like this... Translation: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Haynes: Compress... Translation: Squeeze with all your might, jump up and down on, swear at, throw at the garage wall, then search for it in the dark corner of the garage whilst muttering "bugger" repeatedly under your breath. Haynes: Inspect... Translation: Squint at really hard and pretend you know what you are looking at, then declare in a loud knowing voice to your wife "Yep, as I thought, it's going to need a new one"! Haynes: Carefully... Translation: You are about to cut yourself! Haynes: Retaining nut... Translation: Yes, that's it, that big spherical blob of rust. Haynes: Get an assistant... Translation: Prepare to humiliate yourself in front of someone you know. Haynes: Turning the engine will be easier with the spark pugs removed. Translation: However, starting the engine afterwards will be much harder. Once that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach has subsided, you can start to feel deeply ashamed as you gingerly refit the spark plugs. Haynes: Refitting is the reverse sequence to removal. Translation: But you swear in different places. Haynes: Prise away plastic locating pegs... Translation: Snap off... Haynes: Using a suitable drift... Translation: The biggest nail in your tool box isn't a suitable drift! Haynes: Everyday toolkit Translation: Ensure you have an RAC Card & Mobile Phone Haynes: Apply moderate heat... Translation: Placing your mouth near it and huffing isn't moderate heat. Translation #2: Heat up until glowing red, if it still doesn't come undone use a hacksaw. Haynes: Index Translation: List of all the things in the book bar the thing you want to do! Haynes: Replace old gasket with a new one. Translation: I know I've got a tube of Krazy Glue around here somewhere. Haynes: Grease well before refitting. Translation: Spend an hour searching for your tub of grease before chancing upon a bottle of washing-up liquid (dish soap). Wipe some congealed washing up liquid from the dispenser nozzle and use that since it's got a similar texture and will probably get you to Halfords to buy some Castrol grease.
  13. That's where they make their fern curls
  14. They probably have twin engines. One in forward, one reverse... piece of pi**
  15. I believe it was £1.08 just before Christmas at Brooms.
  16. We as a family went to see 'Aladdin' at St Georges Theatre in Gt Yarmouth. It was JUST what panto should be. Humor set at exactly the right level, withinnuendo (or smut if you like ) pitched with subtlety. Add to that a generous helping of audience participation and IMHO it was perfection of its type. We shall certainly be going next Christmas!
  17. I think you may be muddling 'Yorkshire' with 'Nottingham'
  18. Come on folks. The only way is NORFOLK!!!! http://vimeo.com/66629504
  19. It's all right, those bodices are stuffed with kapok
  20. Very pleasant time, with the usual excesses until Sunday, when the water went off . As for TV, well daughter and grandson took control of the remote so it was wall to wall soaps and similar crap !
  21. You could rely on the speed shown on your GPS ! Whatever, all good reason TO STICK TO THE SPEED LIMITS - pretty please....... Especially in Norfolk!!
  22. Which would be simplicity itself to defend, since the construction and use regs. require that a vehicle has a speed measuring device, and 'the indicated speed must not exceed 110% of the actual speed'. Thus at 30mph, no prosecution would 'stick' at a measured speed less than 33mph ..... The vans do not vary from that. However , remember that if your speedo says 77mph, you could be doing almost 85........
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