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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Tapes of Round the Horne & The Navy Lark kept our kids amused for hours on our holiday car journeys. Regards Alan.
  2. I like most Yorkshire folk are known for digging out a bargain, being self employed is also one of the traits for being thrifty, the main concern is that the product has to be like for like, but cheaper. Regarding cleaning fenders we find the magic sponges the best option and only a few ponds for a pack of 50 or 100. Regards Alan
  3. 60 foot of bridge, you can get almost anywhere
  4. Tan myself and the boys came to the Broads fairly recently 2001. We love being close to the water be it the Broads, on canals or at the coast, funny really because neither Tan & I can swim. Of course we have been boating since 1974. The slowing down from modern life is what appeals to us 4 to 6 mph just pottering about and wishing the time to get back into the car remains far away, sadly it always arrives and you are back to your daily pursuits. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Mark, I have not done this but a very large steel boat that used to be near us set off with their shore power cable still attached, we were having breakfast watching them do all of their pre-checks before setting off, sadly they forgot to unplug, the cable ripped the post off of the pontoon, leaving the mains dangling and the water pipe was fractured. On seeing this the skipper was paying more attention to what had happened rather than where he was going and ploughed into a boat opposite. I went and insulated the mains and capped of the water pipe until it could be rectified by Tingdene. I did not know about the issue with someone using your electric post, so a small lock might be the answer. The Tingdene staff are very good, they have accepted deliveries for the boat and will go and put on electric post for us during out of season. Carole the road does need working on, maybe we should all ask Mark or Christine when it is going to be resurfaced. Regards Alan
  6. Now that's a name I have not heard of for a long time. Well done Tim, keep up the good work. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Mark, Plenty of us about and I fully agree with your observations above. One of the things I could not get my head around was that there is only 279 licenced day boats, which to me seems somewhat short on the number that seem to be on the rivers. Regards Alan
  8. I believe that Tingdene Marinas have a visitor agreement with their fellow marinas, I have asked about visitor mooring on Oulton Broad, but sadly did not get a conclusive answer. Our marina in Brundall would have the same policy with regards to none Tingdene berth holders. I would assume that Ferry Marina and the WRC would have some form of agreement on accommodating their berth holders. I agree in principle with the OP that it is a good idea, but in operation it is rife with issues that have have already been highlighted. If all the marinas and the hire yards had a few visitor moorings that could be booked by all, and in all I mean private or hire, be they cruisers or yachts. Maybe I am asking for boating utopia. Regards Alan
  9. Ponds with fish you lift the pump to an higher level so that the lower levels of water remain at an higher temperature, therefore the lower level water remains intact, you are still adding air to the water and it should not completely freeze up, you can of course fit a low wattage pond heater to prevent freezing up, do not be tempted to break any ice, it will unsettle the fish and result in fish deaths. As soon as the weather turns cold you stop feeding the fish unless they active until spring. Regards Alan
  10. Could be, but if so the auctioneers don't know how moisture traps work! Not such a good idea to have the crystals in the collected moisture. Regards Alan
  11. Hi John, Are you going to raise these lower pumps for winter assuming that you do have fish? Regards Alan
  12. On the Auction site one of the pictures shown had a strategically place bowl on a table! Regards Alan
  13. Membership upgrade to Full Membership on the NBN forum. Make 50 Sensible posts that have made a contribution, either amusing or informative. The moderators will post your proposer and seconder thread in the full members area. You will be proposed then seconded by existing full members. There is a waiting time of a week after the proposer/seconder message is posted in the full members section. If there are no objections then you will be made up to a full member and gain access to the members sections as well as the sections of the forum you can already currently see.
  14. Membership upgrade to Full Membership on the NBN forum. Make 50 Sensible posts that have made a contribution, either amusing or informative. The moderators will post your proposer and seconder thread in the full members area. You will be proposed then seconded by existing full members. There is a waiting time after the proposer/seconder message is posted in the full members section. If there are no objections then you will be made up to a full member and gain access to the members sections as well as the sections of the forum you can already currently see.
  15. Membership upgrade to Full Membership on the NBN forum. Make 50 Sensible posts that have made a contribution, either amusing or informative. The moderators will post your proposer and seconder thread in the full members area. You will be proposed then seconded by existing full members. There is a waiting time of a week after the proposer/seconder message is posted in the full members section. If there are no objections then you will be made up to a full member and gain access to the members sections as well as the sections of the forum you can already currently see.
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  17. Same here, well at home that is. We use a Fire Angel CO alarm on the boat. Regards Alan
  18. Hi John, I had to replace the same CO/fire alarm last week after it was bleeping after changing the batteries, I tried another new set of batteries and again after a day it was bleeping again. On the new one I noted that it had limited life. I wanted to get a replacement fast so got one locally at £31.99 if I had waited a few days someone on EBay is selling the same sensor/alarm at less than £20. You know how time flies, I have had the last sensor/alarm for a good number of years and found it to be a good purchase. Regards Alan
  19. Has anyone been in the Lord Nelson since it reopened? Any insight would be appreciated. Regards Alan
  20. Hello Peter, Thank you for your report of the events and how they happened. I do hope that this does stop the speculation all we can ask for now that the family all recover and return back to the water & boats they love. Regards Alan
  21. Hi John, It is basically the same for us when we are on the boat, normally if there is just Tan & myself with no guests planned or training to be done, we leave the Marina and go out for the week. We may have a plan but tend to just go go with the flow. Many of my fellow owners do the same, Tony who is on the boat this week couldn't get under Somerleyton Bridge due to none operation, expansion of the rails again. Because of this and not wanting to go under the bridge at low water he took in the delights of the Somerletyon moorings and the Dukes Head. Mooring on the Southern Broads tends not to be as busy other than places such as Brammerton and Reedham although there were not many spots available when we last on the boat in early July, that week was very busy for some reason. We booked a mooring at Beccles yacht station to be on the safe side but as it turned out there was a few other moorings when we arrived. We tend to not rush about too much although Tan did get pulled up by the Broads Authority once above Alcle; less than 6 mph on the speedo but sadly we were running with a 1 mph tide, early days and now know better, of course the family always reminds Tan of her speed ace days Because of our draft we tend not to do any wild mooring but do mud weight at times. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Simon, Thank you for the link, I like the layout of Monoco but I am not so keen on the dark floor covering. It would be interesting to see a video of the forward berths being converted. Regards Alan
  23. Hello Jonnie, Welcome back to the Broads and the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Iain, I agree that you look nothing like the Duke in the picture, no colourful tie Regards Alan
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