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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Poppy

    Thurne Lion

    The fact that Rick has posted on this thread today - and NOT to deny the rumours is great news!
  2. Poppy

    Thurne Lion

    I have heard this too. Let's hope it's not just a rumour but based on fact. I also heard that the pub would be given a tart up and will open for the season, then close for proper refurbishment. My source claims the moorings are included in the package.
  3. I think our local Council must have been 'scammed' by a supplier . They sprayed this magic yellow paint around the pot holes a while ago - but they still haven't grown back yet .
  4. Yes it was Horsey - and there were attempts to ban it, not a voluntary pause. . There were all sorts of threats about £20,000 fines , from guess who ?
  5. The driver is always ' in charge'. In that case he was working on his lap top, and failed to notice the lorry. Had he done so, he would have been able to apply brakes or whatever to avoid the incident. There is little wrong with technology, only the human factor.
  6. Poppy

    Boat Door Locks

    Ah, the old 'Liverpool Yale key '
  7. If I had 10 p for every time I was call 'sexist' .... I'd be on about the same wage as the average woman
  8. Wasn't this one, was it ?
  9. Women flippin' drivers! I was behind one on my way home from work yesterday and she indicated to turn left - and what does she go and do? She actually turns left! How am I supposed to prepare myself for these bloomin' mind games?..
  10. Keep to the limit , it won't concern you. Simples.
  11. I think he really wants to reply - but he's 'frit'
  12. I understood that all the rubbish ended up just south of the Norfolk border
  13. Strong westerlies today may hold back the ebb a bit on the north Norfolk coast.
  14. It was so windy I decided to take refuge in the pub. Is it safe to venture outside yet ?
  15. DDT was/is an insecticide. It would have had no effect on undergrowth.
  16. The works are well under way. The piling has gone, and the bank profiling is being carried out. Some form of matting is being put in place, as the last photo shows. It'ss my impression that one or two casual moorings will have been lost at the mouth of the basin.( photo 2) The final outcome remains to be seen.
  17. They'll be all right with all them 'Chelsea Tractors' they've got
  18. Happens everywhere Charlie. Many people are completely ignorant of the meaning of 'average'. I once had a National sales manager who announced to the entire UK sales team that 'I will not be satisfied until everybody in this room is performing above the company average'. A day or two later, we all received an email correcting his statement in which he said " of course, I should have said 'the company median '" He still didn't get it ........
  19. https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/target-area/054WATBT3
  20. I'll go out and give it a try first
  21. I was not suggesting that the pumped spoil will find its way back into the broad, rather that the slurry remaining outside of the dredged area will 'run downhill' .
  22. JM, They are dredging largely in the channel only. The nature of the spoil across the whole Broad means that the liquid mud will soon find its way into the 'deeper' areas.......
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